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特刊:Intelligent Train Control and Smart-Railways

期刊:Discover Artificial Intelligence

客座编辑:Francesco Flammini, Stefano Marrone, Roberto Nardone & Valeria Vittorini


The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in industry has been so disruptive that it gave rise to several new waves of research, including predictive maintenance based on machine-learning, and cognitive digital twins. Many industries, mainly logistics and manufacturing, have benefited significantly from AI adoption, with a very positive outlook for the future. Modern railways represent one of the fields in which AI is expected to have a significant impact from a medium to long term perspective. Unprecedented scenarios in railway automation and control systems also raise concerns regarding system dependability and the new threats associated with a high level of autonomy.

Therefore, it is important to understand to what extent AI can be considered trustworthy and explainable in safety- and security-critical applications. In such a context, this Topical Collection welcomes submissions from researchers, practitioners and business leaders to discuss and share new perspectives, ideas, technologies and solutions for effective and dependable integration of AI techniques in smart rail-based transportation systems.

The Topical Collection expects to provide a contribution to the adoption and promotion of AI in railways.


特刊:Advancements in Security for Cyber Physical Systems

期刊:SN Applied Sciences

客座编辑:Anand Nayyar


A cyber physical system (CPS) is defined as a blend of physical and computer components in which physical systems are monitored or controlled by computer-based algorithms with possibly humans in the loop. With cyber physical systems, the complete transformation is observed in the way we interact with physical world as it is a complex engineered system which bridges the computing and communication aspects in the cyberspace.

CPS systems are subject to security and privacy issues originating from diverse computing and communication technologies. Cyber Security protects the network of systems from any type of damages or breaches by unauthorized users and intruders to the hardware, software, and enormous amount of personal and sensitive data present in the various services provided. Nowadays, well sophisticated CPS environments get hacked despite vigorous security efforts. Malware, Phishing, Trojans, Ransom ware, Denial of Service attack, etc. are some of the common cyber security threats that compromise the CPS and other supporting systems. This indicates that the installation of cyber security strategies should be revised regularly with innovative ideas and methods to ensure data threats in organizations. Here, the design and development of cyber security algorithms and architectures are necessary for CPS and IoT systems with data confidentiality, authenticity, and authorization. The goal of this special issue “Advancements in Security for Cyber Physical Systems” is to attract high quality research papers discussing solutions to several security and privacy challenges in CPS to keep them functional without hiccups. The special issue also provides platform for researchers to propose new technologies, architectures and solutions for solving challenges in CPS.

The special issue attracts the papers, not limited to the following:

• Recent advancements in Cyber Security for CPS

• Artificial Intelligence based cyber security techniques for CPS

• Detection, evaluation, and prevention of threats and attacks in intelligent CPS

• Security and privacy preservation for CPS

• Trustworthy Smart Systems and Smart Production Systems

• Security and Intelligent designs cum Architectures for Smart Grid CPS, Medical CPS, Manufacturing CPS and Social CPS

• Blockchain Technology for securing CPS

• Case Studies: Cyber Security for CPS.


特刊:Contact Mechanics and Engineering Applications

期刊:Fixed Point and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering

客座编辑:Mircea Sofonea  & Weimin Han


Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering welcomes submissions to the topical collection ''Contact Mechanics and Engineering Applications''. 

The topical collection covers a wide variety of topics concerning modeling, analysis, numerical solution and applications of nonlinear problems in contact mechanics and engineering, in which fixed point formulations and arguments play an important role.

Topics include (but are not limited to): 

  • fixed point problems

  • nonlinear operators and operator equations

  • variational and hemivariational inequalities

  • abstract inclusions

  • sweeping processes

  • nonlinear boundary value problems

  • optimal control problems

  • real world applications in Industry, Mechanics of materials, and Electronics    

and other areas.


特刊:Optimization and Real World Applications

期刊:Fixed Point and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering

客座编辑:Heinz Bauschke, Yunier Bello-Cruz, Radu Ioan Bot, Robert Csetnek  & Alexander Zaslavski


Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering welcomes submissions to the topical collection ''Optimization and Real World Applications''. 

