据美国心脏病协会(American Heart Association)2025年2月16日提供的消息,每隔34秒,就会有人死于心血管疾病:关键的风险因素继续上升(Every 34 Seconds, Someone Dies From Cardiovascular Disease: Key Risk Factors Continue To Rise)。
根据美国心脏协会的《2025年心脏病和中风统计》(American Heart Association’s 2025 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics),由于高血压、肥胖和其他主要危险因素的发病率上升,心脏病仍然是美国人死亡的主要原因。
根据美国心脏协会《2025年心脏病和中风统计》报告,由于风险因素不断上升,心脏病仍然是全球死亡的主要原因。这一年度更新发表在该协会的同行评审旗舰期刊《循环》(Circulation)上,强调了预防和管理心脏病方面正在面临的挑战。美国心脏协会是自愿健康倡议的全球领导者,继续其改善医疗保健和促进所有人更健康生活的使命。原文详见:Seth S Martin, Aaron W Aday, Norrina B Allen, Zaid I Almarzooq, Cheryl A M Anderson, Pankaj Arora, Christy L Avery, Carissa M Baker-Smith, Nisha Bansal, Andrea Z Beaton, Yvonne Commodore-Mensah, Maria E Currie, Mitchell S V Elkind, Wenjun Fan, Giuliano Generoso, Bethany Barone Gibbs, Debra G Heard, Swapnil Hiremath, Michelle C Johansen, Dhruv S Kazi, Darae Ko, Michelle H Leppert, Jared W Magnani, Erin D Michos, Michael E Mussolino, Nisha I Parikh, Sarah M Perman, Mary Rezk-Hanna, Gregory A Roth, Nilay S Shah, Mellanie V Springer, Marie-Pierre St-Onge, Evan L Thacker, Sarah M Urbut, Harriette G C Van Spall, Jenifer H Voeks, Seamus P Whelton, Nathan D Wong, Sally S Wong, Kristine Yaffe, Latha P Palaniappan; American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Committee. 2025 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics: A Report of US and Global Data From the American Heart Association. Circulation, 2025 Jan 27. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000001303.
“你知道在美国,每34秒就有一个人死于心血管疾病吗?在美国,每天有近2500人死于心血管疾病。这些数据对我来说是令人震惊的,对我们所有人来说也应该是令人震惊的,因为我们失去的很多人很可能是我们的朋友和亲人,”美国心脏协会志愿者主席、FAHA医学博士基思·丘奇韦尔(Keith Churchwell)说。“太多的人死于心脏病和中风,中风仍然是第五大死因。这两种疾病导致的死亡人数加在一起,超过了所有癌症和意外死亡(排名第二和第三的死亡原因)人数的总和。”
心血管疾病死亡在大流行激增后略有下降(Cardiovascular Deaths Show a Slight Decline After Pandemic Surge)
根据美国心脏协会的《2025年统计报告》,2022年(有最终数据的最近年份),美国心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease简称CVD)相关死亡总人数为941652人,比2021年的931578人增加了1万多人。心血管疾病导致的年龄调整死亡率为每10万人224.3人,比2021年报告的每10万人233.3人略有下降。
“在过去的十年里,肾脏疾病的发病率一直在上升。在我们的报告中,我们注意到慢性肾脏疾病在医疗保险受益人中的患病率从2011年的9.2%显著增加到2021年的14.2%。”此外,美国心脏协会志愿者、统计更新编写委员会主席塞斯·马丁(Seth S. Martin, M.D., M.H.S., FAHA)说,“自2010年以来,全球肾脏疾病的患病率相对增加了27%以上。”塞斯·马丁是美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市约翰霍普金斯医学院(Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland)的医学教授和心脏病专家。“这一点很重要的原因是,首先,心血管疾病是肾脏疾病的主要诱因。其次,这些疾病的危险因素是密切相关的。这些疾病包括高血压、肥胖和糖尿病,这些健康状况在美国和世界范围内都在大幅上升。”
根据美国心脏协会的2025年统计更新(According to the Association’s 2025 Statistics Update):
l ) 近47%的美国成年人患有高血压。(Nearly 47% of U.S. adults have high blood pressure.)
2) 超过72%的美国成年人体重不健康(目前定义为身体质量指数BMI=25),近42%的人肥胖(目前定义为BMI=30)。{More than 72% of U.S. adults have unhealthy weight (currently defined as body mass index =25, with nearly 42% having obesity (currently defined as body mass index =30).}
3) 超过一半的美国成年人(57%)患有2型糖尿病或前驱糖尿病。(More than half of U.S. adults (57%) have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.)
