
2019-09-24 13:02

英国威康桑格研究所Gosia Trynka课题组近日发现GWAS基因座上的染色质活性确定了驱动复杂免疫疾病的T细胞状态。相关论文在线发表在2019年9月23日的《自然—遗传学》杂志上。

研究人员用13种细胞因子刺激了T细胞和巨噬细胞,并分析了活跃和开放染色质区域。T细胞活化引起主要的染色质重塑,而细胞因子的存在则微调了变化的幅度。研究人员开发了一种统计方法,以解决染色质全貌中的细微变化,从而确定不同细胞状态的SNP富集。研究人员的结果表明,免疫疾病相关变体在记忆CD4 阳性T细胞的早期激活而非晚期激活中的起作用,而不同细胞因子的差异不大。




Title: Chromatin activity at GWAS loci identifies T cell states driving complex immune diseases

Author: Blagoje Soskic, Eddie Cano-Gamez, Deborah J. Smyth, Wendy C. Rowan, Nikolina Nakic, Jorge Esparza-Gordillo, Lara Bossini-Castillo, David F. Tough, Christopher G. C. Larminie, Paola G. Bronson, David Will, Gosia Trynka

Issue&Volume: 2019-09-23


Immune-disease-associated variants are enriched in active chromatin regions of T cells and macrophages. However, whether these variants function in specific cell states is unknown. Here we stimulated T cells and macrophages in the presence of 13 cytokines and profiled active and open chromatin regions. T cell activation induced major chromatin remodeling, while the presence of cytokines fine-tuned the magnitude of changes. We developed a statistical method that accounts for subtle changes in the chromatin landscape to identify SNP enrichment across cell states. Our results point towards the role of immune-disease-associated variants in early rather than late activation of memory CD4+ T cells, with modest differences across cytokines. Furthermore, variants associated with inflammatory bowel disease are enriched in type 1 T helper (TH1) cells, whereas variants associated with Alzheimer’s disease are enriched in different macrophage cell states. Our results represent an in-depth analysis of immune-disease-associated variants across a comprehensive panel of activation states of T cells and macrophages.

DOI: 10.1038/s41588-019-0493-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-019-0493-9

Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:41.307

