最近的一项研究强调了水生环境中轮胎磨损颗粒(TWP) 沥滤液的肝毒性,它会影响肠-肝轴并诱发氧化损伤。这些发现表明水生生物可能面临健康风险。
“轮胎磨损颗粒主要通过轮胎与路面摩擦产生,并大量释放到周遭环境中。”刘志权说,“据估算,每年约有 610 万吨轮胎磨损颗粒进入水生生态系统,对生物多样性构成重大威胁。”
这促使研究人员调查轮胎磨损颗粒沥滤液对黑斑蛙(Pelophylax nigromaculatus)的影响,黑斑蛙是一种高度敏感的两栖动物物种。
该团队还发现,在受试青蛙的肠道、肝脏和肾脏中积累了一定量的元素锌( 一种轮胎磨损颗粒沥滤液中常见的微量金属),这进一步证实了水生生物对轮胎磨损颗粒沥滤液的吸收和生物积累。
该研究已发表在期刊Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology,欢迎领域内的学者阅读、下载。
Zhiquan Liu, et al.,Tire-wear particle leachate at environmentally relevant concentrations exert a hepatotoxic impact on the black-spotted frog by disrupting the gut–liver axis, Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology (缩写ENCECO)主要聚焦化学品在全球环境中的传输规律及其在生态系统中的毒性机制,生物体中的生物利用度和生物蓄积性,食物链中的生物放大,以及生态系统分析中的新技术和新方法、跨学科生态毒理学信息的处理方法等。
期刊已被BIOSIS Previews、Biological Abstracts、CAS、DOAJ、ESCI、Scopus、Ei Compendex、GEOBASE等数据库收录。
CiteScore 2023: 15.4,位居学科前10%。
IF 2023: 9.0
主编:Prof. Kurunthachalam Kannan
H-index: 129
State University of New York Albany, USA
Prof. Dr. Kurunthachalam Kannan is an eminent researcher specializing in environmental science and toxicology, with a focus on understanding human exposure to environmental pollutants and dietary chemicals. His research incorporates cutting-edge developments in analytical chemistry to detect organic chemicals in human and environmental specimens, and employs the concept of ‘exposome’ to measure the varied exposures and responses of the human body to its environment. Central to Dr. Kannan’s work is the biomonitoring of persistent organic compounds, endocrine disruptors, and emerging environmental chemicals to assess exposure and characterize human exposure pathways. His innovative and integrated approach seeks to elucidate the associations between these chemicals and health outcomes, ultimately contributing to the development of informed strategies for disease prevention and management.
He has an H-index of 129 (WOS data). He has published more than 940 peer-reviewed articles,more than 800 articles have been indexed by WOS. He was an editor of Environmental Chemistry section of Chemosphere, Editor-in-Chief of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.