
2022-09-25 20:51

中国农业科学院Xuxiao Zong,中国科学院Shenghan Gao,山东师范大学Hanfeng Ding和印度国际半干旱热带作物研究所Rajeev K. Varshney共同合作,近期取得重要工作进展。他们研究改进了豌豆参考基因组和泛基因组,突出了基因组特征和进化特点。这一研究成果2022年9月22日在线发表于《自然—遗传学》杂志上。

研究人员报告了豌豆栽培品种ZW6的重新组装和注释,其等位基因组N50为8.98Mb,与现有的等位基因组相比,等位基因组长度增加了243倍,复杂重复区序列的连续性和质量都有明显改善。118个栽培和野生豌豆的基因组多样性表明,Pisum abyssinicum是不同于 P. fulvumP. sativum的一个独立物种。数量性状基因座分析揭示了两个已知的与茎长(Le/le)和种子形状(R/r)相关的孟德尔基因,以及孟德尔研究的一些豆荚形式的候选基因。 构建了116份豌豆种质的泛基因组,在P. abyssinicumP. fulvum中优选的泛基因表现出明显的功能富集,表明它们作为豌豆育种资源的潜在价值。



Title: Improved pea reference genome and pan-genome highlight genomic features and evolutionary characteristics

Author: Yang, Tao, Liu, Rong, Luo, Yingfeng, Hu, Songnian, Wang, Dong, Wang, Chenyu, Pandey, Manish K., Ge, Song, Xu, Quanle, Li, Nana, Li, Guan, Huang, Yuning, Saxena, Rachit K., Ji, Yishan, Li, Mengwei, Yan, Xin, He, Yuhua, Liu, Yujiao, Wang, Xuejun, Xiang, Chao, Varshney, Rajeev K., Ding, Hanfeng, Gao, Shenghan, Zong, Xuxiao

Issue&Volume: 2022-09-22

Abstract: Complete and accurate reference genomes and annotations provide fundamental resources for functional genomics and crop breeding. Here we report a de novo assembly and annotation of a pea cultivar ZW6 with contig N50 of 8.98Mb, which features a 243-fold increase in contig length and evident improvements in the continuity and quality of sequence in complex repeat regions compared with the existing one. Genome diversity of 118 cultivated and wild pea demonstrated that Pisum abyssinicum is a separate species different from P. fulvum and P. sativum within Pisum. Quantitative trait locus analyses uncovered two known Mendel’s genes related to stem length (Le/le) and seed shape (R/r) as well as some candidate genes for pod form studied by Mendel. A pan-genome of 116 pea accessions was constructed, and pan-genes preferred in P. abyssinicum and P. fulvum showed distinct functional enrichment, indicating the potential value of them as pea breeding resources in the future.

DOI: 10.1038/s41588-022-01172-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-022-01172-2

Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:41.307

