引用: C. Berry , S. Valeixa, J.E. Niven,et al. Hanging in the balance: Conceptualising doctoral researcher mental health as a dynamic balance across key tensions characterising the PhD experience - ScienceDirect . International Journal of Educational Research, 102 . ...
引用: Wiesenthal, N. J., Gin, L. E., Cooper, K. M. (2023). Face negotiation in graduate school: the decision to conceal or reveal depression among life sciences Ph. D. students in the United States.International Journal of STEM Education,10(1), 35. DOI : 10.1186/s40594-023 ...
引用: Gardner, S. K. (2008). “What’s too much and what’s too little?”: The Process of Becoming an Independent Researcher in Doctoral Education.The Journal of Higher Education,79(3), 326–350. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221546.2008.11772101 摘译:邝宏达(北京大学教育学院访问学 ...
引用: Paul A. O'Keefe, Judith M. Harackiewicz (2017). The Science of Interest .Springer Cham. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-55509-6 摘译: 邝宏达 兴趣是人类特有的一种现象,它是教育学和心理学重点研究的对象 。西方早期兴趣研究可以追溯到赫尔巴特和杜 ...