学科领域 | GoOA收录 期刊数量 | GoOA 三星级期刊 | GoOA 二星级期刊 | GoOA 一星级期刊 |
Mathematics | 96 | 25 | 33 | 38 |
Physics | 70 | 16 | 25 | 29 |
Chemistry | 66 | 16 | 21 | 29 |
Astronomy | 22 | 4 | 8 | 10 |
Environmental Sciences | 53 | 13 | 19 | 21 |
Earth Sciences | 95 | 17 | 30 | 48 |
Life Sciences | 368 | 78 | 115 | 175 |
Medicine | 939 | 192 | 296 | 451 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences、Pharmacology、Toxicology | 50 | 10 | 16 | 24 |
Materials Science | 80 | 16 | 24 | 40 |
Computer Science | 87 | 19 | 27 | 41 |
Psychology | 23 | 6 | 8 | 9 |
Agricultural Science | 70 | 15 | 24 | 31 |
Engineering and Technology | 166 | 33 | 50 | 83 |
Chemical Engineering | 24 | 4 | 7 | 13 |
Energy and Power | 29 | 6 | 13 | 10 |
Science ( gernal) | 24 | 4 | 7 | 13 |
Social Science | 20 | 5 | 7 | 8 |
n Mathematics
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
2 | Fixed Point Theory and Applications | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
3 | Journal of Statistical Software | American Statistical Association | ★★★ |
4 | Abstract and Applied Analysis | Hindawi | ★★★ |
5 | Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society | Hindawi | ★★★ |
6 | Journal of Applied Mathematics | Hindawi | ★★★ |
7 | Advances in Mathematical Physics | Hindawi | ★★★ |
8 | Boundary Value Problems | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
9 | Journal of Inequalities and Applications | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
10 | Journal of Function Spaces and Applications | Hindawi | ★★★ |
11 | Scientific Programming | Hindawi | ★★★ |
12 | Electronic Journal of Probability | Institute of Mathematical Statistics | ★★★ |
13 | Advances in Difference Equations | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
14 | International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | Hindawi | ★★★ |
15 | Journal of Probability and Statistics | Hindawi | ★★★ |
16 | International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | ★★★ |
17 | Measurement Science Review | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | ★★★ |
18 | Journal of Official Statistics | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | ★★★ |
19 | Geometry | Hindawi | ★★★ |
20 | Algebra | Hindawi | ★★★ |
21 | Journal of Optimization | Hindawi | ★★★ |
22 | International Journal of Differential Equations | Hindawi | ★★★ |
23 | International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing | Hindawi | ★★★ |
24 | Advances in Decision Sciences | Hindawi | ★★★ |
25 | Modelling and Simulation in Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
26 | Electronic Communications in Probability | Institute of Mathematical Statistics | ★★ |
27 | Decision Analytics | SpringerOpen | ★★ |
28 | Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis | Kent State University | ★★ |
29 | Journal of Mathematics | Hindawi | ★★ |
30 | Analele Universitatii "Ovidius" Constanta - Seria Matematica | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | ★★ |
n Physics
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | Journal of High Energy Physics | Springer | ★★★ |
2 | Physical Review X | American Physical Society | ★★★ |
3 | Advances in High Energy Physics | Hindawi | ★★★ |
4 | Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics | Oxford open | ★★★ |
5 | The European Physical Journal C | Springer/Società Italiana di Fisica | ★★★ |
6 | AIP Advances | AIP Publishing LLC | ★★★ |
7 | Shock and Vibration | Hindawi | ★★★ |
8 | Physics Letters B | Elsevier | ★★★ |
9 | Nuclear Physics B | Elsevier | ★★★ |
10 | Advances in Condensed Matter Physics | Hindawi | ★★★ |
11 | International Journal of Photoenergy | Hindawi | ★★★ |
12 | New Journal of Physics | Institute of Physics Publishing | ★★★ |
13 | Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research | American Physical Society | ★★★ |
14 | Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams | American Physical Society | ★★★ |
15 | Photonic Sensors | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
16 | EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
17 | Optics Express | Optical Society of America | ★★ |
18 | Optical Materials Express | Optical Society of America | ★★ |
19 | Light: Science & Application | Nature Publishing Group | ★★ |
20 | Physics Research International | Hindawi | ★★ |
n Chemistry
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | BMC Biochemistry | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
2 | Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications | Hindawi | ★★★ |
3 | Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry | Hindawi | ★★★ |
4 | International Journal of Analytical Chemistry | Hindawi | ★★★ |
5 | Journal of Chemistry | Hindawi | ★★★ |
6 | Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews | Taylor & francis Open and Routledge Open | ★★★ |
7 | ChemistryOpen | Wiley | ★★★ |
8 | Journal of Cheminformatics | Chemistry Central | ★★★ |
9 | Arabian Journal of Chemistry | Elsevier | ★★★ |
10 | International Journal of Photoenergy | Hindawi | ★★★ |
11 | Journal of Spectroscopy | Hindawi | ★★★ |
12 | Enzyme Research | Hindawi | ★★★ |
13 | Biochemistry Research International | Hindawi | ★★★ |
14 | International Journal of Spectroscopy | Hindawi | ★★★ |
15 | Journal of Nucleic Acids | Hindawi | ★★★ |
16 | International Journal of Peptides | Hindawi | ★★★ |
17 | International Journal of Electrochemistry | Hindawi | ★★ |
18 | FEBS Open Bio | Elsevier | ★★ |
19 | Chemistry Central Journal | Chemistry Central | ★★ |
20 | International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | Hindawi | ★★ |
