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何勇教授团队 | 天空地一体化信息感知与融合技术发展现状与趋势(2023年第2期:农业信息感知与控制技术专题)
2023-7-14 09:44

01  论文基本信息

《智能化农业装备学报(中英文)》2023年第4卷第2期“农业信息感知与控制技术”专题刊载了浙江大学、农业农村部光谱检测重点实验室等单位 聂鹏程, 钱程, 覃锐苗, 邓水光, 孙崇德, 何勇的论文——天空地一体化信息感知与融合技术发展现状与趋势。该研究由国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFD2001801);浙江省重点研发计划项目(2020C02017,2021C02022)资助。

02  引文信息


聂鹏程, 钱程, 覃锐苗, 邓水光, 孙崇德, 何勇. 天空地一体化信息感知与融合技术发展现状与趋势[J]. 智能化农业装备学报(中英文), 2023, 4(2): 1-11.

NIE Pengcheng, QIAN Cheng, QIN Ruimiao, DENG Shuiguang, SUN Chongde, HE Yong. Development status and trends of space-air-ground integrated information sensing and fusion technology[J]. Journal of Intelligent Agricultural Mechanization, 2023, 4(2): 1-11.

DOI: 10.12398/j.issn.2096-7217.2023.02.001



03  论文研究内容


关键词:农情感知, 卫星遥感, 无人机遥感, 地面监测, 多源信息融合

Abstract: New agricultural monitoring technologies based on satellite remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing, intelligent sensing terminals and IoT network have made significant progress in their respective fields. However, it is difficult for single monitoring ways to meet the comprehensive sensing needs of modern agriculture, so it is urgent to develop a multi-source, multi-scale of space-air-ground cooperative monitoring and intelligent sensing system. The study first introduces some problems in China's agricultural development and points out the necessity of using space-air-ground information fusion technology; then analyzes the traditional sensing information technology of space, air and ground respectively. The applications of satellite remote sensing technology in different fields and the data acquisition and processing methods of UAV remote sensing technology in the subdivision fields of pest and disease detection, phenotype analysis and drought stress detection are summarized. Finally, the key technologies and networking methods of intelligent sensing terminal and IoT networks in ground networks are analyzed, and advantages and disadvantages, key technologies, and future development trends of space, air, ground network are analyzed respectively in detail. Combined with the deficiencies of the existing monitoring technology, this study summarizes the latest research results and applications of space, air and ground sensing technology in the integrated agricultural situation monitoring at home and abroad. Based on above analysis, the key technical problems that have not been solved in the research and application of space-air-ground integrated agricultural information sensing and fusion technology are pointed out. In addition, this study proposes that China's space-air-ground information sensing and fusion technology should develop in the direction of stability, refinement, and systematization, which provides a new perspective for the development and application of multi-source information fusion monitoring technology in the future. This study provides a reference for analyzing the hotspots of space, air and ground information sensing, breaking through the bottleneck of their applications, and grasping the development trend of integrated sensing and fusion technology, so as to enhance development of China's agricultural information perception in the way of three'dimension, preciseness and intelligence.

Keywords: agricultural information perception, satellite remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing, ground monitoring, multi-source information fusion

04  作者简介





何勇教授,浙江大学求是特聘教授,浙江大学数字农业农村研究中心主任、农业农村部光谱检测重点实验室主任,曾任浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院院长。国家“双一流”建设学科和全国第四轮学科评估A+序列学科——农业工程学科学术带头人之一、“十二五”国家863现代农业领域“数字农业技术与装备”主题专家、863项目首席专家、国家教学名师、国家百千万国家级人才、国务院农业工程学科评议组成员兼秘书长、教育部高等学校农业工程类教学指导委员会委员、曾先后在日本东京大学、东京农工大学、美国伊利诺斯大学访问和担任Visiting Professor。国际农业与生物系统工程科学院(iAABE)FelloW,入选科睿唯安2016—2018全球高被引科学家,2020—2021年ELSEVIER中国高被引学者,入选2022年斯坦福大学发布的“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”。2017年2月26日央视“对话”节目特邀嘉宾。主要从事数字农业、农业物联网、数字乡村和智能农业装备等方面的科研和教学工作。主持国家863、国家自然基金、欧盟地平线2020项目、中国工程院重大咨询研究课题及省部级重点科研项目50余项。发表SCI收录400余篇。出版著作和教材20多本,其中Springer出版英文专著1本,主编国家十五、十一五规划教材各1本。获美国、欧洲等发明专利180多项、软件著作权50多项。享受国务院政府特殊津贴。荣获中华人民共和国成立70周年纪念章、改革开放40年中国农业工程杰出贡献奖。担任ELSEVIER出版公司SCI收录农业工程权威杂志《Computers and Electronics in Agriculture》主编,《Journal of Agriculture and Food Research》创刊主编,《Food and Bioprocess Technology》等10多本国际学术期刊编委、国内《农业机械学报》《农业工程学报》《浙江大学学报》(工学版)、《农业科学学报》等10多本学术刊物的副主编、编委,入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划2021年度优秀审稿人。担任国际农业与生物系统工程学会(CIGR)第二分会(Equipment Engineering for Plants)和第六分会(Postharvest Technology and Process Engineering)执委,长三角助力创新联盟副主席兼秘书长。负责的《精细农业》课程荣获国家精品课程、国家资源公开课程和国家一流课程。获国家科技进步二等奖1项、浙江省科技进步一等奖5项、二等奖9项、教育部科学科技进步一等奖2项、二等奖4项,广东省科技进步一等奖1项,国家教学成果一等奖1项、省教学成果奖一等奖2项、二等奖2项。荣获大北农智慧农业奖、中国专利优秀奖。


国内统一刊号:CN 32-1887/S2

国际标准刊号:ISSN 2096-7217




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