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已有 7904 次阅读 2009-5-4 14:17 |个人分类:往事如云|系统分类:生活其它| 阿富汗战场


From: Do, Michael USA CPT USA TF Castle S5 CMO

Date: Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 1:16 AM

Subject: Deployment Update #7


Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats: NONE


Hello Everyone!


Hope all is well.  Did I tell you how much I hate the cold weather of

Afghanistan in my last update? If so, then I'll say it again, I still

hate the cold weather of Afghanistan.  :-)  The weather has been

terrible these past weeks.  Walking in the snow just to use the

bathroom/shower is no fun at all.  In fact, it's not even walking; it's

more like running because it's so cold.


 Well, I know I have been clogging up your inbox with my deployment

updates during the past year but not to worry, just want to say that

this will be my LAST updates.  I know you might be disappointed but my

vacation is about over and I am redeploying back to the great USA soon.

I thought I'd be able to work on my tan here but it didn't work.  So

when I get home, I'll be going on a REAL vacation and working on my tan.

It's for real this time!  :-)


Our replacement unit has arrived and we're beginning the transition for

redeployment.  It was a great tour but I'm ready to go home.  I can't

wait to go back and enjoy good food, good HOT shower, and just really

get my life back again and not have to worry about people shooting at



On a more serious note, I hope that my updates have been very

informative for you. You have gotten a chance to get an idea of the war

in Afghanistan through my updates. But keep in mind; my updates were

based on my experiences only since everyone has their own experiences

and war stories to tell.


Since my time here, I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly that

goes along with war.  I've seen the tremendous sacrifices made by our

soldiers and let me tell you, it is truly amazing.  I have seen a lot of

good things accomplished by our soldiers for the benefit of the citizens

of Afghanistan.  Projects such as schools that we've renovated and

built, bridges, clinics, and hospitals go a long way in helping the

Afghans to realize their potential for a better future.  My biggest

accomplishment during this tour was implementing our engineer skills

labor workshop initiative.  This workshop taught basic construction

skills to local Afghans with no prior knowledge of construction and then

bring them to a competency level of being able to construct bridges,

buildings, and other infrastructures is a tremendous step towards

creating the skills labor capacitance that will one day provide for a

self reliant Afghanistan with a self sustaining economy free of military



 Over the past year, I have seen our brave soldiers, airmen, sailors,

and marines fought the good fight for a free democratic Afghanistan but

at the same time, protecting and preserving our country's freedom and

way of life.  For those soldiers who ultimately gave their full measure

of devotion to duty for our country, I salute them as they are truly our

heroes.  I'm certainly glad to be going home and also glad to have made

it back in one piece, hopefully.  I still have a couple short weeks left

and let me tell you, I'm not in the clear until I get on a plane and

actually fly out of this combat zone.  I've seen some crazy things

happen before.  Until then, hopefully, my Taliban friends will leave me

alone and not shoot at me.  :-)


When I get back, my next duty assignment takes me as Commander, 387th

Engineer Company of the 244th Engineer Combat Battalion, 420th Engineer

Brigade, 416th Theater Engineer Command.  I have had the privilege of

serving on staff assignments for the last 4 years working for three

different generals, but I'm ready to go back to the company level and

lead troops again.  It'll be an honor and a privilege to have the

opportunity to lead America's sons and daughters as their commander.

You're all invited to the change of command ceremony if you are able to



Finally, to all who have graciously supported me and the soldiers of

Combined Task Force Castle, much thanks!  Your kindness and generosity

through your care packages have definitely boosted our morale and help

make the deployment a more wonderful experience.  Again, much thanks and

see you all soon!


God bless our great USA and our soldiers, marines, airmen, and sailors

who are in harm's way!




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