n Astronomy
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | Institute of Physics Publishing | ★★★ |
2 | The European Physical Journal C | Springer | ★★★ |
3 | Earth, Planets and Space | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
4 | Advances in Astronomy | Hindawi | ★★★ |
5 | Journal of Astrophysics | Hindawi | ★★ |
6 | Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy | Indian Academy of Sciences | ★★ |
7 | EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation | SpringerOpen | ★★ |
8 | Progress in Earth and Planetary Science | SpringerOpen | ★★ |
9 | Chinese Physics C | Institute of Physics Publishing | ★★ |
10 | Acta Physica Polonica B | Jagiellonian University | ★★ |
n Environmental Sciences
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | Environmental Research Letters | Institute of Physics Publishing | ★★★ |
2 | Advances in Meteorology | Hindawi | ★★★ |
3 | Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems | EDP Open | ★★★ |
4 | Geospatial Health | PAGEPress Publications | ★★★ |
5 | Journal of Environmental and Public Health | Hindawi | ★★★ |
6 | Journal of Environmental Health Science Engineering | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
7 | Environmental Sciences Europe | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
8 | Frontiers in Environmental Science | Frontiers | ★★★ |
9 | Journal of Limnology | PAGEPress Publications | ★★★ |
10 | Microbial Ecology in Health & Disease | Co-Action Publishing | ★★★ |
11 | Archives of Environmental Protection | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | ★★★ |
12 | Forest Ecosystems | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
13 | Geoenvironmental Disasters | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
14 | Conservation and Society | Medknow | ★★ |
15 | International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering | Medknow | ★★ |
16 | Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | ★★ |
17 | IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science | Institute of Physics Publishing | ★★ |
18 | Applied Water Science | SpringerOpen | ★★ |
19 | Environmental Evidence | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★ |
20 | Journal of Advanced Research | Elsevier | ★★ |
n Earth Sciences
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
2 | Biogeosciences | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
3 | Geoscientific Model Development | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
4 | Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems | Wiley | ★★★ |
5 | The Cryosphere | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
6 | Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
7 | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
8 | Climate of the Past | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
9 | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
10 | Earth System Dynamics | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
11 | Solid Earth | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
12 | Ocean Science | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
13 | Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
14 | Annales Geophysicae | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
15 | Tellus Series B | Co-Action Publishing | ★★★ |
16 | Advances in Meteorology | Hindawi | ★★★ |
17 | Petroleum Science | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
18 | Tellus Series A | Co-Action Publishing | ★★ |
19 | History of Geo- and Space Sciences | Copernicus Publications | ★★ |
20 | Scientia Marina | CSIC Press | ★★ |
21 | Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate | EDP Open | ★★ |
22 | Earthquake Science | SpringerOpen | ★★ |
23 | Oceanologia | Elsevier | ★★ |
24 | Acta Palaeontologica Polonica | Polish Academy of Sciences | ★★ |
25 | Palaeontologia Electronica | Copernicus Publications | ★★ |
26 | International Journal of Geophysics | Hindawi | ★★ |
27 | Earth System Science Data | Copernicus Publications | ★★ |
28 | Carbon Balance and Management | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★ |
29 | Geochemical Transactions | Chemistry Central | ★★ |
30 | Mountain Research and Development | International Mountain Society | ★★ |
n Life Sciences
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | Genome Biology | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
2 | PLOS Pathogens | PLoS | ★★★ |
3 | Molecular Systems Biology | Wiley | ★★★ |
4 | PLoS Biology | PLoS | ★★★ |
5 | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford open | ★★★ |
6 | BMC Genomics | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
7 | Cell & Bioscience | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
8 | PLoS Genetics | PLoS | ★★★ |
9 | Microbial Cell Factories | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
10 | BMC Biology | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
11 | Biotechnology for Biofuels | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
12 | Molecular Neurodegeneration | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
13 | Journal of Neuroinflammation | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
14 | Epigenetics & Chromatin | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
15 | BMC Plant Biology | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
16 | BMC Bioinformatics | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
17 | Aging Cell | Wiley | ★★★ |
18 | Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine | Wiley | ★★★ |
19 | PLoS Computational Biology | PLoS | ★★★ |
20 | Conservation Letters | Wiley | ★★★ |
