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据“科学警报”(sciencealert)网站2024年10月18日报道,这个小调整会对你的日常行走产生巨大的影响(This Small Tweak Makes a Huge Difference to Your Daily Walk)。
一项新的研究表明,如果走路是你日常锻炼的一部分,你可能会想在沿途停下来闻一闻玫瑰。意大利米兰大学(University of Milan, Milan, Italy)的研究人员发现,与不休息地走同样的距离相比,短暂的散步实际上可能会让你的新陈代谢得到更多的锻炼。
散步会消耗你手臂、胸部、背部、腹部、骨盆和腿部的肌肉,虽然不需要太多有意识的努力(doesn't take much conscious effort)来协调所有这些,但你的大脑(brain)在散步中也得到了公平的锻炼。
“日行万步(10,000 steps-a-day adage)”这句经典格言起源于1965年(origins in 1965),当时一家日本公司发明了一种计步器,名为Manpo-kei,意思是“一万步米”( '10,000 steps meter')。
一开始有点武断,但有效的目标步数已经被一次又一次地测试,结果喜忧参半(time and time again, with mixed results)。意大利米兰大学病理生理学家的新研究表明,并不是所有的步骤都是平等的。详见:F. Luciano, L. Ruggiero, A. E. Minetti, G. Pavei. Move less, spend more: the metabolic demands of short walking bouts. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2024, 291(2033). Published online: 16 October 2024. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2024.1220
正如上述论文的第一作者弗朗西斯科·卢西亚诺(Francesco Luciano)和他的同事在他们发表的论文中解释(explain)的那样,使用稳态行走来计算能量消耗“大大低估了短期行走的能量消耗”。这不仅对那些试图燃烧更多能量的人有影响,也对那些可能试图保存能量的人有影响。
作者写道(the authors write):“基于短步行的锻炼计划被用于几种临床疾病的治疗和康复,包括肥胖和中风。”这也可能是一些项目的重要信息,这些项目旨在帮助人们在减肥的同时仍然获得运动的好处,比如饮食失调治疗项目。
研究小组写道(the team writes):“了解短运动的成本对于量身定制(锻炼计划)至关重要,尤其是对于那些有氧健身水平较低、需要更多时间才能达到代谢稳定状态的人。”
在240秒的时间里,他们还测量了行走过程中四次的氧气摄入量,以评估“稳态”行走('steady state' walking)的影响。“稳态”行走是指新陈代谢在较长一段时间内发生变化,以适应一种特定的运动。
研究人员报告(the researchers report)说:“我们的发现表明,短时间的平均氧气摄入量和代谢成本比长时间的更大。”
在30秒的运动中,参与者比标准的步行运动消耗了20% ~ 60%的氧气,这是基于稳定状态(长时间,连续)的步行,在此期间身体会变得更有效率。氧气消耗通常被用来衡量运动中消耗了多少能量,这就是为什么这项研究表明,在计算步行燃烧的卡路里时,散步的时间可能会产生巨大的差异。
The metabolic cost of steady-state walking is well known; however, across legged animals, most walking bouts are too short to reach steady state. Here, we investigate how bout duration affects the metabolic cost of human walking with varying mechanical power, metabolic intensity and duration. Ten participants walked for 10- to 240-s bouts on a stair climber at 0.20, 0.25 and 0.36 m s−1 and on a treadmill at 1.39 m s−1. Oxygen uptake was time-integrated and divided by bout duration to get bout average uptake (V̇O2(b)). Fitting of oxygen uptake kinetics allowed calculating non-metabolic oxygen exchange during phase-I transient and, hence, non-steady-state metabolic cost (C met(b)) and efficiency. For 240-s bouts, such variables were also calculated at steady state. Across all conditions, shorter bouts had higher V̇O2(b) and Cmet(b), with proportionally greater non-metabolic oxygen exchange. As the bout duration increased, V̇O2(b), C met(b) and efficiency approached steady-state values. Our findings show that the time-averaged oxygen uptake and metabolic cost are greater for shorter than longer bouts: 30-s bouts consume 20%–60% more oxygen than steady-state extrapolations. This is partially explained by the proportionally greater non-metabolic oxygen uptake and leads to lower efficiency for shorter bouts. Inferring metabolic cost from steady state substantially underestimates energy expenditure for short bouts.