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科学研究规划及实践(1) - 讲座介绍
2010年-2011年,笔者曾经利用学术休假在天津大学计算机学院(软件学院)做兼职教授,为本科生开设过《软件工程原理》及《软件工程形式化方法》课程,也为研究生和本科生们开设过学术讲座,其中之一是“Research and Writing for Computer Science and Software Engineering/Technology”,很受天大老师们和同学们的好评(似乎还吸引了隔壁南开的学生们来听)。后来,同样题目的讲座(或课程)也曾陆续为国防科技大学、东北大学、中南大学、北京交通大学等学校开设过。当时,有些老师建议应该把讲座内容归纳整理扩展为书籍,供青年教师和学生们参考。因为退休前工作太忙,所以从未认真计划过此事。
[1] S. Shapiro (Eds.), “The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic,” Oxford University Press, 2005.
[2] P. Humphreys (Eds.), “The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Science,” Oxford University Press, 2016.
[3] A. F. Chalmers, “What is this thing called Science?” Open University Press, 1999(3rd Edition), Hackett Publishing, 2013(4th Edition).
[4] D. Pritchard, “What is this thing called Knowledge?” Routledge, 2018(4th Edition), 2023(5th Edition).
[5] K. McCain and K. Kampourakis, “What is Scientific Knowledge? - An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology of Science,” Routledge, 2020.
[6] National Academy of Sciences; National Academy of Engineering; Institute of Medicine; Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, “On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research, Third Edition,” National Academy Press, 2009.
[7] J. E. Ormrod, “Practical Research: Design and Process, 13th Edition,” Pearson Education, 2023.
[8] P. D. Leedy and J. E. Ormrod, “Practical Research: Planning and Design,” Pearson Education, 2015(11th Edition), 2018(12th Edition).
[9] D. Wilkinson and D. Dokter, “The Researchers Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Practitioner Research, 2nd Edition,” Routledge, 2000-2023.
[10] N. Walliman, “Research Methods: The Basics,” Routledge, 2011.
[11] W. Tan, “Research Methods: A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers,” World Scientific Publishing, 2018.
[12] T. Gournelos, J. R. Hammonds, and M. A. Wilson, “Doing Academic Research: A Practical Guide to Research Methods and Analysis,” Routledge, 2019.
[13] V. Bairagi and M. V. Munot (Eds.), “Research Methodology: A Practical and Scientific Approach,” CRC Press, 2019.
[14] W. I. Beveridge, “The Art of Scientific Investigation,” William Heinemann, 1950 (1st Edition), 1953 (2nd Edition), 1957 (3rd Edition), Blackburn, 2004.
[15] W. I. Beveridge, “Seeds of Discovery: The Logic, Illogic, Serendipity, and Sheer Chance of Scientific Discovery,” W. W. Norton & Company, 1980.
[16] R. S. Root-Bernstein, “Discovering: Inventing and Solving Problems at the Frontiers of Scientific Knowledge,” Harvard University Press, 1989.
[17] C. J. Sindermann, “Winning the Games Scientists Play,” Plenum Press, 1982.
[18] C. J. Sindermann, “The Joy of Science: Excellence and Its Rewards,” Plenum Press, 1985.
[19] C. J. Sindermann, “Survival Strategies for New Scientists,” Plenum Press, 1987.
[20] J. Zobel, “Writing for Computer Science, 3rd Edition,” Springer, 2014.
[21] J. D. Lester and J. D. Lester, Jr., “Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide, 15th Edition,” Pearson Education, 2015.
[22] R. A. Day and B. Gastel,“How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper,” Greenwood, 2006(6th Edition), 2011(7th Edition); B. Gastel and R. A. Day, “How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper,” Greenwood, 2016(8th Edition), 2022(9th Edition).
[23] J. E. Mauch and N. Park, “Guide to the Successful Thesis and Dissertation: A Handbook for Students and Faculty (5th Edition),” CRC Press, 2003.
[24] G. M. Hall (Eds.), “How to Write a Paper, 5th Edition,” John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
[25] S. Bailey, “Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students, 5th Edition,” Routledge, 2018.
[26] R. L. Joyner, W. A. Rouse, and A. A. Glatthorn, “Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation: A Step by Step Guide, 4th Edition,” Corwin, 2018.
[27] D. Swetnam, “Writing Your Dissertation: How to plan, prepare and present successful work, 3rd Edition,” How To Books, 2004.
[28] Y. N. Bui, “How to Write a Masters Thesis, 3rd Edition,” SAGE Publications, 2020.
[29] B. Gustavii, “How to Write and Illustrate Scientific Papers, 2nd Edition,” Cambridge University Press, 2008.
[30] C. Mounsey, “How to Write Successful Essays, Dissertations, and Exams, 2nd Edition,” Oxford University Press, 2013.
[31] S. H. Read, “Academic Writing Skills for International Students,2nd Edition,” Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024.
[32] T. Bretag (Eds.), “Handbook of Academic Integrity,” Springer, 2016.
[33] E. Erwin, S. Gendin, and L. Kleiman (Ed.), “Ethical Issues in Scientific Research: An Anthology,” Garland Publishing, 1994, Routledge, 2015.
[34] J. G. D’Angelo, “Ethics in Science: Ethical Misconduct in Scientific Research, 2nd Edition,” CRC Press, 2019.
[35] K. Schuyt, “Scientific Integrity: The Rules of Academic Research,” Translated by K. German, Leiden University Press, 2019.