研究利用手性声子转化量子效应 精选
2023-11-11 20:40




Fig. 1 Chiral phonons excited by the circularly polarized terahertz light pulses generate ultrafast magnetization in cerium fluoride. Fluorine ions (red, fuchsia) are set into motion by circularly polarized terahertz light pulses (yellow spiral), where red denotes the ions with the largest motion in the chiral phonon mode. The cerium ion is represented in teal. The compass needle represents the magnetization induced by the rotating atoms. Credit: Mario Norton and Jiaming Luo/Rice University


Fig. 2 Tong Lin (from left), Hanyu Zhu and Jiaming Luo at EQUAL lab. Credit: Jeff Fitlow/Rice University


Fig. 3 Jiaming Luo is a Rice graduate student in applied physics and a lead author on the study. (Photo by Jeff Fitlow/Rice University)


Fig. 4 Hanyu Zhu is the William Marsh Rice Chair and assistant professor of materials science and nanoengineering at Rice University. (Photo by Jeff Fitlow/Rice University)


Fig. 5 Boris Yakobson is Rice’s Karl F. Hasselmann Professor of Engineering and a professor of materials science and nanoengineering and of chemistry. (Photo by Jeff Fitlow/Rice University)

据美国莱斯大学(Rice University, Houston, TX, USA2023119日提供的消息,该校研究人员利用手性声子转化量子效应(Study leverages chiral phonons for transformative quantum effect)。

莱斯大学量子材料科学家朱翰宇实验室 Hanyu Zhu lab)的研究人员发现,当原子做圆周运动时,它们也能创造奇迹:当稀土(rare-earth)晶体中的原子晶格(atomic lattice)因被称为手性声子chiral phonon)的螺旋形振动而变得活跃时,晶体变成了磁铁。相关研究结果于2023119日已经在《科学》(Science)杂志网站发表——Jiaming LuoTong LinJunjie ZhangXiaotong ChenElizabeth R. BlackertRui XuBoris I. YakobsonHanyu Zhu. Large effective magnetic fields from chiral phonons in rare-earth halides. Science, 9 Nov 2023, 382(6671): 698-702. DOI: 10.1126/science.adi9601. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adi9601

上述论文的主要作者罗佳明(Jiaming Luo音译,Fig. 3)是莱斯大学应用物理学专业的研究生。量子材料是未来闪电速度、节能信息系统的关键。挖掘其变革潜力的问题在于,在固体中,大量的原子常常淹没了电子所具有的奇异量子特性。

根据发表在《科学》(Science)杂志上的这项研究,将氟化铈cerium fluoride)暴露在超快光脉冲( ultrafast pulses)下,会使其原子进行舞蹈,瞬间吸引电子自旋,使它们与原子旋转对齐。否则,这种排列需要强大的磁场来激活,因为氟化铈具有天然顺磁性,即使在零温度下也具有随机定向的自旋(randomly oriented spins)。

莱斯大学材料科学家兼合著者鲍里斯·雅科布森Boris YakobsonFig. 5)表示:每个电子都具有磁自旋magnetic spin),就像嵌入材料中的微小罗盘针一样,对局部磁场做出反应。手性(Chirality——也称为是不对称(handedness),因为左右手相互镜像​​而不重叠——不应该影响电子自旋的能量。但在这种情况下,原子晶格的手性运动使材料内部的自旋极化,就像施加了大磁场一样。


莱斯大学威廉·马什·莱斯主席(Rice's William Marsh Rice Chair)、材料科学和纳米工程助理教授朱翰宇(Hanyu Zhu, Fig.4)说:原子运动对电子的影响是令人惊讶的,因为电子比原子轻得多,速度也快得多。电子通常可以立即适应新的原子位置,忘记它们之前的轨迹。如果原子顺时针或逆时针移动,即在时间上向前或向后移动,材料特性将保持不变——物理学家将这种现象称为时间反转对称性time-reversal symmetry)。

原子集体运动打破时间反转对称性的想法相对较新。手性声子现已在几种不同的材料中得到实验证明(experimentally demonstrated),但它们如何影响材料特性尚不清楚。

朱翰宇说:我们想要定量测量手性声子对材料的电学、光学和磁学特性的影响。因为自旋指的是电子的旋转,而声子描述的是原子的旋转,因此人们天真地期望两者可能会相互交谈。因此,我们决定关注一种称为自旋-声子耦合(spin-phonon coupling)的迷人现象。

自旋-声子耦合在现实应用中发挥着重要作用,例如在硬盘上写入数据。今年早些时候,朱翰宇研究小组展示了单分子层(single molecular layers)中自旋-声子耦合的新实例,其中原子线性移动并振动自旋。


莱斯大学应用物理研究生(applied physics graduate student)、该研究的主要作者罗佳明(Jiaming Luo音译解释道:我们的声子频率约为 10太赫兹(10 THz),没有现成的光源,我们通过混合强烈的红外光并扭转电场来与手性声子对话来产生光脉冲。此外,我们还采用了另外两个红外光脉冲来分别监测自旋和原子运动。

除了从研究结果中得出的对自旋-声子耦合的见解之外,实验设计和设置还将有助于为未来的磁性和量子材料(quantum materials)研究提供信息。

朱翰宇说:我们希望定量测量手性声子的磁场可以帮助我们开发实验方案来研究动态材料(dynamic materials)中的新物理学(novel physics)。我们的目标是通过光或量子涨落(quantum fluctuations)等外部场来设计自然界中不存在的材料。
National Science Foundation: DMR-2005096; 1842494; DMR-2240106)、韦尔奇基金会(Welch Foundation: C-2128)、美国陆军研究办公室(Army Research Office: W911NF-16-1-0255)和美国海军研究办公室(Office of Naval Research Grant: N00014-22-1-2753)的支持。


Editor’s summary

The manipulation and control of the optoelectronic properties of a material finds application across a range of fields. However, doing so by applying electric or magnetic fields can be slow and not always practical. Luo et al. have shown that chiral phonons driven by ultrafast pulses of circularly polarized terahertz radiation can induce magnetic fields on the order of one tesla in the rare earth trihalide cerium fluoride (see the Perspective by Kaindl). Such control of spin-phonon coupling provides a route to on-demand ultrafast, large magnetic fields on an atomic scale that would be useful for both fundamental materials science and the development of energy-efficient spintronic devices. —Ian S. Osborne


Time-reversal symmetry (TRS) is pivotal for materials’ optical, magnetic, topological, and transport properties. Chiral phonons, characterized by atoms rotating unidirectionally around their equilibrium positions, generate dynamic lattice structures that break TRS. Here, we report that coherent chiral phonons, driven by circularly polarized terahertz light pulses, polarize the paramagnetic spins in cerium fluoride in a manner similar to that of a quasi-static magnetic field on the order of 1 tesla. Through time-resolved Faraday rotation and Kerr ellipticity, we found that the transient magnetization is only excited by pulses resonant with phonons, proportional to the angular momentum of the phonons, and growing with magnetic susceptibility at cryogenic temperatures. The observation quantitatively agrees with our spin-phonon coupling model and may enable new routes to investigating ultrafast magnetism, energy-efficient spintronics, and nonequilibrium phases of matter with broken TRS.





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