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期刊:The American Mathematical Monthly
作者:Ne'Kiya Jackson & Calcea Johnson
We present five trigonometric proofs of the Pythagorean theorem, and our method for finding proofs (Section 5) yields at least five more.
期刊:International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
作者:Weiyi Li (Loughborough University)
This study aims to comprehensively understand the intention to use Artificial Intelligence Generated Assistance in Design Tools (AIGC) among design students and practitioners, along with its influencing factors. Utilizing Smart-PLS software and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique, we constructed a comprehensive research model. Based on 404 valid questionnaire responses, we systematically analyzed the underlying mechanisms of designers’ attitudes towards AIGC tools. The sample encompasses diverse schools and levels of professional experience, ensuring the wide applicability of research outcomes. In the data analysis process, professional statistical analysis methods, including path analysis and standardized path coefficients, were employed to ensure a profound exploration of research questions. The results indicate that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions significantly positively influence the willingness to use AIGC tools, while perceived anxiety and perceived risk exert negative impacts. This study, by integrating traditional and novel factors, provides crucial theoretical and practical guidance for the actual application of AIGC technology in the design field, offering profound insights for the future development and education of design technology.
期刊:Cogent Engineering
通讯作者:Kinsey R. Herrin (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Gait quality is of significant interest in studies investigating interventions for individuals with gait pathology. A primary challenge in gait analysis is selecting an appropriate metric which adequately reflects aberrant deviations and provides an assessment of gait quality in individuals with gait pathology. Metrics vary in definition of gait quality, and there is lack of consensus on an objective outcome measure for assessing gait; while three-dimensional gait analysis is the gold standard, metrics operationalizable in the form of wearable sensors would provide important information to clinicians and researchers without requiring a laboratory. In this study, we investigated and compared the ability of four metrics to detect aberrant gait through systematically applied joint constraint: Prosthetic Observational Gait Score (POGS), Impulse Asymmetry, Lateral Sway, and Gait Deviation Index (GDI). We analyze these metrics to understand their sensitivity and ability to detect systematic perturbed gait with an eye toward future operationalization in the form of a wearable sensor suite. We systematically applied four unilateral lower limb joint constraint conditions to nine able-bodied participants walking at three speeds creating four distinct gait patterns with variations from the baseline. Notably, POGS and GDI together distinguished five of six joint constraint comparisons, with each metric able to distinguish four joint constraint comparisons. Lateral Sway distinguished three joint constraint conditions and two speed conditions, while Impulse Asymmetry distinguished three constraint conditions. No single metric distinguished every condition. A single metric may be adequate for assessing specific gait features; however, multiple metrics are recommended for comprehensive assessment of pathological gait.
期刊:Advances in Physics: X
The lithium niobate on insulator devices confine the light field to submicron size in monocrystalline lithium niobate, to achieve ultra-strong electro-optical interaction and nonlinear optical interaction, and thus extend the frontiers of the photonic research in the past decade. Such devices are manufactured using nano-fabrication technology over the thin-film lithium niobate wafer, which usually stands on a silica insulator layer above the substrate material, including low-loss waveguides, electro-optical modulators, domain engineered structures, high-Q microring resonators and electrical filters etc., and lead to breakthroughs in optical communication, microwave photonics and quantum integration.
期刊:Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
通讯作者:Ehsan Akrami (Dublin City University)
This paper presents a new computational approach to simulate challenging fluid-structure interactions (FSI) between fluids and slender deformable structures. Key innovations address limitations of standard immersed boundary methods, including spurious forces, stability at low density ratios, and accuracy at high Reynolds numbers. The method couples a sharp interface immersed boundary technique with detached eddy simulation turbulence modelling to enable precise FSI for high Reynolds number flows. A strong coupling partitioned algorithm stabilized by Aitken relaxation significantly enhances stability for low density ratios down to 1. A moving least square compact support domain approximation reduces spurious oscillations from moving geometries while providing second-order accuracy. Adaptive mesh refinement imposes jump conditions on slim deformable bodies and minimizes grid leakage. The proposed method is evaluated on three conventional FSI benchmarks and four experimental cases, confirming its robustness, accuracy, and stability in low and significantly high Reynolds numbers. A more complex fluids engineering case is considered last to test the solution under challenging conditions with fast moving solid boundaries and fast flowing fluid. A thin deformable membrane is forced through a submersible centrifugal pump under standard operating conditions. The solution is shown to produce a stable solution with good collision handling ability.
