博主按:2009年,我和学生合写的一篇论文投给了Learned Publishing杂志,获得了详尽的评审意见。评审者实际上指出了本研究设计中的考虑不周,我们就无法通过修改稿件来解决问题了,只能重新设计,重新做一遍。但学生已经毕业,不可能重做了,于是我就放弃了。这是我的英文稿件中,唯一一篇在拿到批评性评审意见后我决定放弃的,其他稿件修改后最终都得以发表。
我们给Learned Publishing杂志的一篇投稿获得的审稿意见(2009)
First and foremost, I believe that it is out of scope of the general audience of Learned Publishing. This type of article should be submitted to a more specialized publication, such as Scientometrics.
The experimental set-up is inadequate by way of the selection of so few journals (Table 1). A total of 17 journals, 8 international, 9 national, and then further split into three categories, is not a representative sample. Comparing JAMA and NEJM with e.g. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine seems to be a little inappropriate.
The description of the origin of the citation data is unclear. For instance the time span is listed as 2000 to 2004. It is unclear as to whether this refers to the publication years, or to the years of citations, or to both.
There is no explanation as to where the figures quoted for the citing half-life (Table 2) have come from. It is possible that they originate from one or other of the three citation indexes mentioned, but no data is presented to substantiate this, nor to explain over what period of time this represents. Thomson/ISI data on citing (or cited) half lives does not extend beyond 10 years. If the value exceeds 10 years, it is depicted as “>10”. The fact that there are some values in excess of 10 in these figures suggests that the data does not originate from Thomson/ISI. That the Philosophy of Medicine journals have citing half-lives intermediate between Medicine and Philosophy is of little consequence.
There is no description at all of how the data which were then used to form the citation visualizations was generated, therefore no conclusions can be reliably formed regarding these figures. Visualizations of the citation environment are becoming ever more common in the Scientometric literature; see http://www.leydesdorff.net/jcr04/jcr2pajek.pdf and references therein for an example of the state of the art. The paper under review is not a good example of this type of analysis. The citation mapping procedure is one which has generated enormous debate in the Scientometric community, see for example: http://users.fmg.uva.nl/lleydesdorff/aca07/index.htm and references therein, particularly Ahlgren et al., 2004; Bensman, 2004; White, 2003, 2004; Leydesdorff, 2005. To not mention any information as to how the data was generated is to trivialize the process. Figures 1-5 purport to show a strengthening of the relationship between the journal sub-sets. Removal of the 2001 and 2003 figures (Figures 2 and 4) would have increased the visual contrast, however, it is impossible to confirm this from visual inspection alone of the figures. As no minimum threshold of similarity has been applied (or at least stated that it has been applied), and limited journals are selected, there is always going to be a tendency for the journals to be connected, and the apparent closeness over time may simply be an artifact of the data. The author will have created similarity-measurements which are then fed into the visualization software (NB the visualization software is not named, but should be). These values may indeed indicate a strengthening, but from figures 1-5 themselves it is impossible to say so. The lack of numerical information on the magnitude of the similarity measures hinders any conclusions from being drawn from this information. The fact that there are likely to be large differences in magnitude of citations between the different journals, could lead to a large degree of between year ‘noise’ in the sample. Comparing the thickness of the line between JAMA and NEJM, figure 4 shows a very large difference from the other figures. This is unexpected, and may indicate some problems with the data.
The data on distribution of author affiliation does not provide any insight, as it is limited to two journals only, and only titles from the Philosophy of Medicine sub-group. Further it is unclear as to how these sets have been defined e.g. under what criteria, and who did the assignment? No explanation has been provided as to why only the first author affiliation was used, nor as to why so many affiliations were classified as ‘other’ for JME.
As per point 4, the comparison of citing half-lives of the sets of journals suffers from inadequate numbers of journals, and from no explanation as to the origin of these figures. Are comparisons between the domestic and international journals valid? Do the figures come for comparable citation indexes? The observation that journals from the Philosophy of Medicine sub-group has the shortest citing half-life of the three groups of journals, is interesting in that it is different from the observation regarding the international journals.
As per point 5, no conclusions can be drawn from the visualization data of the citation networks of the domestic journals without knowing its origin.
The analysis of share of references (table 5) between the Philosophy, Medicine, and Philosophy of Medicine sub-groups is unclear as to how these sets have been defined e.g. under what criteria, and who did the assignment? The differences in the share of ‘medicine’ or ‘philosophy’ references may be easily attributable to differences in the annual output of the Medicine & Philosophy journal, but no mention is made of this potential confounding factor. NB the authors refer to a Table 8, where they probably mean Table 5.
The comparisons of author affiliation for the two domestic Philosophy of Medicine journals is not the same comparison as per that in Table 2, and no information is provided as to the criteria for this assignment of affiliation.
The comparison between domestic and international journals is weak, as we cannot say with certainty that the citation networks as formulated are comparable. The results discussed in Table 7 need further explanation as to their origin. Data for the domestic journals is identical to that presented in Table 5, which is for a single domestic journal, Medicine and Philosophy. The international data is from Journal of Medicine & Philosophy. This data was presented in Table 3, however, in that data there was a fourth categorization of “Other”, that is not presented in Table 7. Taken together, Table 7 does not compare domestic with international journals, it compares a single domestic journal, with a single international journal, and the latter has had the categorization of “other” removed between Table 3 and 7.
The conclusions are all based on the limited set of journal data available, and as such are simply not very strong
The references are entirely inadequate.
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