
2022-11-07 20:29

瑞士苏黎世大学Tuncay Baubec团队近期取得重要工作进展,他们研究发现DNA序列和染色质修饰协同作用赋予印记控制区域的表观遗传双稳定性。相关研究成果2022年11月4日在线发表于《自然—遗传学》杂志上。





Title: DNA sequence and chromatin modifiers cooperate to confer epigenetic bistability at imprinting control regions

Author: Butz, Stefan, Schmolka, Nina, Karemaker, Ino D., Villaseor, Rodrigo, Schwarz, Isabel, Domcke, Silvia, Uijttewaal, Esther C. H., Jude, Julian, Lienert, Florian, Krebs, Arnaud R., de Wagenaar, Nathalie P., Bao, Xue, Zuber, Johannes, Elling, Ulrich, Schbeler, Dirk, Baubec, Tuncay

Issue&Volume: 2022-11-04

Abstract: Genomic imprinting is regulated by parental-specific DNA methylation of imprinting control regions (ICRs). Despite an identical DNA sequence, ICRs can exist in two distinct epigenetic states that are memorized throughout unlimited cell divisions and reset during germline formation. Here, we systematically study the genetic and epigenetic determinants of this epigenetic bistability. By iterative integration of ICRs and related DNA sequences to an ectopic location in the mouse genome, we first identify the DNA sequence features required for maintenance of epigenetic states in embryonic stem cells. The autonomous regulatory properties of ICRs further enabled us to create DNA-methylation-sensitive reporters and to screen for key components involved in regulating their epigenetic memory. Besides DNMT1, UHRF1 and ZFP57, we identify factors that prevent switching from methylated to unmethylated states and show that two of these candidates, ATF7IP and ZMYM2, are important for the stability of DNA and H3K9 methylation at ICRs in embryonic stem cells.

DOI: 10.1038/s41588-022-01210-z

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-022-01210-z

Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:41.307

