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已有 2466 次阅读 2023-1-28 08:23 |个人分类:期刊精选|系统分类:博客资讯



特刊:Exposome x Genome

期刊:Human Genomics

客座编辑:Xiaoming Shi & Nikolaos S. Thomaidis


Over the past several decades, genomic analyses (e.g., genome-wide association studies, genome-wide sequencing, functional genomics, epigenomics, and biochemical networks) have enabled unparalleled elucidation of genotype-phenotype associations, which greatly improve our understanding of the pathogenesis of human diseases. However, the identified genetic or epigenetic variants explain only a small proportion of the heritability of most complex diseases. The unexplained fraction could be partly due to the impacts of the large number of exposures, the gene-environment (G×E) interactions, or the more complex pathways and targets. The “exposome” concept was then coined by Christopher Wild in 2005 to provide an environmental analogy of the genome, referring to the comprehensive assessment of multiple joint environmental exposures that occur at different life-stages. Targeted and untargeted exposure analyses and omics techniques coupled to an expanding range of methods for personal exposure monitoring and big data analyses are deeply expanding the capabilities of simultaneous measurements of millions of genome variants with thousands of modifiable exposome factors. It significantly increased the number of possible factor pairs available for determining for the presence of interactions, which are responsible for physiological disorders (e.g., aging or chronic diseases). However, the potential interactions between the multiplicity of exposures and genes has been less extensively studied and still represents a largely unexplored practical and theoretical challenges.

Herein, we encourage contributions to this topic from a broad coverage of disciplines including but not limited to exposure assessment science, epidemiology, environmental sciences, genomics, epigenomics, metabolomics, biostatistics, bioinformatics, environmental health, toxicology, and precision medicine. Specifically,

  • Innovative tools for assessing the exposome

  • Accessing the interplays between the dimensions of the exposome and the genetic background on human health

  • Newly identified exposure and effect biomarkers

  • Advanced methodologies for evaluating high-dimensional datasets of multiple correlated exposures, mixture effects, and disease susceptibility

  • Future directions of exposome and genome research


特刊:Natural hazards and disaster preparedness

期刊:BMC Public Health

客座编辑:Krzysztof Goniewicz, Md Nazirul Islam Sarker & Monica Schoch-Spana


BMC Public Health is calling for submissions to our Collection on Natural hazards and disaster preparedness.

Natural hazards including floods, earthquakes and forest fires claim the lives of many every year and are on the rise. According to a comprehensive report from the World Meteorological Organization in 2021, a disaster related to a weather, climate or water hazard occurred every day on average over the past 50 years – killing 115 people and causing US$202 million in losses daily. Although these are not a new public health risk, the scale and need has grown, due to larger population sizes involved and global climate change which has affected temperature and precipitation patterns. 

Natural hazards and resulting disasters directly impact human health and may result in short or long term physical and emotional trauma as well as disease. Furthermore, disasters may exacerbate existing morbidity and mortality associated with chronic and infectious disease through impacting health care systems. These events also challenge the Sustainable Development Goals as, other than their effects on human health, they can cause social and environmental losses, affect food security and safety and sometimes even threaten geopolitical stability.

With the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizing and reaffirming the urgent need to reduce the risk of disasters, BMC Public Health is calling for papers on preparedness, mitigation and public health response to these natural events. Effective response often requires significant social retraining of both the public, as well as regional response agencies. We call for research which addresses the importance of preparedness and response to natural events, including but not limited to:

• Health risk assessment and risk reduction 

• Public policy and emergency response

• Humanitarian challenges in response to the consequences of natural hazards

• Health system preparedness

• Public information, communication and engagement

• Building and sustaining resilient communities

• Enhancing healthcare and emergency management systems


特刊:Regenerative medicine: focus on cartilage, discs and tendons

期刊:BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

客座编辑:Gianfilippo Caggiari, Liang Gao, Eugenio Jannelli,Giuseppe Rovere & Payman Vahedi


BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders is calling for submissions to our Collection on Regenerative medicine: focus on cartilage, discs and tendons. 

Musculoskeletal conditions will prevail in increasingly ageing populations, therefore, advanced cell therapies are needed. Tissue engineering, biomaterials and stem cells offer attractive options to repair and regenerate cartilage, intervertebral discs, ligaments, tendons and other connective tissues.

This Call for Papers encourages submissions on the biology underlying pathophysiological and/or regenerative conditions. It is expected that articles will publish new knowledge on disease progression states and potential targets to improve musculoskeletal healing. Basic molecular, animal models and applied clinical research papers are welcomed.


