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已有 4891 次阅读 2009-3-17 15:11 |个人分类:定量遥感相关|系统分类:科研笔记

摘自James S. Monroe, Reed Wicander的Physical Geology , Exploring the earth
Most courses, and geology in particular, build upon previous material, so it  is extremely important to keep up with the coursework and set aside regular time for study in each of your courses. Try to follow there hints, and you will find you do better in school and have more time for yourself:
1, Develop the habit of studying on a daily basis.
2,Set aside a specific time each day to study. some people are day people , and others are night people. Determine when you are most alert and use that time for study.
3,Have an area dedicated for study. It should including a well-lighted space with a desk and the study meterials you need, such as a dictionary, thesaurus, paper, pens, pencils, and a computer if you have one.
4,Study for short periods and take frequent breaks, usually after an hour of study. Get up and move around and do something completely different. This will help you stay alert, and you'll return to your studies with renewed vigor.
5, Try to review each subject every day or at least the day of the class.Develop the habit of reviewing lecture material from a class the same day
6,Become familiar with the vocabulary of the course. Look up any unfamiliar words in the glossary of your textbook or in a dictionary. Learning the language of the discipline will help you learn the material

5, 尽量每天复习你学过的知识,至少在上课的那天要复习。养成课前就复习讲座资料的习惯

虽然言简意赅 对一门了解和讲授基础知识的学科可以说总结的非常好的学习方法了


下一篇:专著推介——Potential Theory in Applied Geophysics
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