(英)伦敦大学皇家霍洛威 凝聚态物理/量子材料 方向现开放奖学金博士生招生。申请人需具备物理,材料,化学,或电子工程方向的本科/研究生背景 (GPA > 80%) 。入选者将基于纳米电子及材料课题组展开工作。课题组研究范围包括(1)拓扑材料;(2)拓扑自旋电子学;(3)二维材料;(4)自旋拓扑结构;(5)微磁学;(6)复杂氧化物。欢迎具备凝聚态及材料学(实验)工作背景的同学报名。申请人请首先通过wenqing.liu@rhul.ac.uk 发送以下文档并讨论课题。
- CV,
- Abstract and outline of UG/MSc thesis,
- Up to three representative publications if any.
伦敦大学皇家霍洛威列属于伦敦大学联盟。校园位于风景宜人的伦敦西郊,比邻英国卢瑟福国家实验室( Rutherford-appleton-laboratory)及哈威尔科技园区(Harwell Campus)。皇家霍洛威在凝聚态物理及粒子物理方向具有悠久历史,与英国/欧洲多个同步辐射站具有广泛合作,并于2018年建成英国最先进的(超导)纳米制造中心国家实验室。入选者将有机会在相关实验室及中心培训并展开相关工作。更多信息请参见实验室及学院官网
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in Condensed Matter/Quantum Materials. This position is part of the newly funded UK EPSRC research grant, Topological Spintronics, led by Professor Wenqing Liu. The studentship includes a stipend of approximately £16,777 plus fees (at UK/EU rates) for three years. Overseas applicants are welcome to apply but would be required to have other sources to pay the difference between UK and overseas tuition fees. The PhD will be based on the Nano-Electronics and Materials Group. The department has a purposely-designed brand-new Science Building situated on the beautiful Egham campus close to London.
Eligibility Applicants must hold, or be predicted to achieve, a First-Class degree or equivalent in one of the following subjects: Physics, Material Science, Chemistry and Engineering. Laboratory research experience in physical subjects and relevant track records would be advantageous.
How to Apply Applicants are encouraged to send the CV, abstract and outline of thesis, and representative publications to the project PI on wenqing.liu@rhul.ac.uk for an informal discussion before the online application.
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