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阿尔茨海默氏症的突破:科学家们在大脑网络分析方面取得了革命性的飞跃 精选

已有 3964 次阅读 2024-4-6 18:47 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:观点评述




Fig. 1 A new study highlights the crucial role of brain networks in Alzheimer’s disease research, offering insights into methodologies and future challenges. It emphasizes the need for advancements in data integration and model interpretability to enhance research and clinical practices, with optimism for overcoming AD through current technological advancements.


Fig. 2 Structural connectivity (SC) refers to anatomical links and is usually estimated using fiber bundles derived from diffusion MRI; Functional connectivity (FC) and effective connectivity (EC) are generally inferred through the correlation of nodal activities based on BOLD-fMRI or EEG/MEG. Credit: Psychoradiology

据四川大学华西医院(West China Hospital of Sichuan University202445日提供的消息,阿尔茨海默氏症的突破:科学家们在大脑网络分析方面取得了革命性的飞跃(Alzheimer’s Breakthrough: Scientists Make Revolutionary Leap in Brain Network Analysis)。

一项新的研究强调了大脑网络在阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease简称AD)研究中的关键作用,为方法和未来的挑战提供了见解。它强调需要在数据集成和模型可解释性方面取得进展,以加强研究和临床实践,并对通过当前的技术进步克服AD持乐观态度。


AD的研究确定了两个主要的病理标志:细胞外淀粉样蛋白(amyloid beta简称Aβ)斑块的进行性积累和细胞内神经原纤维缠结(neurofibrillary tangles简称NFTs)的存在。


AD的创新研究(Innovative Research in Alzheimer’s Disease)

2024年元月中旬发表在《心理放射学》(Psychoradiology)杂志上的一项研究中,来自美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校(University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA)和美国佐治亚大学(University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA)的研究人员系统地总结了AD背景下的大脑网络研究,批判性地分析了现有方法的优缺点,并提出了新的观点和见解,旨在为未来的研究提供灵感。原文详见:Lu Zhang, Junqi Qu, Haotian Ma, Tong Chen, Tianming Liu, Dajiang Zhu. Exploring Alzheimer's disease: a comprehensive brain connectome-based survey. Psychoradiology, 2024, 4:  kkad033. DOI: 10.1093/psyrad/kkad033. Published: 11 January 2024, https://doi.org/10.1093/psyrad/kkad033


结构连通性(Structural connectivity简称SC)指的是解剖学上的连接,通常使用扩散MRI得出的纤维束来估计;功能连通性(Functional connectivity简称FC)和有效连通性(effective connectivity简称EC)一般通过基于BOLD-fMRIEEG/MEG的节点活动相关性来推断(Fig. 2)。



首席研究员张璐博士(Dr. Lu Zhang,四川大学华西医院麻醉科)说:“今天,我们可以更容易地访问各种形式的数据,并拥有更强大的计算模型。我坚信,以这些成果为基础,我们将在不久的将来最终战胜阿尔茨海默病。”

这项工作得到了美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health R01AG075582, RF1NS128534)的支持。



Dementia is an escalating global health challenge, with Alzheimer's disease (AD) at its forefront. Substantial evidence highlights the accumulation of AD-related pathological proteins in specific brain regions and their subsequent dissemination throughout the broader area along the brain network, leading to disruptions in both individual brain regions and their interconnections. Although a comprehensive understanding of the neurodegeneration-brain network link is lacking, it is undeniable that brain networks play a pivotal role in the development and progression of AD. To thoroughly elucidate the intricate network of elements and connections constituting the human brain, the concept of the brain connectome was introduced. Research based on the connectome holds immense potential for revealing the mechanisms underlying disease development, and it has become a prominent topic that has attracted the attention of numerous researchers. In this review, we aim to systematically summarize studies on brain networks within the context of AD, critically analyze the strengths and weaknesses of existing methodologies, and offer novel perspectives and insights, intending to serve as inspiration for future research.


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