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Martin Luther King Day in Lexington 2024

已有 1541 次阅读 2024-1-16 19:36 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察

Martin Luther King is the only American citizen besides Presidents who has an annual national day of celebration name after him. His life is well known and no need for me to repeat here. Many cities in the US also use this holiday to remind and reinforce voting rights, citizenship, and volunteer service among its residents to give back to society for all the benefit one enjoys living in this country. Lexington MA many years ago started "day of service" to commemorate the occasion. 

I attended the opening ceremony of the 2024 day of celebration this year. The meeting featured three sets of speakers: 1. several local middle school students who wrote award winning essays about demcrarcy, justice, and service, 2. a professional speaker/orater who gave a rosing speech for the occasion,3. my wife who for many years devoted her volunteer efforts to the MLK day fund raising and organization. As a student of giving talks/lectures, I find the contrast among the three sets of speakers interesting and instructive who anyone who has occasions to do public speaking.

First, the middle school students. This is probably the first time in their lives to speak in an public adult setting. Understandibly, they are a bit nervous. Thus they all choose to read from prepared notes. This is OK except they all made the mistake of "reading too fast". As a result, elaborately prepared texts became difficult to follow since they are not ordinary conversations. The professional orater of course knows all the tricks of giving a talk. He spoke with emphasis and modulation, deliberate in his delivery, and try to inspire the audience for the occasion. His content may be a bit too decorative but he served the purpose of his invited talk well. Finally, my wife's talk was delivered without notes, in conversational style but from her heart. She is talking one-to-one to her every friend in the audience. It is personal and intimate and got a standing ovation at the end. For the rest of us who may have future occasions to give a public talk, here are the lessons in my opinion worth learning:

  1. If you must read your speech. Do not rush through it. 

  2. If you have time, try to learn from many places on  "How to give a Talk". There are tricks/pointers worth learning

  3. Talk in conversational style. don't try to impress but earnest from your heart as if the audience is your dear friend.


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