最近呆运不错,昨天收到通知,我的一篇综述论文被“Physics Reports” (IF=22.910)正式接受,即:
Experimental econophysics: Complexity, self-organization, and emergent properties
J. P. Huang
Physics Reports, to be published in 2015.
综述 = “综”+“述”。“综”是对已有文献的综合,需要“全面”;“述”是对已有文献的理解,需要“深入”。“全面”是为了“承前”,“深入”是为了“启后”。而综述的最主要功效正是“承前启后”!从内容的份量上来看,“承前”的内容需占50%,“启后”的内容需占50%。回到上面的问题,对于勤奋的复旦物理系本科生而言,前50%在老师指点下,花些功夫,几乎就是小儿科,而后50%,因无积累,本科生基本无能为力。可是,事实上,这后50%的重要性远过于前50%!
这是我对综述的理解——也是我拒绝本科生选修“科研实践”撰写综述论文的原因。用这个理解去检验一篇综述论文是否合格,应该可行。当然,可能有人问:“若用你的这个理解去检验你最近被Physics Reports接受的这篇综述论文,你的论文合格否?”我的回答是:
Experimental econophysics, named by Huang, is a natural, reasonable outcome of extending laboratory experiments of traditional physics research to the field of econophysics. It becomes a new branch of econophysics due to the author’s pioneering efforts ...... In this regard, this review article is unique; it presents an urgent topic that would draw the attention of readers from physics to other fields.
Also, the review article is well organized, and the sequence of sections is logical. The entire article surveys many works published in leading refereed journals, and the content reviewed is free of major errors....... I believe the present comprehensive review would be able to help inspire more researchers including econophysicists or beyond ......
In a word, owing to the potential impact of the review article, I rate it highly, and believe that publishing such a review at this time is a wise decision.
“this is a forward-looking review with the potential of inspiring considerable further work in the area.”
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