看不见的入侵者: 微塑料是如何潜入你的大脑的?
2024-6-16 19:59




Researchers have discovered that microplastics, once ingested, travel from the gut to tissues such as the liver, kidneys, and brain, potentially causing significant health issues. The team’s findings emphasize the critical link between gut health and overall well-being, with ongoing studies exploring how diet and gut microbiota interact with microplastic absorption. Credit: SciTechDaily.com


微塑料(Microplastics)是看不见的入侵者,它是如何潜入你的大脑的,知晓否?请注意来自美国新墨西哥大学健康科学中心University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque, NM, USA)妮可·圣·罗曼(Nicole San Roman2024614日的报道(Invisible Invaders: How Microplastics Sneak Into Your Brain)。

新墨西哥大学University of New Mexico简称UNM)的研究人员发现,微塑料一旦被摄入,就会从肠道转移到肝脏、肾脏和大脑等器官,可能会导致严重的健康问题。


对人类健康的重大影响(Significant Impact on Human Health

2024410日发表在《环境健康展望》(Environmental Health Perspectives)杂志网站的一篇论文——Marcus M. Garcia, Aaron S. Romero, Seth D. Merkley, Jewel L. Meyer-Hagen, Charles Forbes, Eliane El Hayek, David P. Sciezka, Rachel Templeton, Jorge Gonzalez-Estrella, Yan Jin, Haiwei Gu, Angelica Benavidez, Russell P. Hunter, Selita Lucas, Guy Herbert, Kyle Joohyung Kim, Julia Yue Cui, Rama R. Gullapalli, Julie G. In, Matthew J. Campen, and Eliseo F. Castillo. In Vivo Tissue Distribution of Polystyrene or Mixed Polymer Microspheres and Metabolomic Analysis after Oral Exposure in Mice. Environmental Health Perspectives, 2024, 132(4): CID: 047005. DOI: 10.1289/EHP13435. Published online: 10 April 2024.


UNM医学院UNM School of Medicine)埃利塞奥·卡斯蒂略博士(Eliseo Castillo, PhD)说:“研究继续显示肠道健康的重要性。如果你没有一个健康的肠道,它会影响大脑,它会影响肝脏和许多其他组织。因此,即使想象微塑料在肠道中起作用,长期接触也会导致全身影响。”

无处不在的存在和研究重点(Pervasive Presence and Research Focus)

新墨西哥大学医学院内科系胃肠病及肝病科(Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology in the UNM School of Medicine’s Department of Internal Medicine)副教授、粘膜免疫学专家、新墨西哥大学微塑料研究的带头人埃利塞奥·卡斯蒂略博士说:“在过去的几十年里,海洋、动物和植物、自来水和瓶装水中都发现了微塑料。它们似乎是无处不在。”

摄入和内效(Ingestion and Internal Effects)

科学家估计,人们每周平均摄入5 g塑料微粒,相当于一张信用卡的重量。当其他研究人员正在帮助识别和量化摄入的微塑料时,埃利塞奥·卡斯蒂略和他的团队专注于微塑料在体内的作用,特别是对胃肠道{gastrointestinal (GI) tract}和肠道免疫系统的作用。

实验研究与发现(Experimental Studies and Findings)

在四周的时间里,埃利塞奥·卡斯蒂略、博士后马库斯·加西亚(Marcus Garcia)和其他新墨西哥大学的研究人员将老鼠暴露在含微塑料的饮用水环境中。据信,这一数量相当于人类每周摄入的微塑料量。研究小组发现,微塑料已经从肠道迁移到肝脏、肾脏甚至大脑的组织中。该研究还表明,微塑料改变了受影响组织的代谢途径。

关注与未来研究(Concerns and Future Research)



对免疫系统和慢性病的影响(Impacts on Immune System and Chronic Conditions)



正在进行的调查和潜在的发现(Ongoing Investigations and Potential Discoveries)

2021年在《细胞生物学及毒理学》(Cell Biology & Toxicology杂志上发表的一篇论文中,埃利塞奥·卡斯蒂略和其他新墨西哥大学的研究人员发现,当巨噬细胞遇到并摄入微塑料时,它们的功能会发生改变,并释放炎症分子(inflammatory molecules)。

埃利塞奥·卡斯蒂略说:“它正在改变细胞的新陈代谢,从而改变炎症反应。在慢性疾病的肠道炎症状态下,如溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis)和克罗恩病(Crohn’s disease),这两种都是炎症性肠病。这些巨噬细胞变得更炎症,它们在肠道中更丰富。”

饮食在微塑料吸收中的作用(Diet’s Role in Microplastic Uptake

埃利塞奥·卡斯蒂略的下一阶段研究由博士后萨米拉·帕达克(Sumira Phatak)博士领导,将探索饮食如何参与微塑料的摄取。


埃利塞奥·卡斯蒂略说,他的一名博士生亚伦·罗梅罗(Aaron Romero)也在努力了解肠道微生物群变化的原因。多个研究小组已经表明,微塑料改变了微生物群,但它是如何改变微生物群的还没有得到解决。”


未来发展方向和社会影响(Future Directions and Societal Impact


本研究得到了美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health简称NIH)的国家研究资源中心和国家推进转化科学中心{National Center for Research Resources and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through NIH grants 1R01 ES032037-01A1, UL1TR001449, P20GM121176, P20GM130422, P30CA118100, K12GM088021}以及美国国家少数民族健康和健康差距研究所(National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities简称NIMHD(NIMHD grant P50MD015706)的部分资助。



Background: Global plastic use has consistently increased over the past century with several different types of plastics now being produced. Much of these plastics end up in oceans or landfills leading to a substantial accumulation of plastics in the environment. Plastic debris slowly degrades into microplastics (MPs) that can ultimately be inhaled or ingested by both animals and humans. A growing body of evidence indicates that MPs can cross the gut barrier and enter into the lymphatic and systemic circulation leading to accumulation in tissues such as the lungs, liver, kidney, and brain. The impacts of mixed MPs exposure on tissue function through metabolism remains largely unexplored.

Objectives: This study aims to investigate the impacts of polymer microspheres on tissue metabolism in mice by assessing the microspheres ability to translocate across the gut barrier and enter into systemic circulation. Specifically, we wanted to examine microsphere accumulation in different organ systems, identify concentration-dependent metabolic changes, and evaluate the effects of mixed microsphere exposures on health outcomes.

Methods: To investigate the impact of ingested microspheres on target metabolic pathways, mice were exposed to either polystyrene (5μm) microspheres or a mixture of polymer microspheres consisting of polystyrene (5μm), polyethylene (1–4μm), and the biodegradability and biocompatible plastic, poly-(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (5μm). Exposures were performed twice a week for 4 weeks at a concentration of either 0, 2, or 4mg/week via oral gastric gavage. Tissues were collected to examine microsphere ingress and changes in metabolites.

Results: In mice that ingested microspheres, we detected polystyrene microspheres in distant tissues including the brain, liver, and kidney. Additionally, we report on the metabolic differences that occurred in the colon, liver, and brain, which showed differential responses that were dependent on concentration and type of microsphere exposure.

Discussion: This study uses a mouse model to provide critical insight into the potential health implications of the pervasive issue of plastic pollution. These findings demonstrate that orally consumed polystyrene or mixed polymer microspheres can accumulate in tissues such as the brain, liver, and kidney. Furthermore, this study highlights concentration-dependent and polymer type-specific metabolic changes in the colon, liver, and brain after plastic microsphere exposure. These results underline the mobility within and between biological tissues of MPs after exposure and emphasize the importance of understanding their metabolic impact. 





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