表面等离激元光子学的突破开启了量子技术的新纪元 精选
2024-3-13 18:26




LSU researchers have made a significant discovery related to the fundamental properties and behavior of plasmonic waves, which can lead ot the development of more sensitive and robust quantum technologies. Credit: LSU

据美国路易斯安那州立大学(Louisiana State University简称LSU2024310日提供的消息,表面等离激元光子学的突破开启了量子技术的新纪元(Plasmonics Breakthrough Unleashes New Era of Quantum Technologies)。相关研究结果于2024229日已经在《自然物理》(Nature Physics)杂志网站发表——Mingyuan HongRiley B. DawkinsBenjamin BertoniChenglong YouOmar S. Magaña-Loaiza. Nonclassical near-field dynamics of surface plasmons. Nature Physics, 2024. DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02426-y. Published: 29 February 2024. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-024-02426-y

在此文中,路易斯安那州立大学量子光子学小组(LSU Quantum Photonics Group)对表面等离激元(surface plasmons)的基本特征提出了新的见解,挑战了现有的理解。量子研究人员揭示了量子技术的重要含义。

根据副教授奥马尔·马加尼亚-洛艾萨(Omar Magaña-Loaiza)的实验室进行的实验和理论研究,这些新发现标志着量子表面等离激元光子学(quantum plasmonics)的重大进步,可能是过去十年中最值得注意的。

重新思考等离激元行为(Rethinking Plasmonic Behavior)

虽然该领域先前的研究主要集中在等离激元系统(plasmonic systems)的集体行为上,但路易斯安那州立大学的研究小组采用了一种独特的方法。通过将等离激元波(plasmonic waves)视为一个谜题,他们能够分离出多粒子子系统,或者将这个谜题分解成碎片。这让研究小组看到了不同的部分是如何一起工作的,并揭示了不同的画面,或者在这种情况下,表面等离激元(surface plasmons)的新行为。


等离激元的量子力学(Quantum Mechanics of Plasmons)

上述研究的共同第一作者之一、该项理论研究的领导者、研究生莱利·道金斯(Riley Dawkins)解释说:“我们发现,如果我们观察等离激元波的量子子系统,我们可以看到相反的模式,更清晰的模式和相反的干扰,这与经典行为完全相反。”


对量子技术的影响(Implications for Quantum Technologies)



量子研究的里程碑(A Milestone in Quantum Research)

这项研究将对量子等离激元光子学(quantum plasmonics)领域产生重大影响,因为世界各地的研究人员将利用这些发现进行量子模拟。助理研究教授(Assistant Research Professor)、上述论文的通讯作者游成龙(Chenglong You音译)强调说:“我们的发现不仅揭示了量子系统中这种有趣的新行为,而且它也是有史以来粒子数量最多的量子等离激元系统,仅这一点就将量子物理学提升到了另一个水平。”

研究生、共同第一作者洪明远(Mingyuan Hong音译)领导了这项研究的实验阶段。尽管量子表面等离激元光子学系统(quantum plasmonics systems)很复杂,但洪明远指出,他在实验中的主要挑战是外部干扰。“由于等离子体样品的极端敏感性,来自各种来源(如道路建设)的振动构成了一个重大挑战。然而,我们最终成功地从等离激元波中提取了量子特性,这是一个提高敏感量子技术的突破。这一成就可能为未来的量子模拟开辟新的可能性。”

上述发表于《自然物理学》(Nature Physics)杂志的研究成果,完全是在美国路易斯安那州立大学(LSU)进行。参与研究的所有作者都隶属于LSU 物理与天文学系(Department of Physics and Astronomy at LSU)。“让我感到非常自豪是,还有当时的高中生也成为上述论文的共同作者,”奥马尔·马加尼亚-洛艾萨说。

新研究是2021年发表于《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志论文后续的进一步研究。《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)论文详见:Chenglong YouMingyuan HongNarayan BhusalJinnan ChenMario A. Quiroz-JuárezJoshua FabreFatemeh MostafaviJunpeng GuoIsrael De LeonRoberto de J. León-MontielOmar S. Magaña-Loaiza. Observation of the modification of quantum statistics of plasmonic systems. Nature Communications, 2021, 12, Article number: 5161. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-25489-4. Published: 27 August 2021. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-25489-4

路易斯安那州立大学物理与天文学系(Department of Physics and Astronomy at LSU)的量子光子学小组(Quantum Photonics Group)研究光的新特性及其发展量子技术的潜力。该团队还在量子表面等离激元光子学(quantum plasmonics)、量子成像(quantum imaging)、量子计量(quantum metrology)、量子模拟(quantum simulation)、量子通信(quantum communication)和量子密码学(quantum cryptography)等领域进行实验研究。

上述发表于《自然物理》(Nature Physics)杂志的研究,得到了美国能源部(US Department of Energy),基础能源科学办公室(Office of Basic Energy Sciences),材料科学与工程部(Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering)的资助(US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering under Award DE-SC0021069)。还有美国陆军研究办公室通过早期职业计划(ECP) 的支持{ Army Research Office (ARO), through the Early Career Program (ECP) under the grant no. W911NF-22-1-0088}


Abstract (DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02426-y)

The coupling of photons to collective charge oscillations at the surface of a metal to form surface-plasmon polaritons enables strong confinement of electromagnetic near fields in the vicinity of photonic nanostructures. Even though surface plasmons are formed from bosons and fermions, this kind of near-field wave exhibits bosonic properties in the limit of many electrons. Here we show that the classical near-field dynamics of surface plasmons are defined by nonclassical processes of scattering among their constituent multiparticle subsystems. We isolate multiparticle plasmonic subsystems to demonstrate that their quantum dynamics are governed by either bosonic or fermionic processes of coherence. We also discuss the quantum-coherence properties of plasmonic fields excited by the vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. Our findings uncover multiparticle properties of electromagnetic near fields with important implications for quantum technology.

Abstract (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-25489-4)

For almost two decades, researchers have observed the preservation of the quantum statistical properties of bosons in a large variety of plasmonic systems. In addition, the possibility of preserving nonclassical correlations in light-matter interactions mediated by scattering among photons and plasmons stimulated the idea of the conservation of quantum statistics in plasmonic systems. It has also been assumed that similar dynamics underlie the conservation of the quantum fluctuations that define the nature of light sources. So far, plasmonic experiments have been performed in nanoscale systems in which complex multiparticle interactions are restrained. Here, we demonstrate that the quantum statistics of multiparticle systems are not always preserved in plasmonic platforms and report the observation of their modification. Moreover, we show that optical near fields provide additional scattering paths that can induce complex multiparticle interactions. Remarkably, the resulting multiparticle dynamics can, in turn, lead to the modification of the excitation mode of plasmonic systems. These observations are validated through the quantum theory of optical coherence for single- and multi-mode plasmonic systems. Our findings unveil the possibility of using multiparticle scattering to perform exquisite control of quantum plasmonic systems.





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