2024-9-21 20:43




A new study reveals extensive human exposure to over 3,600 chemicals from food packaging, indicating major gaps in safety monitoring and health data, necessitating stricter regulations and further research.

据瑞士苏黎世食品包装论坛基金会(Food Packaging Forum Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland)2024918日提供的消息,令人震惊的发现:在人体中发现3600多种来自食品包装的化学物质(Shocking Discovery: 3,600+ Chemicals From Food Packaging Found in Human Bodies)

最近的一项研究发现,食品接触化学品(food contact chemicals简称FCCs)在人体中广泛存在,在人体中发现了3601种用于食品包装和相关产品的化学物质。该研究还指出了生物监测和毒性数据可获得性方面的相当大的缺陷。相关研究结果于2024917日已经在《暴露科学与环境流行病学杂志》(Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology)网站在线发表——Birgit Geueke, Lindsey V. Parkinson, Ksenia J. Groh, Christopher D. Kassotis, Maricel V. Maffini, Olwenn V. Martin, Lisa Zimmermann, Martin Scheringer, Jane Muncke. Evidence for widespread human exposure to food contact chemicals. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 2024, DOI: 10.1038/s41370-024-00718-2, Published: 17 September 2024. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41370-024-00718-2

参与此项研究除了来自瑞士苏黎世食品包装论坛基金会的研究人员之外,还有来自瑞士联邦水产科学与技术研究所(Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Duebendorf, Switzerland)、美国底特律的韦恩州立大学(Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA)、美国弗雷德里克的独立咨询公司(Independent Consultant, Frederick, MD, USA)、英国伦敦大学学院(University College London, London, UK)、捷克马萨里克大学(Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)以及瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland)的研究人员。


此外,该研究强调了生物监测和毒性数据方面的重大差距。研究结果可通过FCChumon数据库(FCChumon database)获取,FCChumon数据库是食品包装论坛的研究人员与四家学术机构的同事合作创建的一个互动工具。

研究方法及结果(Research Methodology and Findings

通过一种系统的方法,作者将超过14,000种已知的FCCs5个人类生物监测项目(five human biomonitoring programs)、三个代谢组/暴露体数据库(three metabolome/exposome databases)和科学文献(scientific literature)的数据进行了比较。结果表明人体中存在3601FCCs,占已知FCCs25%

该研究的第一作者Birgit Geueke博士强调了这项工作的重要性:“我们的研究建立了食品接触化学物质,暴露和人类健康之间的联系。它还强调了迄今为止在生物监测研究中被忽视的那些化学物质,而且为预防和保护健康提供了一个重要的机会。”

在人体样本和食品接触材料(FCMs)中已广泛检测到某些化学物质,如双酚类(bisphenols)、全氟烷烷化合物(PFAS)、邻苯二甲酸盐(phthalates)、金属(metals)和挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compounds)。这些化学品中有许多具有令人关注的危险特性,并与危害人体健康有关。

资深作者Jane Muncke博士对这种广泛的接触表示担忧:“这项工作强调了这样一个事实,即食品接触材料并不完全安全,即使它们可能符合规定,因为它们会将已知的有害化学物质转移到人体内。我们希望这个新的证据基础能够用于提高食品接触材料的安全性,无论是在法规方面,还是在开发更安全的替代品方面。”

此外,对于从包装转移到食品中的其他化学物质,如合成抗氧化剂和低聚物(oligomers),人们对它们在人体中的存在和命运知之甚少。瑞士联邦水产科学与技术研究所的Ksenia Groh博士对这一知识差距发表了评论:“我们的研究强调,尽管抗氧化剂的产量很高,在塑料中也得到了广泛的应用,但它们在监测项目中基本上是缺席的。关于这些物质的代谢、命运和作用的知识通常很少。”

