
2021-07-04 15:16

美国北卡罗来纳大学Damaris N. Lorenzo、Margot A. Cousin等研究人员合作发现,致病性SPTBN1变异导致常染色体显性遗传神经发育综合征。2021年7月1日,《自然—遗传学》杂志在线发表了这项成果。


据了解,SPTBN1编码 βII-血影蛋白,这是一种普遍表达的β-血影蛋白,形成与质膜相关的微米级网络。缺乏神经元βII-血影蛋白的小鼠在皮质组织、发育迟缓和行为缺陷方面存在缺陷。这些表型虽然不太严重,但在单倍体不足的动物中观察到,这表明携带杂合SPTBN1变体的个体也可能表现出可测量的神经发育和功能损害。


Title: Pathogenic SPTBN1 variants cause an autosomal dominant neurodevelopmental syndrome

Author: Margot A. Cousin, Blake A. Creighton, Keith A. Breau, Rebecca C. Spillmann, Erin Torti, Sruthi Dontu, Swarnendu Tripathi, Deepa Ajit, Reginald J. Edwards, Simone Afriyie, Julia C. Bay, Kathryn M. Harper, Alvaro A. Beltran, Lorena J. Munoz, Liset Falcon Rodriguez, Michael C. Stankewich, Richard E. Person, Yue Si, Elizabeth A. Normand, Amy Blevins, Alison S. May, Louise Bier, Vimla Aggarwal, Grazia M. S. Mancini, Marjon A. van Slegtenhorst, Kirsten Cremer, Jessica Becker, Hartmut Engels, Stefan Aretz, Jennifer J. MacKenzie, Eva Brilstra, Koen L. I. van Gassen, Richard H. van Jaarsveld, Renske Oegema, Gretchen M. Parsons, Paul Mark, Ingo Helbig, Sarah E. McKeown, Robert Stratton, Benjamin Cogne, Bertrand Isidor, Pilar Cacheiro, Damian Smedley, Helen V. Firth, Tatjana Bierhals, Katja Kloth, Deike Weiss, Cecilia Fairley, Joseph T. Shieh, Amy Kritzer, Parul Jayakar, Evangeline Kurtz-Nelson, Raphael A. Bernier, Tianyun Wang, Evan E. Eichler, Ingrid M. B. H. van de Laar, Allyn McConkie-Rosell, Marie T. McDonald, Jennifer Kemppainen, Brendan C. Lanpher, Laura E. Schultz-Rogers, Lauren B. Gunderson, Pavel N. Pichurin, Grace Yoon, Michael Zech, Robert Jech

Issue&Volume: 2021-07-01

Abstract: SPTBN1 encodes βII-spectrin, the ubiquitously expressed β-spectrin that forms micrometer-scale networks associated with plasma membranes. Mice deficient in neuronal βII-spectrin have defects in cortical organization, developmental delay and behavioral deficiencies. These phenotypes, while less severe, are observed in haploinsufficient animals, suggesting that individuals carrying heterozygous SPTBN1 variants may also show measurable compromise of neural development and function. Here we identify heterozygous SPTBN1 variants in 29 individuals with developmental, language and motor delays; mild to severe intellectual disability; autistic features; seizures; behavioral and movement abnormalities; hypotonia; and variable dysmorphic facial features. We show that these SPTBN1 variants lead to effects that affect βII-spectrin stability, disrupt binding to key molecular partners, and disturb cytoskeleton organization and dynamics. Our studies define SPTBN1 variants as the genetic basis of a neurodevelopmental syndrome, expand the set of spectrinopathies affecting the brain and underscore the critical role of βII-spectrin in the central nervous system.

DOI: 10.1038/s41588-021-00886-z

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-021-00886-z

Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:41.307

