
2022-07-14 15:02

意大利米兰大学Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino、都灵大学Alberto Bardelli等研究人员合作揭示结直肠癌持久细胞的群体动态和突变率特征。相关论文于2022年7月11日在线发表在《自然—遗传学》杂志上。




Title: A modified fluctuation-test framework characterizes the population dynamics and mutation rate of colorectal cancer persister cells

Author: Russo, Mariangela, Pompei, Simone, Sogari, Alberto, Corigliano, Mattia, Crisafulli, Giovanni, Puliafito, Alberto, Lamba, Simona, Erriquez, Jessica, Bertotti, Andrea, Gherardi, Marco, Di Nicolantonio, Federica, Bardelli, Alberto, Cosentino Lagomarsino, Marco

Issue&Volume: 2022-07-11

Abstract: Compelling evidence shows that cancer persister cells represent a major limit to the long-term efficacy of targeted therapies. However, the phenotype and population dynamics of cancer persister cells remain unclear. We developed a quantitative framework to study persisters by combining experimental characterization and mathematical modeling. We found that, in colorectal cancer, a fraction of persisters slowly replicates. Clinically approved targeted therapies induce a switch to drug-tolerant persisters and a temporary 7- to 50-fold increase of their mutation rate, thus increasing the number of persister-derived resistant cells. These findings reveal that treatment may influence persistence and mutability in cancer cells and pinpoint inhibition of error-prone DNA polymerases as a strategy to restrict tumor recurrence. A modified fluctuation test applied to colorectal cancer cells shows that EGFR/BRAF inhibitor-induced persisters slowly proliferate and have an increased mutation rate. Error-prone DNA polymerases are identified as potential targets to avoid tumor recurrence following treatment with these drugs.

DOI: 10.1038/s41588-022-01105-z

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-022-01105-z

Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:41.307