期刊:Vehicle System Dynamics
通讯作者:Giuseppe Guastadisegni (University of Surrey)
Active systems are gaining significant importance because of their ability of enhancing handling performance, stability, and driver engagement, especially in sports cars. The upfront study of the achievable handling characteristics with a specific actuator set is crucial, given the involved development costs and time. In this context, although several recent studies have compared the cornering response associated with different chassis actuations, none of them has analysed in detail the resulting performance envelope, i.e. the feasibility region, based on the operating limit of the available hardware. This study targets the identified gap and presents a methodology for obtaining the feasibility region of chassis actuation systems, defined as the locus of the achievable understeer characteristics. The analysis considers front and rear active camber (FAC and RAC), rear-wheel-steering (RWS) and variable roll moment distribution (RMD). Simplified vehicle models with reduced number of degrees of freedom (DoFs) and other features to accurately obtain the feasibility region and the relevant dynamic response indicators in the early design stages of the vehicle are compared with a high-fidelity model based on VI-CarRealTime. The results highlight the favourable trade-off between complexity and accuracy of a 3-DoF nonlinear model accounting for suspension kinematics and compliances.
期刊:International Journal of Production Research
In recent years, the semiconductor supply chain has experienced dramatic changes, due to geopolitical tensions and public health events, which have provided insights into supply chain disruptions and the shortage economy. This review synthesises current research on semiconductor supply chain disruptions to offer a comprehensive analysis of the vulnerabilities of the semiconductor supply chain and resilience strategies. We begin with an overview of the key characteristics and complexities of the semiconductor supply chain. Focusing on geopolitical security issues and public health events, we provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced and mitigation strategies adopted. Moreover, we identify important gaps in the literature and propose future research directions, emphasising the need for innovative supply chain management practices and decentralised networks for necessary redundancy. Our analysis contributes to the ongoing discussion on how the robustness and adaptability of the semiconductor supply chain, to ensure its sustainability in the face of a rapidly changing global landscape.
期刊:European Journal of Information Systems
通讯作者:Savindu Herath Pathirannehelage (ETH Zurich)
Artificial intelligence (AI) applications have proliferated, garnering significant interest among information systems (IS) scholars. AI-powered analytics, promising effective and low-cost decision augmentation, has become a ubiquitous aspect of contemporary organisations. Unlike traditional decision support systems (DSS) designed to support decisionmakers with fixed decision rules and models that often generate stable outcomes and rely on human agentic primacy, AI systems learn, adapt, and act autonomously, demanding recognition of IS agency within AI-augmented decision making (AIADM) systems. Given this fundamental shift in DSS; its influence on autonomy, responsibility, and accountability in decision making within organisations; the increasing regulatory and ethical concerns about AI use; and the corresponding risks of stochastic outputs, the extrapolation of prescriptive design knowledge from conventional DSS to AIADM is problematic. Hence, novel design principles incorporating contextual idiosyncrasies and practice-based domain knowledge are needed to overcome unprecedented challenges when adopting AIADM. To this end, we conduct an action design research (ADR) study within an e-commerce company specialising in producing and selling clothing. We develop an AIADM system to support marketing, consumer engagement, and product design decisions. Our work contributes to theory and practice with a set of actionable design principles to guide AIADM system design and deployment.
期刊:Journal of Computer Information Systems
通讯作者:Tarek Ali ( Manchester Metropolitan University)
Cloud computing faces more security threats, requiring better security measures. This paper examines the various classification and categorization schemes for cloud computing security issues, including the widely known CIA trinity (confidentiality, integrity, and availability), by considering critical aspects of the cloud, such as service models, deployment models, and involved parties. A comprehensive comparison of cloud security classifications constructs an exhaustive taxonomy. ISO27005, NIST SP 800–30, CRAMM, CORAS, OCTAVE Allegro, and COBIT 5 are rigorously compared based on their applicability, adaptability, and suitability within a cloud-based hosting methodology. The findings of this research recommend OCTAVE Allegro as the preferred cloud hosting paradigm. With many security models available in management studies, it is imperative to identify those suitable for the rapidly expanding and dynamically evolving cloud environment. This study underscores the significant methods for securing data on cloud-hosting platforms, thereby contributing to establishing a robust cloud security taxonomy and hosting methodology.
期刊:Journal of the American Statistical Association
第一作者:郭旭 (北京师范大学)
This article aims to develop an effective model-free inference procedure for high-dimensional data. We first reformulate the hypothesis testing problem via sufficient dimension reduction framework. With the aid of new reformulation, we propose a new test statistic and show that its asymptotic distribution is 𝜒2 distribution whose degree of freedom does not depend on the unknown population distribution. We further conduct power analysis under local alternative hypotheses. In addition, we study how to control the false discovery rate of the proposed 𝜒2 tests, which are correlated, to identify important predictors under a model-free framework. To this end, we propose a multiple testing procedure and establish its theoretical guarantees. Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed tests and an empirical analysis of a real-world dataset is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.
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