2023年9月8日,期刊PLOS ONE撤回了两篇相关论文,撤稿通知中明确列出了在PubPeer上发现的图像重复问题。通知指出,作者无法提供原始数据,因此编辑决定撤回这两篇文章。通知还提到,利希滕斯坦是这两篇文章“未作回应或无法联系到”的作者之一。
“Cytotoxic properties of a DEPTOR-mTOR inhibitor in multiple myeloma cells,”Cancer Research, 2016 (20 citations, according to Clarivate’s Web of Science)
“DEPTOR is linked to a TORC1-p21 survival proliferation pathway in multiple myeloma,” Genes & Cancer, 2014 (not indexed in Web of Science)
“Interleukin-6 activates phosphoinositol-3 kinase in multiple myeloma tumor cells by signaling through RAS-dependent and, separately, through p85-dependent pathways,” Oncogene, 2004 (46 citations)
“MNK1-induced eIF-4E phosphorylation in myeloma cells: a pathway mediating IL-6-induced expansion and expression of genes involved in metabolic and proteotoxic responses,” PLoS One, 2014 (10 citations; none after the 2023 retraction)
“Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors activate the AKT kinase in multiple myeloma cells by up-regulating the insulin-like growth factor receptor/insulin receptor substrate-1/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase cascade,” Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 2005 (287 citations)
“Inhibition of SAPK2/p38 enhances sensitivity to mTORC1 inhibition by blocking IRES-mediated translation initiation in glioblastoma,” Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 2011 (18 citations)
“Specific blockade of Rictor-mTOR association inhibits mTORC2 activity and is cytotoxic in glioblastoma,” PLoS One, 2017 (63 citations; 54 after a 2019 correction, 8 after a 2023 retraction)
“MNK kinases facilitate c-myc IRES activity in rapamycin-treated multiple myeloma,” Oncogene, 2013 (21 citations; 2 after the 2023 expression of concern)
“The PP242 mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor activates extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in multiple myeloma cells via a target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1)/eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF-4E)/RAF pathway and activation is a mechanism of resistance,” Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012 (66 citations)
“Therapeutic potential of targeting IRES-dependent c-myc translation in multiple myeloma cells during ER stress,” Oncogene, 2016 (58 citations; three after the 2023 retraction)
“SGK kinase activity in multiple myeloma cells protects against ER stress apoptosis via a SEK-dependent mechanism,” Molecular Cancer Research, 2016 (10 citations)
“A novel therapeutic induces DEPTOR degradation in multiple myeloma cells with resulting tumor cytotoxicity,” Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 2019 (7 citations)
“Downstream effectors of oncogenic ras in multiple myeloma cells,” Blood, 2003 (116 citations)
作者:Rocia 校对:Leste 审核:Joy(转载请联系授权并标注来源美捷登)
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