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已有 2806 次阅读 2012-10-19 19:18 |个人分类:航天 动力|系统分类:科普集锦| 火星土壤

High-Resolution View of Cross-Section Through a Mars Ripple
This image shows the wall of a scuffmark NASA's Curiosity made in a windblown ripple of Martian sand with its wheel. The upper half of the image shows a small portion of the side wall of the scuff and a little bit of the floor of the scuff (bottom of this image). The prominent depression with raised rims at the bottom center of the image was formed by one of the treads on Curiosity's front right wheel.

From: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/images/?ImageID=4788

Small Debris on the Ground Beside Curiosity
This image from the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows a small bright object on the ground beside the rover at the "Rocknest" site. The object is just below the center of this image. It is about half an inch (1.3 centimeters) long. The rover team has assessed this object as debris from the spacecraft, possibly from the events of landing on Mars. 

From: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/images/?ImageID=4806


上一篇:国际燃烧学会迎来新主席——Prof. Katharina Kohse-Hoinghaus
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