1. 最爆炸新闻:90多年历史的TRR被踢。。。。不过不是第一次了,反正我不投了。。。。
2. Part B 降了不少。其实,真不怪我
3. T Sci 都是VRP,似乎那个领域被引的频次普遍比较多
4. TRB最新说明 http://www.trb.org/main/blurbs/172821.aspx
2014 Transportation Research Record (TRR) Citation Impact Factor Thomson Reuters has reported that, due to an internal error, no 2014 citation impact factor has been created for the Transportation Research Record (TRR): Journal of the Transportation Research Board. TRB has been in contact with Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters hopes to make a correction so that the 2014 citation impact factor for the Transportation Research Record will be included when they update the data in September 2015. TRB will provide an update when this occurs.