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已有 1356 次阅读 2024-5-13 06:42 |个人分类:科学计量学研究|系统分类:观点评述




8th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, July 2001

Extended Abstract for Review



Abstract No. 15               No. of Authors:     1       No. of pages:  2                                                       

Country of author(s):  INDIA             References appended:          Yes (in full paper)          

Reviewer name: Wu Yishan; Ravichandra Rao


Date sent out: February 18, 2001

If possible, please attempt to return the reviewer report within 15 days of receiving abstract.


Title: Scientometrics of Laser Research in India and China



An analysis of 1223 papers published by India (347papers)  and China (876papers) at conferences and as journal articles during 1993 and 1997 in the field of laser science and technology, indicates that China's output was twice to that of India. However, Activity Index for both the countries in 1993 and 1997 were almost the same. Chinese scientists preferred to publish in domestic journals, while Indian scientists published in foreign journals. The number of papers by Indian scientists in SCI covered journals and journals with high normalized impact factor were more than China, and, thus, better connected to the mainstream science as compared to China. The impact made by Indian papers were more than Chinese papers as reflected by normalized impact per paper, proportion of high quality papers, and publication effective index. Indian papers also got more citations per paper than China. Mega authored papers by China were more than India.  

 The full paper is sent as an extra attachment. This author did not send an extended abstract as requested.


Abstract No. 15


Score Card: Please indicate the rating you give this submission on the scale below by marking your choice.


 5. _____________   Excellent  – definitely accept for oral presentation

4. ____√_________    Good – probably accept

3. _____________    Marginal acceptability for oral presentation - may be better as poster

2. _____________    Acceptable as poster but not as oral presentation

1. _____________    Unacceptable



REVIEWER REPORT FOR ISSI ONLY (Written comments for the ISSI Selection Panel)


Title: Scientometrics of Laser Research in India and China

Insert comments here for ISSI-2001 Organising Committee and overall Program Chair, Grant Lewison.


This practical paper has done a through comparative analysis of laser papers in India and China by using various suitable indicators. The analysis and conclusion provide a lot of beneficial implications for science policy makers of both countries. It shows that scientometric method could be applied as a successful tool for policy analysis.

However, the main reason for the fact that China has more papers published in domestic journals might not be “preference”, but language barrier.   

REVIEWER REPORT FOR AUTHOR (comments to be made available to authors)



Electronic return: issi2001@unsw.edu.au            Subject: Reviewers Report -Abstract No. 15


Postal return:

Chair, 8th ISSI Organising Committee,

School of Information Systems, Technology and Management,

The University of New South Wales



Title:  Scientometrics of Laser Research in India and China

Insert comments here for giving to the author(s)


This practical paper has done a through comparative analysis of laser papers in India and China by using various suitable indicators. The analysis and conclusion could provide a lot of beneficial enlightenment for science policy makers of both countries. It seems that the author could do even better if only he adds some simple policy implications. For instance, laser technology is one of the 8 priority Subjects listed in China’s National High Technology Development Program (or “863 Program”). Is there similar emphasis on laser on India’s side? Such background comparison would put the analysis into a more relevant perspective.  



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