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祝贺!Nano Research Energy迎来创刊一周年!
2023-5-26 16:50

Nano Research Energy作为Nano Research姊妹刊,是清华大学出版社20226月创办的全英文开放获取期刊,由曲良体教授(清华大学)和支春义教授(香港城市大学)担任主编,入选了2022年度中国科技期刊卓越行动计划——高起点新刊项目2025年之前免收APC费用,2023年第2期已正式出版。

Celebrating the One-Year Anniversary of Nano Research Energy

Zhiqun Lin, Chunyi Zhi, and Liangti Qu

  To celebrate this momentous occasion, we are very pleased to highlight the following significant accomplishments of this new journal in the field. Nano Research Energy received more than 100 submissions and published 17 research articles, 36 reviews, 3 perspectives, 6 highlights, 1 comment and 2 editorials, amounting to a total of 65 papers to date. They were written by worldwide groups of researchers with expertise and interests in energy conversion and storage from China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, the United States of America, Australia, Germany, and Sweden. A wide range of topics are covered in this journal, including but not limited to batteries, capacitors, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, solar cells, hydrogen energy, thermoelectric generators, and electricity generators.

  Two key achievements of Nano Research Energy are highly noteworthy. First, Nano Research Energy was indexed by the Directory of Open Access Journals in November 2022 and Scopus in February 2023. As such, our published papers have gained considerable publicity and attracted readers’ interest in the energy-related topics covered in our journal. Since its inception in June 2022, the journal has received more than 1500 citations, substantiating the increasing importance of nanomaterials and nanotechnology research in energy conversion and storage and the success of Nano Research Energy in publishing high-quality papers. The second notable achievement is the establishment of the NRE Young Star Researcher Award to recognize outstanding early-career researchers for their significant contributions to nanomaterials and nanotechnology research for energy applications. In 2022, 61 young researchers received this award. We hope this award would encourage researchers to continue submitting their high-quality research on energy generation, conversion, storage, and conservation as well as clean energy to Nano Research Energy.

  In addition, we would like to congratulate the authors of 12 top award-winning papers published in Nano Research Energy in 2022 and we would like to recognize the excellent work from all authors and wish them continued success in their research. We aim to publish more of their research in Nano Research Energy in the future. We also thank all reviewers, readers, and advisory board members for their support to the journal.

  With the publication of this issue, which marks the beginning of the second year of Nano Research Energy, we are delighted to announce several changes to the journal with respect to new editorial members from top-tier energy industry and new column named “industrial commentary” shedding light on current situation of energy-related products and the development of next-generation technologies and solutions. We firmly believe that Nano Research Energy will continue to play a pivotal role in disseminating key advances in nanomaterials and nanotechnology for energy in the community.

  We enthusiastically invite you to follow Nano Research Energy and contribute your work to the journal in the coming year and beyond. We look forward to your submission, constructive feedback, and long-lasting support.


Nano Research Energy做对了什么?发布不到1个月收到领域第一人赞赏邮件!



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Nano Research Energy——Call for papers

l  包括但不限于电催化和光催化、燃料电池、新型电池技术、先进储能装置、超级电容器、生物能和生物燃料、碳捕集和储存技术、氢能、太阳能、风能、地热能、核能、水能、能源经济、能源安全等主题

l  2022年9月入选2022年度中国科技期刊卓越行动计划——高起点新刊项目

l  2022年11月被DOAJ数据库收录

l  2023年2月被Scopus数据库收录

l  2025年前免APC出版费

l  Submission to First Decision: 5 days





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