Climate Change, Home Insurance, and the Plastic crisis
2024-5-22 07:01

As a result of climate change, wide fire in Westerm states became numerous. Many home owners find their home are no longer insurable (i.e. their poilicy was dropped by their insurance company and cannot find another company to insure them against fire damage). As a result they were force to join a high risk pool to be insured by a collection of companies. Their insurance rate doubled or tripled - an unexpected result of our climate crisis.

Another manmade bad consequence is our "plastic" crisis. Bercause of convenience of use, oil companies find great profit in the manufacturing of one-use plastic products, such as cups and containers. Recycling these products are currently economically unfeasible.  Thus even though they are collected, they still get dumped in landfills and oceans. Very small plastic particles, called nano-plastics, get into our food chain through fish, vegetable, and other products. They create various unhealthy results in our bodies. One example is colcon cancer in young person under forty. Statistics use to be 1 in 250 persons under forty get this disease. But now the staitsitc s have jumped to 1 in 7. Laws and regulations cannot catch up. For example as soon as one type Pfas chemical (known as forever chamical ) were outlawed or restircted, another chemical with simliar poroperties were found to evade the restriction. The CocaCola company is know as the world's largest plastic polluter because of the brand's world wide populatrity. Proft and convenience triumph over long term damage to our planet and civilization. Are we as a species fit for long term survivla? 





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