特刊:Upcycling and recycling of plastic waste

期刊:BMC Chemistry

客座编辑:Hui Jin, Massoud Kaykhaii, Akeem Oladipo, Jun Xu


Each year roughly 353 million tonnes of plastic waste are generated globally, culminating in one of the greatest environmental challenges of this century. While recycling rates are increasing, current methods cannot keep up with this deluge of plastic waste production. A solution to this problem may lie with a suite of innovative new processes to recycle and upcycle plastics more rapidly and efficiently.

In support of tackling global plastic waste  and SDG 12 (Responsible consumption and production), BMC Chemistry has launched this collection which welcomes submissions addressing:

  • Upcycling plastics to fuels, nanomaterials and monomers

  • Designing recyclable polymers

  • Plastic conversion strategies (e.g. pyrolysis, gasification, reprocessing, photo-reforming)

  • Plastic composition, conversion efficiency and catalyst selection

  • Use of compatibilizers 

  • Micro/Nano plastic detection and removal

  • Plastic waste remediation strategies


特刊:Exercise across the lifespan

期刊:BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation

客座编辑:Christoph Centner,  Nicole Freene, Gianpiero Greco, Raquel Leirós Rodríguez, Maryam Koushkie Jahromi, Goran Kuvačić & Damien Vitiello


BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation is calling for submissions to our Collection on Exercise across the lifespan. 

While appropriate exercise prescription is fundamental for muscular development and balance movement patterns in adolescence and young adulthood, neuromuscular fitness is also an integral part in minimizing the risk of falling in older people. During these later stages of life, the improvement of functional capacity enables older individuals to maintain a physically active lifestyle and thus mobility and independence during aging.

This Collection welcomes content that considers the impact of exercise and physical activity on health and well-being across the lifespan.


特刊:Technologies and innovations to manage spine degeneration

期刊:BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

客座编辑:Pongsthorn Chanplakorn, Xing Du, John Houten, Koroush Kabir & Hyeun-Sung Kim


BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders is calling for submissions to our Collection on Technologies and innovations to manage spine degeneration.

The fields of musculoskeletal radiology, orthopedic surgery and physical therapy have contributed considerably to improve the safety and efficacy of spinal procedures. Examples include minimally-invasive spine surgery and magnetically-controlled rods in scoliosis, and these advances bode well for the future treatment of spinal deformity and degeneration and further improve patients’ quality of life. 

This Collections welcomes content which pioneers and utilises innovative techniques and technologies to diagnosis and manage degenerative spinal disorders.


特刊:Plant cell wall  

期刊:Scientific Reports

客座编辑:Gordon Allison, Guohua Chai & Vincenzo Lionetti


Plant cells are surrounded by a cell wall that contributes to determine cell shape and provide mechanical resistance, and is composed of cellulose fibres embedded in a matrix of polysaccharides and glycoproteins. In order to enable growth and development, the structure of the cell wall has to be dynamic to allow for cell division and recurrent expansion/relaxation through the reorganisation of its components. The cell wall also provides the environment for multiple cell-to-cell signalling pathways and forms the first barrier with the exterior, playing a key role in plant immunity. Additionally, as the biggest source of plant dry biomass, the cell wall has an added economic interest and is at the centre of diverse sustainable industries, from biofuel production to the development of biomaterials.

This collection invites original research on the plant cell wall, including studies on structure, biochemistry, role in plant development and environment interactions, as well as engineering and sustainable use of its by-products.


特刊:Glia in health and disease

期刊:Scientific Reports

客座编辑:Ruben J. Cauchi, Nicolas Dzamko & Maura Francolini


Long thought to serve a passive role in the central nervous system (CNS), glial cells are now recognised to actively support neurons in brain development and function, whilst also supporting nervous system homeostasis. At least half the volume of the brain is made up of glial cells—oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, microglia and nerve glial antigen cells. Glia also serve important functions outside of the brain, for instance, enteric glia, a lesser-studied sub-population of glia that reside in the walls of the gut, have emerged as essential regulators of gastrointestinal functions. However, fundamental questions remain about several aspects of their biology. Perturbation of glial function characterises a multitude of brain disorders and gastrointestinal diseases, from Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, to autism and glioma, yet a complete appreciation of the underlying pathophysiology is lacking. A more holistic picture of all players of the CNS will contribute to a deeper mechanistic understanding of neurological disorders, that is essential for devising successful therapeutic interventions.

This Collection invites original articles which describe new experimental models and tools to study glial function, as well as submissions that advance our understanding of their roles in health and disease.



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