在2023年的总统咨询和科学声明中,美国心脏协会承认心血管肾脏代谢(cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic简称CKM)综合征(CKM syndrome)是一种健康障碍,因为心脏病、肾病、糖尿病和肥胖之间存在风险因素联系,导致健康状况不佳。
美国心脏协会志愿者、卫生经济学负责人、贝丝·以色列女执事医疗中心理查德 A.和苏珊F.史密斯(Susan F. Smith)心脏病学结果研究中心(Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Center for Outcomes Research in Cardiology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)副主任、美国波士顿哈佛医学院(Harvard Medical School in Boston)副教授德鲁夫 ·卡齐(Dhruv S. Kazi, M.D., M.Sc., M.S., FAHA)在2025年统计更新的编辑评论中指出,心血管危险因素的患病率预计将在未来几十年恶化。
德鲁夫·卡齐是美国心脏协会2024年总统咨询小组的志愿者副主席:预测到2050年美国心血管疾病和中风的负担:危险因素和疾病的流行(Forecasting the Burden of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke in the United States Through 2050: Prevalence of Risk Factors and Disease) 以及到2050年美国心血管疾病和中风的经济负担预测(Forecasting the Economic Burden of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke in the United States through 2050)。“重要的是要承认,尽管心血管疾病影响我们所有人,但它对我们所有人的影响并不平等。例如,肥胖、糖尿病和高血压的患病率在性别和种族/民族之间存在很大差异。”
心血管危险因素的差异(Disparities in Cardiovascular Risk Factors)
l ) 就肥胖的总体患病率而言,黑人女性的肥胖率最高,为57.9%,而亚洲女性的肥胖率最低,为14.5%。(For overall prevalence of obesity, Black women had the highest rate of obesity at 57.9%, compared to the lowest rate of 14.5% which was among Asian women.)
2) 就糖尿病的总体患病率而言,西班牙裔男性的糖尿病发病率最高,为14.5%,而白人女性的糖尿病发病率最低,为7.7%。(For overall prevalence of diabetes, Hispanic men had the highest rate of diabetes at 14.5% compared to the lowest rate of 7.7% which was among white women.)
3)就高血压的总体患病率而言,黑人女性的高血压发病率最高,为58.4%,而西班牙裔女性的高血压发病率最低,为35.3%。(For the overall prevalence of high blood pressure, Black women had the highest rate of high blood pressure at 58.4% compared to the lowest rate of 35.3% which was among Hispanic women.)
l )多达40%的美国儿童体重不健康,20%的儿童肥胖。{As many as 40% of U.S. children have an unhealthy weight (currently defined as body mass index =85th percentile), with 20% having obesity (currently defined as =95th percentile).}
2) 全球近60%的成年人体重不健康。(Nearly 60% of adults globally have an unhealthy weight.)
“在更新的统计报告中,我们注意到计算发现,超重导致美国每天多达1300人死亡,每年近50万人丧生。”美国心脏协会志愿者、协会统计更新编写委员会副主席、美国加州帕洛阿尔托斯坦福大学(Stanford University in Palo Alto, California)心血管医学教授拉塔·帕拉尼亚潘(Latha P. Palaniappan)说:“与健康体重相比,肥胖会使预期寿命缩短2.4年。女性对生命损失的影响是白人的两倍,黑人成年人的影响高于白人成年人。令人震惊的是,由于近年来吸烟率实际上有所下降,超重现在比吸烟夺去的生命还要多。当谈到健康威胁时,超重的影响仅次于吸烟。”
吸烟率下降:一个积极的趋势(Declining Smoking Rates: A Positive Trend)
“近年来另一个积极的趋势是高胆固醇(high cholesterol)率的降低。”基思·丘奇韦尔说:“这在一定程度上可能要归功于人们对影响胆固醇水平的饮食和生活方式因素的认识提高,以及药物的可用性和更好的临床控制。最近的临床研究已经确定了一些新的药物疗法来解决日益增长的肥胖负担,我们期待着随着科学体系的建立,更多地了解这些进展。”
“心脏病曾被认为是死刑判决,但由于临床诊断和治疗的许多进步,即使在心血管疾病发生后,人们也能活得更长、更健康,”基思·丘奇韦尔说。基思·丘奇韦尔是美国康涅狄格州纽黑文的耶鲁医学院(Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut)的临床医学副教授,也是美国田纳西州纳什维尔范德比尔特医学院(Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee)的副教授。“当然,任何能够治疗导致心血管疾病的危险因素的医学或临床治疗都是必不可少的。更重要的是,我想说我们需要阻止这些风险因素的发展,让人们在一生中保持健康。只有大力强调早期预防和人人享有公平的保健机会,才能做到这一点。”
这份最新统计数据是由一个志愿者写作小组代表美国心脏协会流行病学和预防统计委员会以及中风统计委员会(American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Committee)编写的。
Background: The American Heart Association (AHA), in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health, annually reports the most up-to-date statistics related to heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular risk factors, including core health behaviors (smoking, physical activity, nutrition, sleep, and obesity) and health factors (cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose control, and metabolic syndrome) that contribute to cardiovascular health. The AHA Heart Disease and Stroke Statistical Update presents the latest data on a range of major clinical heart and circulatory disease conditions (including stroke, brain health, complications of pregnancy, kidney disease, congenital heart disease, rhythm disorders, sudden cardiac arrest, subclinical atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, valvular disease, venous thromboembolism, and peripheral artery disease) and the associated outcomes (including quality of care, procedures, and economic costs).
Methods: The AHA, through its Epidemiology and Prevention Statistics Committee, continuously monitors and evaluates sources of data on heart disease and stroke in the United States and globally to provide the most current information available in the annual Statistical Update with review of published literature through the year before writing. The 2025 AHA Statistical Update is the product of a full year's worth of effort in 2024 by dedicated volunteer clinicians and scientists, committed government professionals, and AHA staff members. This year's edition includes a continued focus on health equity across several key domains and enhanced global data that reflect improved methods and incorporation of ≈3000 new data sources since last year's Statistical Update.
Results: Each of the chapters in the Statistical Update focuses on a different topic related to heart disease and stroke statistics.
Conclusions: The Statistical Update represents a critical resource for the lay public, policymakers, media professionals, clinicians, health care administrators, researchers, health advocates, and others seeking the best available data on these factors and conditions.