2025-2-7 19:00




Fig. 1 CBD and THC during pregnancy may harm fetal growth and brain development, according to new research. Scientists found changes in placenta function and offspring behavior, challenging the perception that CBD is a safe option for expecting mothers.


Fig. 2 A new McMaster University study is highlighting the potential risks involved in using cannabis while pregnant.


Fig. 3 A Comparison of CBD and THC

据加拿大麦克马斯特大学(McMaster University)2025年2月5日提供的消息,新的研究挑战了怀孕期间关于大麻二酚(Cannabidiol简称CBD)的信念,揭示了意想不到的风险(New Study Challenges Beliefs About CBD in Pregnancy, Reveals Unexpected Risks)。

CBD作为治疗恶心和焦虑等怀孕症状的药物越来越受欢迎,但新的研究表明,它可能不像许多人认为的那么安全。(CBD is gaining popularity as a remedy for pregnancy symptoms like nausea and anxiety, but new research suggests it may not be as safe as many believe.)

麦克马斯特大学的一项研究发现,口服大麻(cannabis),包括四氢大麻酚( tetrahydrocannabinol简称THC)和大麻二酚(CBD),与胎儿生长受损、胎盘发育异常和后代的长期行为改变有关。

孕期使用CBD:研究揭示潜在风险(CBD Use in Pregnancy: Research Uncovers Potential Risks)



2025年2月5日发表在《柳叶刀发现科学》(The Lancet Discovery Science)的《电子生物医学》(eBioMedicine)上的这项研究发现,怀孕早期到中期口服大麻与胎儿生长受限、胎盘发育改变以及对后代行为的长期影响有关,包括攻击性、活动水平和学习能力的改变。原文详见:Tyrah M RitchieEmily FengFatemeh VahediSofya ErmolinaChristian J BellissimoErica De JongAna L PortilloSophie M PoznanskiLauren ChanSara M EttehadiehDeborah M SlobodaDawn M E BowdishAli A Ashkar. The impact of oral cannabis consumption during pregnancy on maternal spiral artery remodelling, fetal growth and offspring behaviour in mice. EBioMedicine, 2025 Feb 3: 105572. DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2025.105572.

参与此项研究的有来自加拿大汉密尔顿的麦克马斯特大学(Department of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; McMaster Immunology Research Centre, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Centre for Discovery in Cancer Research, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada)、加拿大汉密尔顿的圣约瑟夫医疗中心凡士通呼吸健康研究所(Firestone Institute for Respiratory Health, St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton, ON, Canada)的研究人员。

认知与现实:CBD真的安全吗?(Perception vs. Reality: Is CBD Really Safe?


我们的研究揭示了CBD在怀孕期间也可能有害的可能性,”领导这项研究、同时在麦克马斯特大学医学科学项目(Medical Sciences program at McMaster University)和麦克马斯特免疫学研究中心(McMaster Immunology Research Centre)完成了她硕士学位的泰拉·里奇(Tyrah Ritchie)说。

大麻使用可能影响生长和行为(Cannabis Use May Impact Growth and Behavior

由泰拉·里奇和麦克马斯特大学医学系教授阿里·阿什卡(Ali Ashkar)领导的研究小组,通过给老鼠模型注射大麻油,并在怀孕和分娩期间跟踪胎儿的发育情况进行了研究。


阿里·阿什卡说:“我们确实发现四氢大麻酚(THC)和大麻二酚(CBD)都能破坏一种特殊类型的免疫细胞,这种细胞被称为子宫NK细胞(Uterine NK Cell),对胎盘的正常发育至关重要。我们还发现,帮助向胎盘供血的动脉发育不良。我们认为这可能会破坏婴儿的营养和氧气输送,并导致宫内生长受限。”

对后代行为的长期影响(Long-Term Effects on Offspring Behaviour



CBD和怀孕需要更多的研究(More Research Needed on CBD and Pregnancy


该研究得到了迈克尔·德格鲁特药物癌症研究中心(Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Medicinal Cancer Research)、加拿大卫生研究院(Canadian Institutes of Health Research)以及加拿大创新基金会(Canadian Foundation for Innovation)的资助。


Is CBD use during pregnancy as safe as people think? New study uncovers potential risks to babies


Background: The use of cannabis during pregnancy is rising following its widespread legalization. Cannabidiol (CBD) is gaining popularity due to the public perception that it is safer than the psychoactive cannabis component Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, while evidence underpins the harm of THC and cannabis smoke on fetal development, there is minimal research on the safety of CBD and oral cannabis. The current study aims to decipher the safety of oral CBD and THC use during pregnancy.

Methods: Using a mouse model, we directly compared the effects of oral CBD and THC oil exposure (20 mg/kg body weight) from early to mid-gestation on implantation site remodelling and fetal growth. We examined offspring behaviour and metabolic activity using both traditional and automated cage systems. Lastly, using human and mouse immune cells we assessed how CBD and THC influence angiogenic factor production.

Findings: We observed impaired maternal spiral artery remodelling in cannabis exposed mice and found that CBD and THC disrupt immune cell angiogenic factor production. Oral consumption of THC or CBD oil also resulted in significant fetal growth impairment and led to long-lasting sex-dependent consequences as male offspring exhibited altered aggression and metabolic activity while females had impaired spatial learning.

Interpretation: Our results show that oral consumption of either CBD or THC oil during pregnancy in mice results in harm to the developing fetus and causes behavioural changes after birth.





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