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已有 5514 次阅读 2009-2-25 18:40 |个人分类:生物力学|系统分类:科研笔记



加拿大卡尔加里大学人类学家坎贝尔·罗利安(Campbell Rolian)说:“相比短脚趾,长脚趾在运动时需要肌肉,需要更多力气才能保持身体稳定。只要我们从事大量跑动,那么自然选择便会青睐于短脚趾的人。”大多数灵长类动物,包括跟我们关系最近的黑猩猩,按身体比例脚趾都长过人类的脚趾。人类脚趾十分短小,感觉没有深度,只能伸开和弯曲。多数能跑的动物的脚趾同样很短。猫和狗等一些动物的爪子几乎完全由脚掌或手掌构成。罗利安的研究小组由此想知道,奔跑是否可以解释人脚的生理构造。
根据这项研究的另一位成员、哈佛大学人类学家丹尼尔·利伯曼(Daniel Lieberman)介绍,在有关大草原的长途奔跑问题上,现代人体结构的很多特征都发挥了重要作用。跟腱好比弹簧,可以起到保存体力的作用;后肢具有超大关节,而臀部肌肉则是保持稳定的完美工具。同样,大脑对奔跑活动产生的身体颤动具有特有的敏感度。
脚趾或许就属于这一类人体进化。利伯曼说:“人类非常适合耐力跑,这一定程度上使得人体变化更有意义。我们不仅是出色的短跑运动员,而且还是地球上最优秀的长跑选手。”这种人类擅长于长跑的论断尚未被普遍接受。美国威斯康星州大学古人类学家约翰·霍克斯(John Hawks)说:“走和跑利用了一样的人体部位。很难说这些人体构造是为奔跑量身定制,更为确切的说,是为长跑打造的。”霍克斯没有参加罗利安的研究。
但是,罗利安的研究至少证明了脚趾对跑步的重要性。这项研究刊登在最新一期《实验生物学杂志》(Journal of Experimental Biology)上。人在向前走或跑时,一只脚在空中,另一只脚在地面,人体一半到四分之三的重量恰好落在前脚上。罗利安说:“你走步时,一只脚在迈出一步前,另一只脚已经着地。你已经转移了部分身体重量。你的脚趾必须在跑动过程中完成更多的工作,推动你的身体向前。”
实验中,15名志愿者在一个对压力十分敏感的表面上一会儿跑,一会儿走,罗利安的研究小组对他们给这个表面施加的力量进行了分析,结果发现脚趾力量只要增加20%,产生的电动力(motor force)却是原来的两倍。我们可以从更为直观的跷跷板活动来解释这一问题:压力和支点之间的距离可使杠杆力增大。
化石记录也粗略提供了合适的例证:类人猿的脚趾比南方古猿(最早的两足原始人类)脚趾长,而南方古猿的脚趾又比人属的脚趾长,现代人就属于人属。霍克斯指出,长途奔跑现已极为罕见,“在其存在的地方,是由非常复杂的文化适应支持(cultural adaptation)的,包括跟踪、水资源储存,将肉类运回家等等。至于早期人类是否存在这些文化适应证据,现阶段几乎没有,或根本不存在。”

First published online February 13, 2009
Journal of Experimental Biology 212, 713-721 (2009)
Published by The Company of Biologists 2009
doi: 10.1242/jeb.019885

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Walking, running and the evolution of short toes in humans

Campbell Rolian1,*,{dagger}, Daniel E. Lieberman1, Joseph Hamill2, John W. Scott3 and William Werbel1

1 Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
2 Department of Kinesiology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA
3 School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232, USA

{dagger} Author for correspondence (e-mail: cprolian@ucalgary.ca )


Accepted 25 November 2008

The phalangeal portion of the forefoot is extremely short relative to body mass in humans. This derived pedal proportion is thought to have evolved in the context of committed bipedalism, but the benefits of shorter toes for walking and/or running have not been tested previously. Here, we propose a biomechanical model of toe function in bipedal locomotion that suggests that shorter pedal phalanges improve locomotor performance by decreasing digital flexor force production and mechanical work, which might ultimately reduce the metabolic cost of flexor force production during bipedal locomotion. We tested this model using kinematic, force and plantar pressure data collected from a human sample representing normal variation in toe length (N=25). The effect of toe length on peak digital flexor forces, impulses and work outputs was evaluated during barefoot walking and running using partial correlations and multiple regression analysis, controlling for the effects of body mass, whole-foot and phalangeal contact times and toe-out angle. Our results suggest that there is no significant increase in digital flexor output associated with longer toes in walking. In running, however, multiple regression analyses based on the sample suggest that increasing average relative toe length by as little as 20% doubles peak digital flexor impulses and mechanical work, probably also increasing the metabolic cost of generating these forces. The increased mechanical cost associated with long toes in running suggests that modern human forefoot proportions might have been selected for in the context of the evolution of endurance running.