21 | Cell Death & Disease | Nature Publishing Group | ★★★ |
22 | Parasites & Vectors | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
23 | BMC Microbiology | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
24 | Clinical Epigenetics | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
25 | Cell Communication and Signaling | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
26 | Molecular Brain | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
27 | Biology Direct | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
28 | BMC Medical Genomics | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
29 | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
30 | Molecular Pain | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
n Medicine
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | PLOS Pathogens | PLoS | ★★★ |
2 | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
3 | Critical Care | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
4 | BMC Medicine | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
5 | Molecular Cancer | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
6 | Journal of Hematology & Oncology | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
7 | Immunity & Ageing | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
8 | EMBO Molecular Medicine | Wiley | ★★★ |
9 | Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine | Wiley | ★★★ |
10 | Breast Cancer Research | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
11 | Arthritis Research & Therapy | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
12 | PLoS Medicine | PLoS | ★★★ |
13 | Journal of Neuroinflammation | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
14 | Retrovirology | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
15 | Journal of Translational Medicine | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
16 | Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
17 | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
18 | Molecular Pain | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
19 | Malaria Journal | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
20 | Implementation Science | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
21 | Respiratory Research | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
22 | BMC Cancer | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
23 | Environmental Health | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
24 | Radiation Oncology | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
25 | BMC Public Health | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
26 | Journal of Ophthalmology | Hindawi | ★★★ |
27 | Genome Medicine | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
28 | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
29 | Disease Models & Mechanisms | Company of Biologists | ★★★ |
30 | International Journal of Nanomedicine | DOVE press | ★★★ |
n Materials Science
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | NPG Asia Materials | Nature Publishing Group | ★★★ |
2 | Journal of Nanobiotechnology | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
3 | Gold Bulletin | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
4 | Journal of Nanomaterials | Hindawi | ★★★ |
5 | Journal of Materials | Hindawi | ★★★ |
6 | Materials Today | Elsevier | ★★★ |
7 | Science and Technology of Advanced Materials | Institute of Physics Publishing | ★★★ |
8 | Nanoscale Research Letters | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
9 | International Journal of Ploymer Science | Hindawi | ★★★ |
10 | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
11 | Journal of Nanotechnology | Hindawi | ★★★ |
12 | International Journal of Biomaterials | Hindawi | ★★★ |
13 | Biomaterials Research | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
14 | Progress in Natural Science: Materials International | Elsevier | ★★★ |
15 | Journal of Nanoscience | Hindawi | ★★★ |
16 | Journal of Nanoparticles | Hindawi | ★★★ |
17 | Optics Express | Optical Society of America | ★★ |
18 | Optical Materials Express | Optical Society of America | ★★ |
19 | Optica Applicata | Wrocław University of Technology | ★★ |
20 | Light: Science & Application | Nature Publishing Group | ★★ |
n Computer Science
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | PLoS Computational Biology | PLoS | ★★★ |
2 | Journal of Statistical Software | American Statistical Association | ★★★ |
3 | Journal of Machine Learning Research | Microtome Publishing | ★★★ |
4 | Journal of Cheminformatics | Chemistry Central | ★★★ |
5 | BioData Mining | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
6 | Mobile Information Systems | Hindawi | ★★★ |
7 | International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks | Hindawi | ★★★ |
8 | Journal of Robotics | Hindawi | ★★★ |
9 | EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
10 | EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
11 | Scientific Programming | Hindawi | ★★★ |
12 | EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
13 | International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | ★★★ |
14 | International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing | Hindawi | ★★★ |
15 | Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
16 | Advances in Human-Computer Interaction | Hindawi | ★★★ |
17 | Journal of Computer Networks and Communications | Hindawi | ★★★ |
18 | Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing | Hindawi | ★★★ |
19 | Advances in Fuzzy Systems | Hindawi | ★★★ |
20 | Computational Linguistics | MIT Press | ★★ |
