
2019-11-19 14:15


研究人员了迄今为止东亚参与者最大的一项研究(22778精神分裂症病例和35362对照),确定了19个基因位点中21个全基因组重要关联。赋予精神分裂症风险的常见遗传变异在东亚和欧洲祖先之间具有高度相似的作用(遗传相关性= 0.98±0.03),这表明精神分裂症的遗传基础及其生物学在人群中广泛相似。包括来自东亚和欧洲祖先的个体在内的固定效应荟萃分析确定了176个基因位点(53种新基因)中的208个重要关联。跨祖先精细映射减少了44个基因座的候选因果变异集合。当在祖先间转移时,多基因风险评分表现不佳,这突显了包括足够祖先群体样本量的重要性,从而确保这些基因在人群中的普遍性。






Title: Comparative genetic architectures of schizophrenia in East Asian and European populations

Author: Max Lam, Chia-Yen Chen, Zhiqiang Li, Alicia R. Martin, Julien Bryois, Xixian Ma, Helena Gaspar, Masashi Ikeda, Beben Benyamin, Brielin C. Brown, Ruize Liu, Wei Zhou, Lili Guan, Yoichiro Kamatani, Sung-Wan Kim, Michiaki Kubo, Agung A. A. A. Kusumawardhani, Chih-Min Liu, Hong Ma, Sathish Periyasamy, Atsushi Takahashi, Zhida Xu, Hao Yu, Feng Zhu, Wei J. Chen, Stephen Faraone, Stephen J. Glatt, Lin He, Steven E. Hyman, Hai-Gwo Hwu, Steven A. McCarroll, Benjamin M. Neale, Pamela Sklar, Dieter B. Wildenauer, Xin Yu, Dai Zhang, Bryan J. Mowry, Jimmy Lee, Peter Holmans, Shuhua Xu, Patrick F. Sullivan, Stephan Ripke, Michael C. ODonovan, Mark J. Daly, Shengying Qin, Pak Sham, Nakao Iwata, Kyung S. Hong

Issue&Volume: 2019-11-18

Abstract: Schizophrenia is a debilitating psychiatric disorder with approximately 1% lifetime risk globally. Large-scale schizophrenia genetic studies have reported primarily on European ancestry samples, potentially missing important biological insights. Here, we report the largest study to date of East Asian participants (22,778 schizophrenia cases and 35,362 controls), identifying 21 genome-wide-significant associations in 19 genetic loci. Common genetic variants that confer risk for schizophrenia have highly similar effects between East Asian and European ancestries (genetic correlation=0.98±0.03), indicating that the genetic basis of schizophrenia and its biology are broadly shared across populations. A fixed-effect meta-analysis including individuals from East Asian and European ancestries identified 208 significant associations in 176 genetic loci (53 novel). Trans-ancestry fine-mapping reduced the sets of candidate causal variants in 44 loci. Polygenic risk scores had reduced performance when transferred across ancestries, highlighting the importance of including sufficient samples of major ancestral groups to ensure their generalizability across populations.

DOI: 10.1038/s41588-019-0512-x

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-019-0512-x

Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:41.307

