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已有 15304 次阅读 2010-10-27 14:46 |个人分类:Graphene Research|系统分类:论文交流

Structure-directing Role of Graphene in the Synthesis of Metal-Organic Framework Nanowire

 Abstract: Graphene can be decorated with functional groups on either side of its basal plane, giving rise to bifunctional nanoscale building block that can undergo face-to-face assembly. We demonstrate that benzoic acid-functionalized graphene (BFG) can act as structure directing template in influencing the crystal growth of metal-organic framework (MOF). BFG is also incorporated into MOF as framework linker. Due to the high density of carboxylic groups on benzoic acid-functionalized graphene, an unusual MOF nanowire which grows in the [220] direction was synthesized. The diameter of the nanowire correlates closely to the lateral dimensions of the BFG. The intercalation of graphene in MOF imparts new electrical properties such as photoelectric transport in the otherwise insulating MOF. The results point to the possibility of using functionalized graphene to synthesize a wide range of structural motifs in MOF with adjustable metrics and properties.


现行的纳米研究,很多涉及怎样用一个模板来生长低维纳米材料。我们最近的工作显示,二维石墨烯也可以做为一个分子模板,来诱导金属有机骨架材料的生长,我们首次用bottom-up+graphene structure-directing的方法合成了MOF-5的纳米线。其基本机理如下图所示:






该文已于近期发表于JACS(J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2010, 132, 14487–14495)。

发表之后的感慨是:好不容易。因为此前已经有三篇graphene+MOF的文章分别发表于Adv Mater, Adv Funct Materi和J Mater Chem,要突破重围找到我们的originality实属不易。就像我们老板说,发这个paper,就像为了挽救一个出生不久先天不足的婴儿,提出一百种挽救措施,做N多实验(尽管结果有平平,只好拼工作量)很费劲才让其活过来。所以,从一开始,最好就优生优育,从一个全新的idea和concept开始,而不是简单的follow别人看有没有结果的改进或性能的提高。



上一篇:最新会议信息:石墨烯最新进展(Recent Advances in Graphene and Related Materials)
下一篇:Nature Chemistry: 石墨烯氧化物-化学可调的光学性质及应用
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4 张晗 杨东江 刘庆丰 zhangzhi

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