Acta Mathematica -《数学学报(瑞典)》
Annals of Mathematics-《数学年刊》
Inventiones Mathematicae-《数学新进展》
Journal of the American Mathematical Society (JAMS) - 《美国数学学会杂志》
Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS (等同四大)
Geometric and Functional Analysis- 《几何与泛函分析》
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (CPAM) - 《纯数学与应用数学通讯》
Duke Mathematical Journal (DMJ) - 《杜克数学杂志》
Memoirs of American Mathematical Society -《美国数学协会论文集》
Annales Scientifiques De L Ecole Normale Superieure- 《巴黎高等师范学院科学纪事》
Journal of the European Mathematical Society-《欧洲数学会杂志》
Communications in Mathematical Physics -数学物理通讯》
Annals of PDE 《偏微分方程年鉴》
Cambridge Journal of Mathematics
Forum of Mathematics Pi π
Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees- 《纯数学与应用数学杂志(法)》
Journal Fur Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik- 《纯数学与应用数学杂志》
Mathematische Annalen (MA) - 《德国数学年刊》
Advances in Mathematics - 《数学进展》
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (ARMA) - 《理性力学与分析档案》
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society- 《美国数学会公报》
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society- 伦敦数学学会学报》
Annales De L Institut Henri Poincare-Analyse Non Lineaire- 《庞加莱研究所年鉴 - 非线性分析》
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (SIAM MA) - 《SIAM数学分析杂志》
Communications in Partial Differential Equations - 《偏微分方程通讯》
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society- 《美国数学会汇刊》
Analysis & PDE (APDE) - 《分析与偏微分方程》
Pure and Applied Analysis http://msp.org/paa 新杂志,据说很强, 暂时未被SCI收录
Journal of Functional Analysis (JFA) - 《泛函分析杂志》
Indiana University Mathematics Journal- 《印第安纳大学数学杂志》
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations- 《变分法和偏微分方程》
Journal d'Analyse Mathématique-《数学分析杂志》
International Mathematics Research Notices-《国际数学研究通告》
Journal of Geometry and Physics
Science China-Mathematics-《中国科学:数学》
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics-《SIAM应用数学杂志》
Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences-《应用科学中的数学模型和方法》
Mmathematische zeitschrift -《数学杂志》
Manuscripta Mathematica- 《数学手稿》
Nonlinearity- 《非线性》
Mathematical Research Letters -《数学研究快报》
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation- 《多尺度建模与仿真》
Journal of Differential Equations (JDE) - 《微分方程杂志》
Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena- 《物理学D:非线性现象》
Journal of Nonlinear Science- 《非线性科学杂志》
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics- 《当代数学通讯》
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics- 《爱丁堡皇家学会会报·A辑》
Proceedings Of The American Mathematical Society-《美国数学会会报》
Journal of Evolution Equations -《发展方程杂志》
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics-《数学流体力学杂志》
Journal of Mathematical Physics -《数学物理杂志》
Acta Mathematica Sinica-English Series- 《数学学报(英文版)》
Journal of Geometric Analysis
Acta Mathematica Scientia-《数学物理学报(英文版)》
Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B- 《数学年刊B辑(英文版)》
JMAA,NA,未完待续 ......
crelle和adv和math ann一档,不可能和jems一档,gafa应该放到jems那一档
综合期刊的排名: T0: Publicatione l'IHES, Annals Math, Acta Math, JAMS, Invent Math
T1: Duke Math, Annales Sci l'ENS, JEMS, CPAM, GAFA
T2: JMPA, Proc London, AMJ, TAMS, Math Ann, Crelle Journal, Compositio, Adv Math, Selecta Math
顶级的期刊 T0:
Annals of Mathematics,https://annals.math.princeton.edu/
Inventiones Mathematicae, https://link.springer.com/journal/222/volumes-and-issues
Acta Math,
Publicatione l'IHES,
Duke Math, https://projecteuclid.org/all/euclid.dmj
Annales Sci l'ENS,
JEMS(JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY), https://www.ems-ph.org/journals/journal.php?jrn=jems
CPAM, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10970312
GAFA, https://link.springer.com/journal/39/volumes-and-issues
Annals Prob,https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aop
Probability Theory and Related Fields, https://link.springer.com/journal/440/volumes-and-issues
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare
Electronic Journal of Probability 此刊以发文章短平快著称
Annals of Applied Probability
Bernoulli, https://projecteuclid.org/all/euclid.bj
Stochastic Processes and their Applications ,https://www.journals.elsevier.com/stochastic-processes-and-their-applications
偏统计物理:Communications in Mathematical physics > J. of Statistical Physics,偏组合:SIAM J. Discrete Math, Random Structure and Algorithms偏生物: J. of Mathematical Biology
Journal of Differential Geometry
Journal of Functional Analysis
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
International Mathematics Research Notices
Annals of Statistics统计顶级期刊
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology统计顶级期刊
Journal of the American Statistical Association统计顶级期刊
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