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已有 1067 次阅读 2024-9-11 20:51 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯




Fig. 1 An innovative “electromagnetic vortex cannon” capable of emitting vortex rings has been created, mirroring the behavior of natural air vortices. This technology could revolutionize communication and remote sensing with its enhanced data encoding capabilities and resilience to environmental disturbances. Credit: Ren Wang; Pan-Yi Bao; Zhi-Qiang Hu; Shuai Shi; Bing-Zhong Wang; Nikolay I. Zheludev; Yijie Shen


Fig. 2 Air cannons produce visible vortex rings by generating rotating air pressure differences, while electromagnetic cannons emit electromagnetic vortex pulses using coaxial horn antennas. The electromagnetic system also demonstrates self- resilience properties and skyrmion topology, offering unique potential in high-capacity communication, target detection, and data encoding due to their complex wave dynamics and topological features. Credit: Ren Wang; Pan-Yi Bao; Zhi-Qiang Hu; Shuai Shi; Bing-Zhong Wang; Nikolay I. Zheludev; Yijie Shen

据《科技日报》SciTechDaily)网站2024910日刊发的来自中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所{Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP), Chinese Academy of Sciences}提供的消息,中国科学家研制出一种电磁旋涡炮(Chinese Scientists Have Developed an Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon)。

涡旋环(Vortex rings),无论是在空气中还是在电磁波中,都是令人着迷的结构。最近的研究已经开发出发射电磁涡流环的方法,在通信、传感和数据处理方面提供了潜在的应用。这项技术可能会彻底改变无线网络,并为数据存储和计量技术的创新铺平道路。



电磁旋涡环(Electromagnetic Vortex Rings

将同样的原理应用于电磁波,我们可以设想一种直接发射电磁旋涡环的电磁旋涡炮。由于研究人员的不懈努力,这一概念正逐渐成为现实。最近,中国电子科技大学(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, , Chengdu, China)的王任Ren Wang)副教授、新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore)的沈义杰(Yijie Shen音译)助理教授以及英国南安普顿大学(University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK)的合作者提出了一种利用同轴喇叭天线(coaxial horn antennas)直接发射电磁涡流(electromagnetic vortices)的方法。

他们观察了这些涡旋的弹性传播特性(resilient propagation characteristics)和斯格明子拓扑结构(skyrmion topological structures)。他们的研究成果202482日已经在《应用物理评论》的专题文章(Featured Article in Applied Physics Reviews)中发表——Ren Wang; Pan-Yi Bao; Zhi-Qiang Hu; Shuai Shi; Bing-Zhong Wang; Nikolay I. Zheludev; Yijie Shen. Observation of resilient propagation and free-space skyrmions in toroidal electromagnetic pulses. Applied Physics Reviews, 2024, 11: 031411. DOI: 10.1063/5.0218207. ePub. August 02 2024. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0218207

电磁涡流炮的工作原理(Operating Principles of the Electromagnetic Vortex Cannon

这些科学家总结了他们的电磁炮的工作原理:“该原理涉及利用超宽带(ultra-wideband),径向极化(radially polarized),锥形同轴喇叭天线(conical coaxial horn antennas)来创建旋转电磁波结构。当天线发射时,它会产生瞬时的压力差,形成这些涡流环,在很长的距离内保持它们的形状和能量。这种方法的独特之处在于它能够产生具有复杂拓扑特征的电磁脉冲,如斯格明子(Skyrmions),在传播过程中显示出卓越的弹性和自愈特性self-healing property)。”

在通信和传感中的应用(Applications in Communication and Sensing




本研究得到了中国国家自然科学基金{National Natural Science Foundation of China (62171081, 61901086)}、中国四川省自然科学基金{ the Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province (2022NSFSC0039)}、欧洲研究理事会{European Research Council (FLEET-786851)}、新加坡教育部AcRF一级基金{Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) AcRF Tier 1 grant (RG157/23, RT11/23)}以及新加坡南洋理工大学创业基金(Nanyang Technological University Start Up Grant资助或支持。



Toroidal electromagnetic pulses have been recently reported as nontransverse, space-time nonseparable topological excitations of free space. However, their propagation dynamics and topological configurations have not been comprehensively experimentally characterized. In addition, the existing generators were limited in optical and terahertz domains; however, the feasibility and significance of generating such pulses at microwave frequencies have been overlooked. Here, we report that microwave toroidal pulses can be launched by a transient finite-aperture broadband horn antenna emitter, as an electromagnetic counterpart of “air vortex cannon.” Applying this effective generator, we experimentally map the toroidal pulses' topological skyrmionic textures in free space and demonstrate their resilient propagation dynamics, i.e., how that, during propagation, the pulses evolve toward stronger space-time nonseparability and closer proximity to the canonical Hellwarth–Nouchi toroidal pulses. Our work offers a practical opportunity for using topologically robust toroidal pulses as information carriers in high-capacity telecom, cell phone technology, remote sensing, and global positioning, especially where microwave frequencies are predominant.


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2 郑永军 刘钢

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