基因编辑为遗传性疾病患者带来了希望 精选
2024-2-6 18:47



据新西兰奥克兰大学(University of Auckland202422日提供的消息,一组患有严重遗传疾病的新西兰(New Zealand)患者在接受一次基因编辑治疗后,已经停止了药物治疗。据首席研究人员称,一组患有遗传性疾病的患者通过一种突破性的基因编辑疗法的单一治疗改变了他们的生活(Gene-editing offers hope for people with hereditary disorder)。

来自新西兰、荷兰(Netherlands)和英国(UK)的患者患有遗传性血管性水肿(Hereditary angioedema),这是一种遗传性疾病,其特征是严重、疼痛和不可预测的肿胀发作。这些会干扰日常生活,影响呼吸道,甚至致命。

现在,奥克兰大学、荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学医学中心(Amsterdam University Medical Center)和英国剑桥大学医院(Cambridge University Hospitals)等机构的研究人员已经成功地用CRISPR/Cas9疗法治疗了十多名患者,中期结果于202421日已经在《新英格兰医学杂志》(New England Journal of Medicine)网站发表——Hilary J. Longhurst, Karen Lindsay, Remy S. Petersen, Lauré M. Fijen, Padmalal Gurugama, David Maag, James S. Butler, Mrinal Y. Shah, Adele Golden, Yuanxin Xu, Carri Boiselle, Joseph D. Vogel, Ahmed M. Abdelhady, Michael L. Maitland, Mark D. McKee, Jessica Seitzer, Bo W. Han, Samantha Soukamneuth, John Leonard, Laura Sepp-Lorenzino, Eliana D. Clark, David Lebwohl, Danny M. Cohn. CRISPR-Cas9 In Vivo Gene Editing of KLKB1 for Hereditary Angioedema. New England Journal of Medicine, 2024, 390 (5): 432-441. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2309149. February 1, 2024.http://dx.doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2309149.

参与此项研究的有来自新西兰奥克兰市立医院(Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand)、新西兰奥克兰大学(University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand)、荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学(University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands)、英国剑桥NHS基金会信托剑桥大学医院(Cambridge University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom)以及英国剑桥Intellia治疗公司(Intellia Therapeutics, Cambridge, United Kingdom)的研究人员。

奥克兰医院的临床免疫学家、奥克兰大学的名誉副教授、此项研究的首席研究员希拉里·朗赫斯特博士(Dr Hilary Longhurst)说:“看起来单剂量治疗将为我的遗传性血管性水肿患者的严重致残症状提供永久治疗。此外,当然,还有开发类似的CRISPR/Cas9治疗方法,治疗其他遗传疾病的潜力巨大。”

在全球范围内,估计每5万人中就有1人患有遗传性血管性水肿,然而,由于它很罕见,通常无法正确诊断。在第一阶段研究中,单一输注没有出现严重或持久的副作用,从2021年底开始,在临床监督下进行了2~4 h的输注。

这项名为NTLA-2002的研究疗法,利用体内CRISPR/Cas9技术靶向KLKB1基因,该基因负责产生血浆前激肽释放酶(plasma prekallikrein)。通过编辑该基因,该疗法降低了总血浆激肽释放酶(plasma kallikrein)水平,有效防止血管性水肿(肿胀)发作。 

《新英格兰医学杂志》(New England Journal of Medicine)发表的此项试验表明,与剂量相关的总血浆激肽释放酶蛋白减少,减少了高达95%。在最近的随访中,所有患者的血管性水肿发作平均减少了95%。最初研究中的患者将进一步随访15年,以继续评估长期安全性和有效性。一项规模更大、更稳健、双盲、安慰剂对照的二期试验正在进行中,三期试验计划于2024年下半年开始。

阿姆斯特丹大学医学中心血管医学系(Department of Vascular Medicine at the Amsterdam University Medical Center)的丹尼·科恩博士(Dr Danny Cohn)说,这些有希望的结果对这群病人来说是向前迈出的一步。“我们从未如此接近使遗传性血管性水肿患者的生活正常化和完全控制疾病的最终治疗目标。”

英国剑桥大学医院临床免疫学和过敏症顾问帕德玛拉尔·古鲁甘梅博士(Dr Padmalal Gurugama)表示,“基因编辑疗法有可能显著改善患者的生活。遗传性血管性水肿可导致患者严重肿胀和剧烈疼痛,危及生命,并限制正常活动,如上班或上学。由于经常误诊,许多患者接受了不必要的治疗和侵入性手术。”


这些研究是由美国Intellia Therapeutics公司资助的,该公司选择新西兰领导这项研究,因为当时——2021年底,新西兰的Covid-19病例比其他国家相对较少。

到目前为止,唯一被批准的CRISPR疗法CASGEVY用于治疗镰状细胞病(sickle cell disease)和b地中海贫血(beta thalassemia)。然而,CASGEVY是一种体外CRISPR疗法,从患者身上取出细胞并在体外进行编辑,然后重新输注,而NTLA-2002是一种体内CRISPR疗法,其目标基因编辑直接在体内进行。

CRISPR技术正被用于开发各种疾病的治疗方法,如遗传病(genetic disease)、心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease)、癌症(cancer)以及自身免疫性疾病(autoimmune diseases)。




Hereditary angioedema is a rare genetic disease that leads to severe and unpredictable swelling attacks. NTLA-2002 is an in vivo gene-editing therapy based on clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)–CRISPR-associated protein 9. NTLA-2002 targets the gene encoding kallikrein B1 (KLKB1), with the goal of lifelong control of angioedema attacks after a single dose.


In this phase 1 dose-escalation portion of a combined phase 1–2 trial of NTLA-2002 in adults with hereditary angioedema, we administered NTLA-2002 at a single dose of 25 mg, 50 mg, or 75 mg. The primary end points were the safety and side-effect profile of NTLA-2002 therapy. Secondary and exploratory end points included pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and clinical efficacy determined on the basis of investigator-confirmed angioedema attacks.


Three patients received 25 mg of NTLA-2002, four received 50 mg, and three received 75 mg. At all dose levels, the most common adverse events were infusion-related reactions and fatigue. No dose-limiting toxic effects, serious adverse events, grade 3 or higher adverse events, or clinically important laboratory findings were observed after the administration of NTLA-2002. Dose-dependent reductions in the total plasma kallikrein protein level were observed between baseline and the latest assessment, with a mean percentage change of −67% in the 25-mg group, −84% in the 50-mg group, and −95% in the 75-mg group. The mean percentage change in the number of angioedema attacks per month between baseline and weeks 1 through 16 (primary observation period) was −91% in the 25-mg group, −97% in the 50-mg group, and −80% in the 75-mg group. Among all the patients, the mean percentage change in the number of angioedema attacks per month from baseline through the latest assessment was −95%.


In this small study, a single dose of NTLA-2002 led to robust, dose-dependent, and durable reductions in total plasma kallikrein levels, and no severe adverse events were observed. In exploratory analyses, reductions in the number of angioedema attacks per month were observed at all dose levels. (Funded by Intellia Therapeutics; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT05120830. opens in new tab.)





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