2023-11-5 20:39



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Image: The Monolithically Integrated Photo Battery Made Of Organic Materials Achieves A Discharge Potential Of 3.6 Volts. Picture: Robin Wessling

据德国弗莱堡大学University of Freiburg, Albertstr., Freiburg, Germany2023113日提供的消息,德国弗莱堡大学和乌尔姆大学(Ulm University, Albert-Einstein-Allee, Ulm, Germany)的研究人员开发了一种使用有机材料的单片集成光电池(monolithically integrated photo battery),使光电池实现有竞争力的电压(Photo Battery Achieves Competitive Voltage)。由有机材料制成的单片集成光电池的放电电位可达3.6 V

联网智能设备和传感器可以通过实时监控消费品和建筑物的消耗来提高其能源效率。在物联网概念下开发的此类微型设备需要尽可能紧凑的能源才能自主运行。在单个系统中同时生成、转换和存储能量的单片集成电池可用于此目的。弗莱堡大学卓越生活、自适应和能源自主材料系统集群 (University of Freiburg’s Cluster of Excellence Living, Adaptive, and Energy-Autonomous Materials Systems简称MatS) 的科学家团队开发了一种单片集成光电池,由有机聚合物电池和多结有机太阳能电池组成。该电池由弗莱堡大学的罗德里戈·德尔加多·安德烈斯 (Rodrigo Delgado Andrés)和乌利·沃费尔博士(Dr. Uli Würfel)以及乌尔姆大学的罗宾·韦斯林(Robin Wessling)和比吉特·埃塞尔(Birgit Esser)开发了第一个由有机材料制成的单片集成光电池,放电电压达到3.6 V。因此,它是此类能够为微型设备供电的首批系统之一。该团队的研究结果于2023921日已经在《能源与环境科学》(Energy & Environmental Science)杂志网站发表——Rodrigo Delgado Andrés, Robin Wessling, Jan Büttner, Leonie Pap, Anna Fischer, Birgit Esser, Uli Würfel. Organic photo-battery with high operating voltage using a multi-junction organic solar cell and an organic redox-polymer-based battery. Energy & Environmental Science, 2023, DOI: 10.1039/d3ee01822a. First published: 21 Sep 2023. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/ee/d3ee01822a

多结太阳能电池和双离子电池的组合(Combination of a multi-junction solar cell and a dual-ion battery

研究人员开发了一种可扩展的光电池方法,使他们能够用五个活性层制造有机太阳能电池。该系统利用该太阳能电池实现了4.2 V的相对较高电压,罗宾·韦斯林解释道。该团队将这种多结太阳能电池与所谓的双离子电池结合起来,与传统锂电池的阴极不同,双离子电池能够以高电流充电。通过仔细控制光照强度和放电速率,以这种方式构建的光电池能够在不到15分钟的时间内快速充电,放电容量高达22 mAh/g。结合3.6 V的平均放电电位,该器件可以提供69 mWh/g的功率密度和95 mW/g的功率密度。因此,我们的系统为有机光电池领域更深入的研究和进一步发展奠定了基础,罗宾·韦斯林说。

关于卓越MatS集群(About the Cluster of Excellence MatS

卓越生活、适应性和能源自主材料系统集群 (Cluster of Excellence Living, Adaptive, and Energy-Autonomous Materials Systems简称MatS) 的愿景是将自然和技术这两个世界的精华结合起来。MatS受大自然启发,开发出栩栩如生的材料系统。这些系统自主适应环境,从周围环境中获取清洁能源,并且对损坏不敏感或能够从损坏中恢复。

乌利·沃费尔博士领导弗莱堡大学FMFFreiburg Materials Research Cente)和FITFreiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies)的有机和钙钛矿太阳能电池Organic and Perovskite Solar Cells)小组,并且是弗莱堡大学卓越 MatS 集群的成员。此外,他还是弗劳恩霍夫太阳能系统研究所(Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems简称ISE有机和钙钛矿光伏(rganic and Perovskite Photovoltaics研究课题的负责人。罗德里戈·德尔加多·安德烈斯正在卓越MatS集群的乌利·沃费尔博士的指导下攻读博士学位。罗宾·韦斯林正在比吉特·埃塞尔的指导下在卓越MatS集群攻读博士学位。

本研究由德国研究基金会(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft简称DFG / German Research Foundation)资助{ Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy – EXC-2193/1 – 390951807 (livMatS Cluster of Excellence)}


The demand for small energy devices capable of powering consumer electronics in the frame of the Internet of Things is ever increasing. The constraints placed on the size of these devices requires the design of power sources in the most compact way, for which a viable solution is the combination of energy harvesting and storage in one power pack. Herein, we report on a fully integrated monolithic organic photo-battery, consisting of an organic polymer-based battery, powered by a multi-junction organic solar cell capable of charging up to voltages as high as 4.2 V under varying illumination conditions. The full device demonstrated fast photo-charging within minutes and supplied on-demand discharge capacities of up to 22 mA h g−1 (regarding battery active material) with average discharge potentials of 3.6 V vs. Li/Li+. The combined device constitutes the first monolithically integrated photo-battery made from organic building blocks capable of reaching competitive voltages sufficiently high for use in small, mobile power devices.





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