图林小子的非正经学术分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/tulinxiaozi 《走好学术路 科研萌新的自我修养》作者,以一种非正式的方式,传播自己的学术思考与经验,让更多的科研新人受益,让学术世界变得有温度。



已有 1820 次阅读 2024-1-14 08:30 |个人分类:读书笔记|系统分类:科研笔记


前段时间较为系统地阅读了一本书《智慧社会--大数据与社会物理学》,英文书名《Social Physics: how good ideas spread - the lessons from a new science》。作者阿莱克斯·彭特兰,全球大数据权威、可穿戴设备之父、MIT人类动力学实验室主任。该书对社会物理学(Social Physics)的基本概念、应用前景进行了较为系统的介绍。书中的一些概念和思想让人深受启发,例如:以下是如何提升学习效率与效果方面的几个句子。

  • 效仿他人的成功与个人学习相结合,要比仅靠个体学习好得多。

  • 当你的个人信息不够清晰的时候,更多地依赖社会学习;当你的个人信息足够强大的时候,则应该少依赖社会学习。

  • 社会学习的威力体现在了社会网络中,丰富你的社会网络(例如:增加你的联系人和社会网络的多样性)能够让你更容易找到决策时的最佳策略。



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在系统地学习这本书的时候,扩展查找了一些 Albert Bandura的社会学习理论及其著名的Bobo doll experiment的相关资料,整理如下,供感兴趣的朋友们阅读。

一、社会学习理论(Social learning theory)


社会学习理论是指人们可以通过观察他人、他们的行为以及他们行为的结果来学习(People can learn through observation of others, their behavior, and the outcomes of their behavior.)(Bandura,1977)[1]。

二、Bandura的波波玩偶实验(Bobo doll experiment (Bandura, Ross, and Ross (1961))[2]

Bandura, Ross和Ross(1961)测试了来自斯坦福大学幼儿园的36名男孩和36名女孩,年龄在3到6岁之间。研究人员通过观察幼儿园里的孩子,预先测试了孩子们的攻击性,并用4个5分量表来判断他们的攻击性行为。然后将他们分成了三组(两个实验组和一个对照组),自变量为(the type of model)。

  • Aggressive model is shown to 24 children;

  • Non-aggressive model is shown to 24 children;

  • No model is shown (control condition) – 24 children.


  • 观察攻击性模型的孩子比非攻击性组或对照组的孩子做出了更多的模仿性攻击反应。

  • 在观察到攻击行为的儿童中,尽管非模仿攻击的差异很小,但部分和非模仿攻击更多。

  • 在具有攻击性的模型条件下,如果模型是男性,女孩也表现出更多的身体攻击性反应,但如果模型是女性,女孩则表现出更多的言语攻击性反应。然而,这种普遍模式的例外是观察他们打Bobo的频率,在这种情况下,性别的影响是相反的。

  • 男孩比女孩更有可能模仿同性模型。女孩模仿同性模型的证据并不充分。

  • 男孩比女孩模仿更多的身体攻击行为。男孩和女孩在言语攻击方面的差异不大。

三、Professor Albert Bandura (1925 - 2021) [3]

Professor Albert Bandura (1925 - 2021) was an innovative scholar whose pioneering work in social cognitive theory has served as a rich resource for academics, practitioners, and policy makers alike across disciplinary lines. His illustrative career includes groundbreaking work across a broad range of areas. His seminal research on social modeling expanded our view of human learning and the growing primacy of this mode of learning in this electronic era. His later research on self-regulatory mechanisms, and the influential role of perceived self-efficacy in self-development, adaptation and change, laid the theoretical foundation for his theory of human agency. These diverse programs of research blend his theoretical interests with an abiding concern for the use of our knowledge for human enlightenment and betterment.

Bandura's contributions to psychology have been recognized in the countless scientific awards and honorary degrees he has received. In addittion he was elected to the Order of Canada, the highest honor for national distinguished achievements, the National Academy of Medicine, and the National Medal of Science, the most prestigious scientific award in the United States, bestowed by President Obama.


[1]Bandura, A. Social learning theory. Prentice-Hall,1977.

[2]Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment On Social Learning[EB/OL].[2023-4-16].https://www.simplypsychology.org/bobo-doll.html.

[3]Albert[EB/OL].[2023-4-16]. https://albertbandura.com/ 


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