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已有 1778 次阅读 2023-1-27 19:37 |个人分类:药物动态|系统分类:论文交流




Fig. 1 Decomposition of membrane into vesicle-like structure in Pseudomonas aeruginosa treated with the cyprofloxacin complex.


Fig. 2 Eduard Torrents, associate professor at the UB Faculty of Biology and IBEC principal researcher.

据西班牙巴塞罗那大学(University of Barcelona简称UB, Spain2023126日报道,研究人员发现如何改进现有的抗生素并开发新的抗菌疗法(Researchers find how to improve existing antibiotics and develop new antimicrobial treatments)

缺乏有效的抗生素是对全球健康日益严重的威胁。近几十年来,只有少数新型抗菌剂能够进入市场。为已知的抗生素——或那些因毒性而停止使用的抗生素——设计新的功能是弥补这种药物短缺的策略之一。现在,巴塞罗那大学和加泰罗尼亚生物工程研究所 (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia简称IBEC) 的团队进行的一项研究改进了已知的抗生素,使它们在更小的剂量下更有效。这一发现开辟了以创新和负担得起的方式开发新的抗菌治疗的可能性。相关研究结果于20221112日已经在自然(Nature)旗下的《通讯生物学》(Communications Biology)杂志网站发表——Marija VukomanovicLea GazvodaMario KurtjakJitka HrescakBlaž JaklicLaura Moya-AndéricoMaria del Mar CendraEduard TorrentsDevelopment of a ternary cyclodextrin-arginine-ciprofloxacin antimicrobial complex with enhanced stability. Communications Biology, Published: 12 November 2022, Volume 5, Article number: 1234. DOI: 10.1038/s42003-022-04197-9. https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-022-04197-9

此研究由UB生物学院UB Faculty of Biology)副教授、兼IBEC首席研究员爱德华·托伦茨(Eduard Torrents)以及来自斯洛文尼亚约瑟夫·斯特藩研究所(Jozef Stefan Institute in Slovenia)的团队领导。参与此项研究的还有来自斯洛文尼亚首都卢布尔雅那的约瑟夫·斯特藩国际研究生院(International Postgraduate School of Jozef Stefan, Jamova, Ljubljana, Slovenia)、西班牙巴塞罗那科学技术研究院加泰罗尼亚生物工程研究所{Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), The Institute of Science and Technology, Baldiri Reixac, Barcelona, Spain}的研究人员。

重复使用抗生素解决全球性问题(Reusing antibiotics to solve a global problem

重新设计旧抗生素的一种简单且廉价的方法是将它们包含在能够改变其某些特性(溶解度、稳定性、生物利用度、渗透性等)的复合物中,这些特性对于它们有效对抗细菌至关重要。出于这个原因,该团队设计了一种新的三元复合物(ternary complex),其中抗生素环丙沙星(ciprofloxacin)通过精氨酸(arginine,氨基酸的一种)与环糊精(cyclodextrin)的亲水表面结合,精氨酸充当两个分子之间的纽带。与其他不太稳定、仅改变抗生素溶解度的经典包合物(inclusion complexes)相比,本研究中合成的三元复合物也更加稳定和高效。

这种新的复合物增强了药物与细菌膜的相互作用,并增加了它在细胞内的生物利用度,从而提高了它的抗菌功效和安全性。UB遗传学、微生物学和统计学系Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics of the UB)的爱德华·托伦茨(Eduard Torrents)说:它的释放更受控制,并且允许更小的量更有效。因此,治疗对生物体的毒性更小


本研究得到了欧盟委员会(European Commission)在地平线2020的玛丽居里行动COFUND计划(Horizon 2020’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND scheme, Grant Agreement no. 712754)、西班牙科学与竞争力部塞韦罗·奥乔亚项目{ Severo Ochoa program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Competitiveness, Grant SEV-2014-0425 (2015-2019)}、西班牙经济和竞争力部{ Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO/FEDER) (RTI2018-098573-B-100) }、加泰罗尼亚政府{Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR-1079 and CERCA program) }、加泰罗尼亚囊性纤维化协会(Catalan Cystic Fibrosis associations)、西班牙储蓄银行基金会(La Caixa Foundation)以及斯洛文尼亚研究机构{Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) (grants J2-8169, N2-0150, and P2-0091)}的资助。



Designing useful functionalities in clinically validated, old antibiotics holds promise to provide the most economical solution for the global lack of effective antibiotics, as undoubtedly a serious health threat. Here we show that using the surface chemistry of the cyclodextrin (βCD) cycle and arginine (arg) as a linker, provides more stable ternary antibiotic complex (βCD-arg-cpx). In contrast to classical less stable inclusion complexes, which only modify antibiotic solubility, here-presented ternary complex is more stable and controls drug release. The components of the complex intensify interactions with bacterial membranes and increase the drug’s availability inside bacterial cells, thereby improving its antimicrobial efficacy and safety profile. Multifunctional antibiotics, formulated as drug delivery systems per se, that take the drug to the site of action, maximize its efficacy, and provide optical detectability are envisaged as the future in fighting against infections. Their role as a tool against multiresistant strains remains as interesting challenge open for further research.


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