The topical collection covers a wide variety of topics concerning optimization problems and their applications. 

Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • smooth and nonsmooth optimization problems (theory and numerical methods), 

  • monotone operators and nonexpansive mappings,

  • real world applications in 

  • machine learning,

  • image/signal processing,

  • data classification,

  • scientific computing

and other areas.


特刊:Geospatial Information Science for Sustainable Development

期刊:Discover Sustainability

客座编辑:Rudi Pretorius & Sanet Carow


Geospatial Information Science experienced significant development and growth over the past two to three decades, and provides a multitude of approaches and tools to support the implementation of sustainable development and specifically the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Since Geospatial Information Science catalyzes insights, perspectives and methodologies from a wide spectrum of disciplines and fields of study, it has an important role to play in bringing various stakeholders together so that geospatial resources for research, planning and decision-making for sustainable development can be obtained, hosted, shared and used in a coordinated, effective and useful way. Commendable progress has been made by the Geospatial Information Science community to make geospatial data available at various resolutions and scales, thus enabling the utilization of such data for a variety of applications, including sustainable development. This includes big data and citizen science applications to support the implementation of the SDGs in multi-inter-trans-disciplinary contexts.

The Topical Collection “Geospatial Information Science for Sustainable Development” provides a platform to explore, evaluate and showcase recent contributions by Geospatial Information Science to the UN SDGs. This includes challenges which are experienced and how these are addressed, and innovative and new approaches and technologies to advance knowledge production in this field. This call also includes submissions dealing with place-based applications of Geospatial Information Science to enhance sustainability in different regional contexts.


特刊:Physical Exercise for Cognitive and Mental Health

期刊:Discover Psychology

客座编辑:Chong Chen


Physical exercise is among the most cost-effective behavioral interventions that may enhance cognitive and mental health. However, there are still many unknowns that hinder the precise prescription of exercise for many specific populations to achieve specific goals. For instance, to achieve a specific outcome, is aerobic or resistance exercise more effective? Is individual or group training more effective? Is there a time-of-the-day effect? Is indoor exercise as effective as outdoor activities? Furthermore, the neurobiological mechanisms by which physical exercise achieves its beneficial effects for cognition and mental health are yet to be clarified, the knowledge of which may help inform scientists to develop effective pharmacological agents and neuromodulatory interventions for relevant disorders. The goal of this topical collection is to address these unsolved issues and advance our understanding of the cognitive and mental health benefits of physical exercise. Any studies on daily physical activity, aerobic exercise, resistance training, and sports are welcome.


特刊:Extreme ocean events

期刊:Scientific Reports

客座编辑:Sandro Carniel, Chau-Ron Wu & Barbara Zanuttigh


The ocean covers around 71% of the surface of the Earth, and its interactions with the land and atmosphere can result in powerful and potentially devastating events, which are now exacerbated by climate change effects. Undersea earthquakes can trigger tsunamis and air-sea interactions at various scales can cause extreme weather events like typhoons, storms and related tidal surges, resulting in coastal erosion and flooding. This can cause loss of life, change of ecosystem services, damage to economic activities and interruption of daily life in coastal areas.

This Collection brings together the latest research in extreme ocean events including methodologies and modelling of the causes, the predictions and the impacts, as well as innovations and case studies on damage mitigation strategies and adaptation solutions.


特刊:Neutrinos and other elementary particles

期刊:Scientific Reports

客座编辑:Annapaola De Cosa & Livia Soffi


Neutrinos are elementary particles that have attracted physicists’ interest for almost a century now. They fall in the particle group known as leptons, and come in three flavours (electron, muon, and tau). Named by Fermi – after their characteristics to be electrically neutral – they were initially hypothesised by Pauli. Directly detected for the first time in 1956, they are still the centre, together with other elementary particles, of many experimental studies that play an essential role in understanding the world around us.

This Collection welcomes original research related to neutrinos and all the other elementary particles – such as other leptons, quarks, and bosons – that are the fundamental building blocks of nature.



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