极低摩擦的新固体润滑剂 精选
2025-2-19 15:07




Fig. 1 Nagaraju Myakala, TU Wien / Wiley


Fig. 2 Pablo Ayala, Hanglin Li, Carsten Gachot, Dominik Eder and Postdoc Xudong Sui (left to right) Pablo Ayala, Hanglin Li, Carsten Gachot, Dominik Eder and Postdoc Xudong Sui (left to right)

据奥地利维也纳理工大学(Vienna University of Technology)2025年2月18日提供的消息,具有极低摩擦的新型固态润滑剂(Extremely Low Friction Thanks to New Solid State Lubricant)。


在工业中,为正确的用途找到正确的润滑剂是一项极其重要的任务。不仅可以减少摩擦,过热和磨损,还可以节省能源。因此,在维也纳理工大学,卡斯滕·加霍特(Carsten Gachot)教授(摩擦学、机械工程)和多米尼克·埃德尔(Dominik Eder)教授(化学)的研究小组正在合作开发创新的、改进的润滑剂。

他们与来自中国和意大利的研究人员合作,研发出一种具有非常特殊性能的新型材料:润滑剂COK-47。它不是像润滑油那样的液体,而是一种粉末状固体物质。在纳米尺度上,它由原子级薄的薄片堆叠而成,就像一叠小小的卡片。当这种材料与水分子接触时,这些小片可以很容易地滑过彼此——就会形成一种所谓的摩擦膜,它确保了极低的摩擦。这使得COK-47在潮湿条件下成为一种非常有趣的润滑剂。相关研究结果于2025113日已经在《高级科学》(Advanced Science)杂志网站发表——Hanglin LiXudong SuiPablo AyalaEdoardo MarquisHannah RablAdrian ErtlPierluigi BilottoYazhuo ShangJiusheng LiLu XuMaria Clelia RighiDominik EderCarsten Gachot. Advanced Solid Lubrication with COK-47: Mechanistic Insights on the Role of Water and Performance Evaluation. Advanced Science(Weinh), 2025 Jan 13: e2415268. DOI: 10.1002/advs.202415268

参与此项研究的有来自奥地利维也纳理工大学(Institute for Engineering Design and Product Development, Research Unit Tribology E307-05, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria; Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria)、中国科学院上海高等研究院(Laboratory for Advanced Lubricating Materials, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China)、意大利博洛尼亚大学(Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi", Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy)、中国上海的华东理工大学(Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials, School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China)以及中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所(State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China)的研究人员。

有机和无机:两全其美(Organic and inorganic: the best of both worlds)

研究小组多年来一直在研究金属有机框架{metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)}。这是一种新型材料,由有机分子连接的无机构件组成。将这些材料在原子水平上用于特定目的的可能性有很多——例如,多米尼克·埃德尔的团队近年来已经将它们用作氢生产或水净化的光催化剂。


然而,材料 COK-47有一个重要的特殊特征,上述论文的合著者、化学家巴勃罗·阿亚拉(Pablo Ayala)解释说,这种材料的无机成分是氧化钛的二维薄片,这极大地影响了它的行为。


摩擦最小,耐久性最大(Minimal friction, maximum durability)

该研究的第一作者、工程师李杭林(Hanglin Li音译)说“我们将COK-47与目前常用的金属有机框架化合物类的其他润滑剂进行了比较,COK-47的摩擦系数明显低于其他材料。与其他2D材料相比,COK-47也明显更耐用——这是实践中的另一个重要标准。


本研究得到了中国科学院战略性重点研究计划(XDB0470203/Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)、欧洲研究理事会(865633/H2020 European Research Council)以及奥地利科学基金(TU-DX DOC142-N (10.55776/DOC142)/Austrian Science Fund)的资助。



Metal-organic framework (MOF) nanoparticles have attracted widespread attention as lubrication additives due to their tunable structures and surface effects. However, their solid lubrication properties have been rarely explored. This work introduces the positive role of moisture in solid lubrication in the case of a newly described Ti-based MOF (COK-47) powder. COK-47 achieves an 8.5-fold friction reduction compared to AISI 304 steel-on-steel sliding under room air. In addition, COK-47 maintains a similarly low coefficient of friction (0.1-0.2) on various counterbodies, including Al2O3, ZrO2, SiC, and Si3N4. Notably, compared to other widely studied MOFs (ZIF-8, ZIF-67) and 2D materials powder (MXene, TMD, rGO), COK-47 exhibits the lowest friction (≈0.1) under the same experimental settings. Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope, and transmission electron microscopy indicate that the tribofilm is an amorphous film obtained by hydrolysis of COK-47 in the air with moisture. Density functional theory further confirms that water catalyzes the decomposition of COK-47, a crucial step in forming the tribofilm. This study demonstrates the idea of utilizing MOF and water-assisted lubrication mechanisms. It provides new insights into MOF applications in tribology and highlights interdisciplinary contributions of mechanical engineering and chemistry.





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