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核桃:压力大的大学生的理想健脑食品? 精选

已有 6193 次阅读 2023-1-3 19:43 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:科普集锦




A recent clinical trial involving undergraduate students found that consuming walnuts had a positive impact on self-reported mental health and general health biomarkers during their university studies.

众所周知,核桃有益于健康的坚果之一,但澳大利亚南澳大学University of South Australia)202312日的最新报道,给出了另外一种研究结果——核桃是压力大的大学生的理想健脑食品(Walnuts: Ideal Brain Food for Stressed University Students?)。最近一项涉及本科生的临床试验发现,食用核桃对大学学习期间自我报告的心理健康和一般健康生物标志物有积极影响。

压力大的大学生可能希望在下一次考试前几周的日常饮食中加入核桃。本科生在大学学习期间进行的一项新临床试验表明,食用核桃对自我报告的心理健康指标和总体健康生物标志物有积极影响。相关研究结果于20221111日已经在《营养学》(Nutrients)杂志网站发表——Mauritz F. HerselmanSheree BaileyPermal DeoXin-Fu ZhouKate M. GunnLarisa Bobrovskaya. The Effects of Walnuts and Academic Stress on Mental Health, General Well-Being and the Gut Microbiota in a Sample of University Students: A Randomised Clinical Trial. Nutrients, 2022, 14(22): 4776.  Published: 11 November 2022. DOI: 10.3390/nu14224776. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/22/4776


上述论文的第一作者、博士生莫里兹·赫尔索曼(Mauritz Herselman)和通讯作者、副教授Larisa Bobrovskaya 表示,越来越多的证据表明,核桃与改善大脑和肠道健康有关。


研究者将80名本科生分为治疗组和对照组,分三个时间段进行临床评估,即在为期13周的大学学期开始时、考试期间和考试后两周。在这三个时间间隔内,治疗组的受试者每天食用核桃,持续 16 周。



先前的研究表明,核桃富含ω-3脂肪酸(omega-3 fatty acids)、抗氧化剂(antioxidants)以及褪黑激素(melatonin,睡眠诱导激素)、多酚(polyphenols)、叶酸(folate)和维生素Evitamin E),所有这些都能促进大脑和肠道健康。

 “世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)最近表示,至少75%的精神健康障碍会影响24 岁以下的人群,这使得本科生特别容易受到精神健康问题的影响,莫里兹·赫尔索曼说。

Larisa Bobrovskaya 副教授说,心理健康障碍在大学生中很常见,会对学生的学业成绩和长期身体健康产生不利影响。

Larisa Bobrovskaya副教授说:我们已经证明,在压力大的时候吃核桃可以改善大学生的心理健康和整体幸福感,同时它也是一种健康美味的零食和许多食谱中的通用成分,可以对抗学业压力带来的一些负面影响。由于研究中男性人数较少,需要更多研究来确定核桃对大学生的性别依赖和学业压力的影响。安慰剂效应也有可能发挥作用,因为这不是一项盲目研究。

欲了解更多关于这项研究的信息,可以阅读为压力大的大学生准备的健脑食品Healthy Brain Food for Stressed University Students)。

该研究由南澳大利亚大学(University of South Australia简称UniSA)和美国加州核桃委员会(California Walnuts Board & Commission through the New Partner Research Scheme)共同资助。



Poorer mental health is common in undergraduate students due to academic stress. An interplay between stress and diet exists, with stress influencing food choices. Nutritional interventions may be effective in preventing mental health decline due to complex bidirectional interactions between the brain, the gut and the gut microbiota. Previous studies have shown walnut consumption has a positive effect on mental health. Here, using a randomized clinical trial (Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, #ACTRN12619000972123), we aimed to investigate the effects of academic stress and daily walnut consumption in university students on mental health, biochemical markers of general health, and the gut microbiota. We found academic stress had a negative impact on self-reported mood and mental health status, while daily walnut consumption improved mental health indicators and protected against some of the negative effects of academic stress on metabolic and stress biomarkers. Academic stress was associated with lower gut microbial diversity in females, which was improved by walnut consumption. The effects of academic stress or walnut consumption in male participants could not be established due to small numbers of participants. Thus, walnut consumption may have a protective effect against some of the negative impacts of academic stress, however sex-dependent mechanisms require further study.


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