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爱思唯尔公司的非正式刊物Research Trends对爱思唯尔和中信所合办的研讨会的报道(2012)

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爱思唯尔公司的非正式刊物Research Trends对爱思唯尔和中信所合办的研讨会的报道(2012



Reporting Back – Research Trends | Issue 29

Evidence-based Science Policy Research Seminar

The Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC)

March 28th, 2012 | Beijing, China

In a joint seminar attended by over 100 people, Elsevier and The Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC)  hosted a half- day seminar which focused on the importance of using evidence –based approaches to scientific performance analysis especially when using it to inform science policy decisions. Evidence based research relies on the inclusion of diverse datasets in the analysis in order to obtain an in-depth and accurate understanding of scientific progression, competencies and potentialities.

The seminar was hosted by Mr. Wu Yishan, Deputy Director of ISTIC and featured the following speakers:  Dr. Zhao Zhiyun, Deputy Director at ISTIC; Prof. Dr. Diana Hicks, Chair of the School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology; Dr. Henk Moed, Elsevier Scientific Director; and Prof. Peter Haddawy Director of the International Institute for Software Technology at the United Nations University in Macau.

In her opening presentation, Dr. Zhao discussed ISTIC approaches to evidence based research which includes analyzing internal and external bibliographic databases, patents depositories and technical literature. To that end, ISTIC looks to include reliable and comprehensive scientific datasets from around the world and apply diverse bibliometric methodologies in order to be able to position China in the science world and better understand China’s international scientific collaborations.

Dr. Zhao’s presentation opened up the discussion about Bibliometrics as methodology and whether or not it has impact on science policy. To answer this question, Prof Dr. Diana Hicks presented a series of case studies named “Powerful Numbers” in which she demonstrated how absolute figures, taken from different Bibliometric studies, and molded and used by several national administrations in the USA, UK and Australia to make decisions regarding science funding.  After presenting examples of such use of Bibliometric figures, Dr. Hicks concluded that “policy makers over the past few decades have drawn upon analytical scholarly work, and so scholars have produced useful analyses.  However, the relationship between policy and scholarship contains tensions.  Policy users need a clear number.  Scholars seem afraid to draw a strong conclusion, and do not encapsulate their discoveries in simple numbers”.

In the same context, Dr. Henk Moed discussed the use and misuse of the Journal Impact Factor indicator and the ways by which it can be manipulated to achieve certain results, reinforcing the notion that there is no one figure or an absolute numeric value that can represent productivity, impact or competency. He introduced a new journal metric, SNIP (source-normalized impact per paper), and discussed its strong points and limitations. Dr. Moed stressed the fact that any conclusion or decision regarding scientific analysis must be preceded by a careful consideration of the purpose of analysis, the appropriate metric and the unit in consideration.

The seminar was concluded by Prof. Peter Haddawy who presented the Global Research Benchmarking System (GRBS) which provides multi- faceted data and analysis to benchmark research performance in disciplinary and interdisciplinary subject areas. This system demonstrates how using SNIP, publications, citations and h-index figures among other data points enables a comprehensive ranking of universities’ research.

In conclusion, this seminar was able to inform the audience of the importance of opening up analytical work being done on productivity, impact and competencies analysis in science to include as many relevant datasets as possible and use more than one metric or a single number. Evaluation must be multi- faceted and comprehensive, much like the research it is trying to capture which is collaborative, international and multi disciplinary.






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