There are no magic learning pills or free lunches
2024-5-19 20:47

Often influenced by Kung-Fu novels where a person accidentally found a magic instruction book and overnight became a expert in martila arts, young scholars starting out in their career try to find the same magic pill or secret instruction which enable them to acquire wisdom instantly and achieve world wide fame and breakthrough. It is my own experience of a life time that wisdom cannot be gained overnight. May be one in a  million  can discover a breakthrough result when very young and achieve instant fame. Most of us mortals gain wisdom only over time and daily slow grind. Even if a scholar can distill his/her experience of a life time into a couple of sentences of wisdom and tell them to you, you will not appreciate the insight behind such pearls of wisdom until much later in life when you yourself has lived through the experience. Partial evidences of what I related above is the fact that I only receive inquiries about such magic learning pills and instructions from young Chinese scholars and never from other countries where there are no tradition of such Kung-fu novels. 

Yes, if I became your private tutor over a period of months or years, I can satisfy and pass on to you what took me a life time to acquire. But I have no time to fill many such sincere and similar requests honestly from many young Chinese scholars desiring the same. And if such magic learning pills are indeed avaliable, human civilization will not be able to adapt fast enough with the scientific advances to survive the future shock. Newton and Einstein come once in several centuries. The rest of us must learn to achieve our goals slowly and through hard work. This is not neceaarily a bad thing. The pleaure of success should be lasting and tasted slowly. 





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