


A NEVER list if you are taking care of someone in dementia

A NEVER list if you are taking care of someone in mental decline Everyone of us may have the occasion/responsibility of taking care of some loved ones in cognitive decline. Here is a list of NEVER do . . . Instead of do …. Provided by East Central Floride Mental clinic of west Melbour ...
2024-7-25 03:44

Benefit of physical exercises

I love all kinds of food, never followed a diet, or did exercise since getting married and becoming a working adult instead of a student in graduate school from 1960. As a result my body weight slowly but surely increased over a period of 65 years from 130 lbs to 182 lbs. Two and hal ...
2024-7-19 02:23

On behalf of my wife and myself in thanking CAAL

The Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) recently had a small ceremony honorrng various Chuinese American resident of the town for their services and contributions to the civil life and public services for the town. My wife and I were among the recipients of certificates. At the risk of ...
2024-7-11 23:01

Pros and Cons of an Academic Life

Pros and Cons of an Academic Life (For academic scholars only not for academic administrators) · To achieve success is difficult in any field but the academic lane has some special advantages · &nb ...
2024-7-4 18:50

A Family history of Humanity by Simon Sebag Montefiore

The Book (1300+ pages) – A Family history of Humanity by Simon Sebag Montefiore I accidentally came upon a copy of this book (first published in 2022) and bought it out of curiosity since my wife also likes to read about history. The Table of Content (TOC) of this book alone takes ...
2024-6-23 04:16

My 70+ Years Old Misconception about US Immigration Laws

America is often celebrated as a nation of immigrants (for their contributions and patriotiism) . However, one may also argue that the US is a nation of European immigrants both in terms of the majority population and racial identities. There is a darker side of US history of Anti- Asian immi ...
2024-6-19 23:44

Getting there is all the fun!

Last night I received a phone call from a former Tsinghua student who was a student in my class when I lectured there in 2004. Since then he has come to the US received his graduate degree and started his academic career. He called to inform me that he has just received word from the Dean at Harvar ...
2024-6-18 22:11

The Revolution in illegal drugs

It is worthwhile to take note of the technological, social, and commercial revolution taking place in illegal drugs. In the olden day when opium first became avaliable, you need a pieice of land to plant the crop that can be used to produce opium.You need to own the land, to protect (i.e., paying f ...
2024-6-10 18:06

Another giant of control leaves us

I just learned that Bristish control theorist, David Mayne, unexpectedly passed away on May 27 after spending a festive week with friends and family. He was 94. I knew David since 1969 and had close interactions with him both in UK and USA. Last time I seen him in person was at his 90th birthday zo ...
2024-6-6 19:00

To young scholars wishing to learn (II)

.In my active research days, I supervise no more than five students at any one time. To teach research and explore new topics, you need working with students in one-on-one setting in hour long session at least once or twice a week. I have been retired since 2007 and wrote my last paper in 2009. I ...
2024-6-3 03:44
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