迫切需要更安全的材料(The Urgency for Safer Materials


来自苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zürich)Martin Scheringer教授强调了解决这一问题的紧迫性:“食品接触材料中使用了许多有害化学物质,它们不仅停留在那里,而且其中相当一部分在某种程度上到达了人体。这是令人担忧的,显然需要更安全、更简单的食品接触材料。”


来自英国伦敦大学学院的合著者奥尔文·马丁(Olwenn Martin)说:“我们已经知道,食品包装中的问题化学物质并不局限于众所周知的物质,如双酚(bisphenol)和邻苯二甲酸盐(phthalates),但我们对大量与食品接触的化学物质感到惊讶,这些化学物质存在一些人类接触影响人体健康的证据。这表明,需要对许多化学物质的毒性和暴露进行更多的研究,并对它们在食品包装中的使用进行严格监管。”

所有数据都可以在随附的人体中食品接触化学品监测数据库(Database on Food Contact Chemicals Monitored in Humans简称FCChumon)中轻松访问和浏览。FCChumon是建立在先前发布的食品接触化学品数据库(Food Contact Chemicals Database简称FCCdb)及迁移和可提取食品接触化学品数据库(Database on Migrating and Extractable Food Contact Chemicals简称FCCmigex)的基础上。这项工作是食品接触化学品与人类健康(FCCH)项目的一部分{Food Contact Chemicals & Human Health (FCCH) project}

这项工作是作为FCCH项目(FCCH project)的一部分进行的,FCCH项目由Adessium基金会(Adessium Foundation)、MAVA基金会(MAVA Foundation)、Sympany基金会(Sympany Stiftung)、密涅瓦基金会(Minerva Stiftung)和食品包装论坛(Food Packaging Forum简称FPF)自己的无限制捐赠的项目相关资金资助的。关于所有FPF的资金来源(All FPF funding sources的更多信息,可以浏览相关网站https://www.foodpackagingforum.org/about-us/funding

上述介绍,仅供参考。欲了解更多信息,敬请注意浏览原文及论文关键点视频Video abstract summarizing key points of the study by Geueke et al. 2024 Credit: Food Packaging Forum Foundation或者相关报道



Over 1800 food contact chemicals (FCCs) are known to migrate from food contact articles used to store, process, package, and serve foodstuffs. Many of these FCCs have hazard properties of concern, and still others have never been tested for toxicity. Humans are known to be exposed to FCCs via foods, but the full extent of human exposure to all FCCs is unknown.


To close this important knowledge gap, we conducted a systematic overview of FCCs that have been monitored and detected in human biomonitoring studies according to a previously published protocol.


We first compared the more than 14,000 known FCCs to five biomonitoring programs and three metabolome/exposome databases. In a second step, we prioritized FCCs that have been frequently detected in food contact materials and systematically mapped the available evidence for their presence in humans.


For 25% of the known FCCs (3601), we found evidence for their presence in humans. This includes 194 FCCs from human biomonitoring programs, with 80 of these having hazard properties of high concern. Of the 3528 FCCs included in metabolome/exposome databases, most are from the Blood Exposome Database. We found evidence for the presence in humans for 63 of the 175 prioritized FCCs included in the systematic evidence map, and 59 of the prioritized FCCs lack hazard data.


Notwithstanding that there are also other sources of exposure for many FCCs, these data will help to prioritize FCCs of concern by linking information on migration and biomonitoring. Our results on FCCs monitored in humans are available as an interactive dashboard (FCChumon) to enable policymakers, public health researchers, and food industry decision-makers to make food contact materials and articles safer, reduce human exposure to hazardous FCCs and improve public health.

Impact statement

We present systematically compiled evidence on human exposure to 3601 food contact chemicals (FCCs) and highlight FCCs that are of concern because of their known hazard properties. Further, we identify relevant data gaps for FCCs found in food contact materials and foods. This article improves the understanding of food contact materials’ contribution to chemical exposure for the human population and highlights opportunities for improving public health.





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