Key words: phalanges, gait, foot biomechanics, bipedalism, Australopithecus



If you've ever wondered why humans don't have long, prehensile toes that would turn our feet into extra hands, here's an answer: stubby toes may be custom-made for running.

Biomechanical analysis shows that long toes require more energy and generate more shock than short toes, making them one of many adaptations that may have helped our savannah-dwelling ancestors chase their prey.

"Longer toes require muscles to do more work, and exert stronger forces to maintain stability, compared to shorter toes," said University of Calgary anthropologist Campbell Rolian. "So long as we were engaged in substantial amounts of running, natural selection would favor individuals with shorter toes."

Most primates — including our closest relative, the chimpanzee — have proportionately longer toes than humans. Our own are comparatively dwarfish and two-dimensional, capable only of extending and flexing. Most animals that run, however, also have extremely short toes. Some species, such as cats and dogs, have paws composed almost entirely by palms. This led Rolian's team to wonder if our foot's physiology could be explained by running.

The importance of running to early Homo is, of course, conjectural. But it does make sense: few other animals are capable of long-distance running, and none can do so under a blazing sun. (Wolves and hyenas, for example, require cold weather or nightfall for long-distance hunting; otherwise they overheat.) Endurance running might have set early humans apart from the pack.

According to study co-author and Harvard University anthropologist Daniel Lieberman, many modern anatomical features make sense in the context of savannah marathons. Achilles tendons act as springs to store energy. Our hind limbs have extra-large joints. Our buttocks muscles are perfect for stabilization, as are regions of the brain uniquely sensitive to the physical pitching generated by the motion of running.

Toes may belong to this class of adaptations.

"Humans are well-adapted for endurance running. That's much of what makes the human body what it is," said Lieberman. "We're actually terrible sprinters, but the world's best long-distance runners."

The long-runner hypothesis is not universally accepted. "Walking and running use the same body parts," said University of Wisconsin paleoanthropologist John Hawks, who was not involved in the study. "It's hard to argue that these are specifically crafted for running" — and, to be even more specific, for long-distance running.

However, Rolian's study, published recently in the Journal of Experimental Biology, makes at least a plausible case for the importance of toes for running. During the moment of propulsion, when one foot is in the air and the other is on the ground, between one-half and three-quarters of a body's weight falls squarely on the forefoot.

"When you're walking, before you push off to start the next step, your other foot has already hit the ground. You've transferred some of your body weight," said Rolian. "Your toes have to do much more work in running, to push you."

When his team analyzed force exerted by fifteen test subjects running and walking on a pressure-sensitive surface, they found that increasing toe length by just 20 percent produced a doubling of motor force. This can be explained in terms known conversationally known from the action of a see-saw: levering force is magnified by the distance between pressure and a fulcrum.

Rolian also observed that longer toes require an additional energy investment when "braking," or using them to guide the forward-falling motion that underlies both running and walking.

The additional work required by long toes, and a resulting increase in muscle stress and damage, likely made them a victim of natural selection. The fossil record, though spotty, provides a fitting narrative: the toes of great apes are longer than those of Australopithecus — the first bipedal hominid — which in turn are longer than the toes of Homo, the genus to which modern humans belong. 

Hawks notes that long-distance running is now extremely rare, and "where it exists, it is supported by very sophisticated cultural adaptations, including tracking, water storage and staged transport of meat back to home bases. There is presently little or no evidence for these cultural adaptations in early Homo."

But Lieberman points out that early Homo and its descendants clearly ate large game, though the projectile technologies ostensibly necessary to slay them were invented just several thousand years ago.

"How did our ancestors, those weak little primates, kill big animals? The answer is that we chased them. We made them gallop. They can't pant and gallop at the same time," said Lieberman. "We can run down a gazelle not through speed, but through endurance."

Of course, in the modern world of grocery stores and restaurants, long-distance running is a recreational activity, and hard-soled shoes absorb much of the shock felt by a bare foot. Freed from ancient evolutionary pressures, what will happen to our feet?

It's too soon to tell, and nothing at all may happen, but "that's generally a question you could ask about many features of the human anatomy," said Rolian. Because it isn't required to push off, he said, "There's talk about whether the pinkie toe is eventually going to disappear."

Citation: "Walking, running and the evolution of short toes in humans." By Campbell Rolian, Daniel E. Lieberman, Joseph Hamill, John W. Scott and William Werbel. Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol. 212, Issue 5. March 1, 2009.



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