21 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | AAAI Press/AI Access Foundation | ★★ |
22 | International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting | Hindawi | ★★ |
23 | JMIR mhealth and uhealth | JMIR Publications Inc | ★★ |
24 | Frontiers in Robotics and AI | Frontiers | ★★ |
25 | Frontiers in ICT | Frontiers | ★★ |
26 | Advances in Multimedia | Hindawi | ★★ |
27 | International Journal of Computational Mathematics | Hindawi | ★★ |
28 | Journal of Computational Engineering | Hindawi | ★★ |
29 | Journal of Open Research Software | Ubiquity Press Ltd. | ★★ |
30 | Advances in Artificial Intelligence | Hindawi | ★★ |
n Agricultural Science
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | Nutrition & Metabolism | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
2 | Nutrition Journal | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
3 | Food & Nutrition Research | Co-Action Publishing | ★★★ |
4 | Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
5 | Marine and Coastal Fisheries | Taylor & francis Open and Routledge Open | ★★★ |
6 | Agriculture & Food Security | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
7 | Journal of Eating Disorders | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
8 | Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | AOSIS OpenJournals | ★★★ |
9 | Journal of Nutritional Science | Cambridge University Press | ★★★ |
10 | Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism | Hindawi | ★★★ |
11 | International Agrophysics | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | ★★★ |
12 | Applied and Environmental Soil Science | Hindawi | ★★★ |
13 | International Journal of Forestry Research | Hindawi | ★★★ |
14 | International Journal of Agronomy | Hindawi | ★★★ |
15 | Advances in Agriculture | Hindawi | ★★★ |
16 | Journal of Reproduction and Development | Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction | ★★ |
17 | Flavour | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★ |
18 | Frontiers in Veterinary Science | Frontiers | ★★ |
19 | Food Science & Nutrition | Wiley | ★★ |
20 | Frontiers in Nutrition | Frontiers | ★★ |
n Engineering and Technology
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
2 | Science and Technology of Advanced Materials | Institute of Physics Publishing | ★★★ |
3 | Gold Bulletin | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
4 | Mobile Information Systems | Hindawi | ★★★ |
5 | Advances in Materials Science and Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
6 | International Journal of Antennas and Propagation | Hindawi | ★★★ |
7 | Shock and Vibration | Hindawi | ★★★ |
8 | Advances in Mechanical Engineering | Sage Open | ★★★ |
9 | Journal of Robotics | Hindawi | ★★★ |
10 | Mechanical Sciences | Copernicus Publications | ★★★ |
11 | Journal of Biological Engineering | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
12 | Journal of Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
13 | Journal of Sensors | Hindawi | ★★★ |
14 | Nano-Micro Letters | Open-Access House of Science and Technology | ★★★ |
15 | International Journal of Aerospace Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
16 | EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
17 | Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics | Taylor & francis Open and Routledge Open | ★★★ |
18 | Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | Elsevier | ★★★ |
19 | EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
20 | Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics | Walter de Gruyter GmbH | ★★★ |
21 | VLSI Design | Hindawi | ★★★ |
22 | Journal of Industrial Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
23 | Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
24 | International Journal of Rotating Machinery | Hindawi | ★★★ |
25 | Advances in Civil Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
26 | Modelling and Simulation in Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
27 | Journal of Control Science and Engineering | Hindawi | ★★★ |
28 | Advances in Fuzzy Systems | Hindawi | ★★★ |
29 | Active and Passive Electronic Components | Hindawi | ★★★ |
30 | International Journal of Corrosion | Hindawi | ★★★ |
n Energy and Power
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | Biotechnology for Biofuels | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
2 | Petroleum Science | SpringerOpen | ★★★ |
3 | Science and Technology and Nuclear Installations | Hindawi | ★★★ |
4 | Journal of Energy | Hindawi | ★★★ |
5 | International Journal of Photoenergy | Hindawi | ★★★ |
6 | Energy Procedia | Elsevier | ★★★ |
7 | Journal of Renewable Energy | Hindawi | ★★ |
8 | Journal of Solar Energy | Hindawi | ★★ |
9 | Frontiers in Energy Research | Frontiers | ★★ |
10 | Advances in Power Electronics | Hindawi | ★★ |
n Psychology
编号 | 期刊名称 | 出版社 | GoOA星级 |
1 | Frontiers in Psychology | Frontiers | ★★★ |
2 | European Journal of Psychotraumatology | Co-Action Publishing | ★★★ |
3 | Brain and Behavior | Wiley | ★★★ |
4 | Advances in Physiology Education | American Physiological Society | ★★★ |
5 | i-Perception | Pion Publications | ★★★ |
6 | BMC Psychology | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★★ |
7 | BioPsychoSocial Medicine | BioMed Central Ltd | ★★ |
8 | International Journal of Bipolar Disorders | SpringerOpen | ★★ |
9 | Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine | Taylor & francis Open and Routledge Open | ★★ |
10 | Journal of Interaction Science | SpringerOpen | ★★ |
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