光子驱动的突破:面向未来的快速、安全和可持续的电信 精选
2024-10-14 15:09




Fig. 1 Researchers at the University of Maryland, led by You Zhou, have developed a new device that processes information using minimal light, offering significant energy savings and improved security for telecommunications. Credit: SciTechDaily.com


Fig. 2 Center for Functional Nanomaterials scientists and study co-authors Houk Jang (left) and Suji Park at the Quantum Materials Press. Credit: Jessica Rotkiewicz/Brookhaven National Laboratory


Fig. 3 You Zhou, UMD doctoral student Liuxin Gu, and UMD postdoctoral researcher Lifu Zhang (pictured left to right) in the UMD Department of Materials Science and Engineering observing a giant nonlinear optical response in materials that are just a few atomic layers thick. Credit: Liuxin Gu

据美国布鲁克黑文国立实验室Brookhaven National Laboratory20241013日提供的消息,光子驱动的突破:面向未来的快速、安全和可持续的电信(Photon-Powered Breakthrough: Speedy, Secure, and Sustainable Telecom for the Future)。


美国马里兰大学(University of Maryland简称UMD)的一项创新研究展示了一种利用光处理电信数据的设备,通过量子通信实现了能源效率,并增强了抵御黑客攻击的安全性。


一种能够以最小的光处理信息的新设备可能会彻底改变节能和安全的通信。这项创新是由马里兰大学材料科学与工程系(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA)助理教授周友(You Zhou音译)与美国能源部(DOE)布鲁克海文国家实验室{U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory}的研究人员合作进行的,2024514日在《自然光子学》(Nature Photonics)杂志网站在线发表,并得到了重点报道。原文详见:Liuxin Gu, Lifu Zhang, Ruihao Ni, Ming Xie, Dominik S. Wild, Suji Park, Houk Jang, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Mohammad Hafezi, You Zhou. Giant optical nonlinearity of Fermi polarons in atomically thin semiconductors. Nature Photonics, 2024, 18: 816–822. DOI: 10.1038/s41566-024-01434-x. Published: 14 May 2024. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41566-024-01434-x

参与此项研究的还有德国马克斯普朗克量子光学研究所(Max Plank Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany)、日本筑波国立材料科学研究所(National Institute for Materials Science,Tsukuba, Japan)以及美国马里兰量子材料中心(Maryland Quantum Materials Center, College Park, MD, USA)的研究人员。

光通信革命(Revolutionizing Optical Communication)

负责通过电话信号发送信息的设备——光开关(Optical switches)依靠光作为传输媒介,用电作为处理工具,需要额外的能量来解释数据。周友设计的一种新的替代方案只使用光来驱动全传输,这可以提高电信和计算平台的速度和能源效率。

这项技术的早期测试已经显示出显著的节能效果。传统的光开关需要10 ~ 100飞焦耳(10 ~ 100 fJ)才能实现通信传输,而周友的装置只消耗1/100的能量,最多只有1飞焦耳(1 fJ)的能量。通过一种被称为非线性响应(non-linear response)的材料特性,建立一个能够利用少量光进行信息处理的原型,为他的研究小组的新机会铺平了道路。

量子材料的进展(Advancements in Quantum Materials)

“实现强非线性是出乎意料的,这开辟了一个我们以前尚未探索的新方向:即量子通信(quantum communications),”周友说。

为了制造这个设备,周友使用了功能纳米材料中心Center for Functional Nanomaterials简称CFN)的量子材料压力机(Quantum Material Press简称QPress),这是布鲁克海文实验室的美国能源部科学办公室用户设施,为进行开放研究的科学家提供免费使用世界级设备的机会。QPress是一种自动合成量子材料的工具,其层薄如单个原子。

上述论文的合著者、CFN电子纳米材料组(Electronic Nanomaterials Group at CFN)的一名工作人员科学家Suji Park说:“我们已经和周友的团队合作了好几年。他们是我们QPress模块的最早使用者之一,其中包括一个去角质器(exfoliator),编目器(cataloger)和堆叠器(stacker)。具体来说,我们根据客户的要求提供了高质量的去角质薄片,我们密切合作,优化他们材料的去角质条件。这种合作关系大大提高了他们的样品制造工艺。”

未来发展方向和安全性增强(Future Directions and Security Enhancements)




这项研究得到了美国能源部科学办公室US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences Early Career Research Program, under award no. DE-SC-0022885)和美国国家科学基金成就奖(National Science Foundation CAREER Award under award no. DMR-2145712)的支持。也得到了日本学术振兴会{ JSPS KAKENHI (grant nos. 20H00354, 21H05233 and 23H02052)}和日本文部科学省的世界顶级国际研究中心倡议(WPI)对hBN合成{World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI), MEXT, Japan, for hBN synthesis }的支持。



Realizing strong nonlinear optical responses is a long-standing goal of both fundamental and technological importance. Recently, substantial efforts have been focused on exploring excitons in solids to achieve nonlinearities even down to few-photon levels. However, a crucial tradeoff arises as strong light–matter interactions require large oscillator strength and short radiative lifetime of excitons, which limits their nonlinearity. Here we experimentally demonstrate strong nonlinear optical responses with large oscillator strength by exploiting the coupling between excitons and carriers in an atomically thin semiconductor. By controlling the electric field and electrostatic doping of trilayer WSe2, we observe the hybridization between intralayer and interlayer excitons and the formation of Fermi polarons. Substantial optical nonlinearity is observed under continuous-wave and pulsed laser excitation, where the Fermi polaron resonance blueshifts by as much as ~10 meV. Intriguingly, we observe a remarkable asymmetry in the optical nonlinearity between electron and hole doping, which is tunable by the applied electric field. We attribute these features to the optically induced valley polarization due to the interactions between excitons and free charges. Our results establish atomically thin heterostructures as a highly versatile platform for engineering nonlinear optical response with applications to classical and quantum optoelectronics.





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