具有导电性质的自组织纳米结构 精选
2025-2-7 17:16




Fig. 1 A look inside the laboratory: the team from Münster examined the adsorption behaviour of the nanobelts using scanning tunnelling microscopy. © Uni MS - Harry Mönig


Fig. 2 Carbon nanobelts and thiophene derivative (sulphur-containing carbon rings) are of interest for various applications in chemistry. The Japanese-German research team fused both compounds for the first time. © Copyright: H. Shudo et al. (2025); DOI: 10.1038/s41467-025-55896-w.


Fig. 3 Top row: experimental scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) image of the nanobelt on a gold surface (left), simulation of the nanobelt on the gold surface (centre) and STM simulation (right); bottom row: analogous: nanobelt on copper surface © Copyright: H. Shudo et al. (2025); DOI: 10.1038/s41467-025-55896-w.

据德国明斯特大学(University of Münster)2025年2月5日提供的消息,研究了具有导电性质的自组织纳米结构(Study presents self-organising nanostructures with conductive properties)。

日德研究小组合成噻吩融合纳米带/分析揭示了分子的结构和行为(Japanese-German research team synthesises thiophene-fused nanobelts / Analysis reveals structure and behaviour of the molecules

在寻找有用材料的过程中,有必要仔细研究一下最小的结构:纳米级的材料有时具有独特的性质,例如导电性。这些包括纳米碳,如球形C60分子,纳米管和二维石墨烯。理论上的考虑也预测了由碳环组成的带状化合物的有趣性质。例如,它们可以用作光电元件或分子自组装成规则结构的“自修复材料”( "self-healing materials")。一个日德研究小组,包括来自德国国明斯特大学有机化学研究所和物理研究所(Organic-Chemistry Institute and the Institute of Physics at the University of Münster)的科学家,现在已经制备并分析了这种碳纳米带(carbon nanobelts)。相关研究结果于2025年2月3日已经在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志网站发表——Hiroki ShudoPhilipp WiesenerElena KolodzeiskiKiichi MizukamiDaiki ImotoHarry MönigSaeed AmirjalayerHirotoshi SakamotoHenning KlaasenBart Jan RavooNobuo KimizukaAkiko YagiKenichiro Itami. Thiophene-fused aromatic belts. Nature Communications, 2025 Feb 3; 16(1): 1074. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-025-55896-w. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11790897/

参与此项研究的有来自日本名古屋大学{Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University; Chikusa, Nagoya, Japan; Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya University; Chikusa, Nagoya, Japan}、德国明斯特大学(Institute of Physics, University of Münster, Münster, Germany; Organic Chemistry Institute, University of Münster, Münster, Germany)、德国慕尼黑工业大学(TUM School of Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Munich, München, Germany)、日本九州大学(Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)、德国海德堡大学(Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany)、日本京都大学(Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)、日本理化学研究所(Molecule Creation Laboratory, RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research, RIKEN; Wako, Saitama, Japan)的研究人员。

纳米带本身已经被频繁地合成,但是新的纳米带首次含有噻吩(thiophene),一种由四个碳原子和一个硫原子组成的环状化合物。“除其他用途外,噻吩基材料被用作半导体。我们现在已经证明,噻吩可以集成到纳米带中,”明斯特大学化学家巴特·简·拉沃教授(Prof Bart Jan Ravoo)强调说。虽然纳米带尚未应用,但“每一次成功的合成都使我们更接近为定制光电元件生产化合物的目标。”

形成的分子是中性带电的,但具有强烈的极化,因为所有的硫原子都在纳米带的同一侧。这使得分子在晶体化合物中非常强烈地相互吸引,并堆叠成柱状,使它们成为在表面上创建大型有序结构的理想选择。物理学家哈里·莫尼格博士(Dr Harry Mönig)说:“金和铜的结果惊人地不同。在金表面,分子聚集在原子台阶边缘,硫原子指向表面。相比之下,在铜上,分子聚集在平坦的晶体平面上的大岛上。在这种情况下,硫原子指向远离表面的地方。”该合成是在日本名古屋大学(University of Nagoya)进行的,从已知的化合物开始,只需一步,收率非常高。通过日德交流项目——“国际研究培训小组明斯特-名古屋”{"International Research Training Group Münster-Nagoya" (IRTG 2678)},明斯特在表面化学领域的专业知识得到了很好的利用:该团队首次成功地蒸发了分子,以便在表面上无溶剂地分析它们。明斯特的研究小组利用扫描隧道显微镜研究了分子在各种金属表面的吸附行为。在此过程中,他们揭示了亚分子范围内的结构,并显示了分子之间或分子与各自表面之间的相互作用。实验研究得到了理论模拟的补充。

本研究得到了日本科学促进会{19H05463/MEXT | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS); 22K21346/MEXT | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)}、日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术省(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan)以及德国研究基金会(German Research Foundation)的资助。



Aromatic belts, ultrashort carbon nanotubes, and related structures, are emerging molecular entities in the fields of organic electronics and supramolecular chemistry owing to their structural rigidity, fully fused π-conjugation, and well-defined cavity. Synthesis of aromatic belts with embedded thiophene structures, which manifest significant optoelectronic and conductive properties, has not yet been achieved. Herein, we report the synthesis of thiophene-fused aromatic belts (thiophene belts) via one-step sulfur cross-linking reaction of partially fluorinated cycloparaphenylenes. Their structural features, including unidirectional columnar stacking with high dipole moment in crystals, two-dimensional layer assembly on metal surfaces, and photophysical properties, such as long-lifetime phosphorescence, are uncovered. These distinctive features of the thiophene belts should inspire a range of applications such as optoelectronic devices and polar materials.





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