The recent kiiling of a health insurance company CEO is mid-Manhattan has brought forth the matter of Insurance company and its cleints. The issues are:
Most insurance are not non-profit and they have an fundamental conflict of interest with thier clients::
1. They need to make profit for their shareholders. Thus they cannot pay too many claims'
2. They must also guard against fradulent claims and scams'.
On the other hand, individual making claims are up against a gaint company. It is not a level playfield. Legitamte claim can be denied with little recourse. Many people feel frustrated dealing with the insurance company to whom they pay ijnsurance premiums. To resolve this problem, Insurance Agencies were born. You sign up with an insurance agent who represnts you when you wish to make a claim or deal with a claim against you. Yes, you pay a bit more for your insurance. After all, the insurance agents must make a lving for his/her service. But you get peace of mind. The agent also has more leverage dealing with the insurance company since s/he control which comnpany gets your business. I have been doing business with an insurance agent for 65 years and are their oldest and longest client. I think the extra I pay are well worth it. Why?
Look at this another way. Most of us buy life insurance and pay the premuim. but none of us will ever live to see any payback. Still we pay throughout our live and does not regret it because it give us the peace of mind that our dependent will be taking care of when we pass. Same reasoning goes with why we use insruance agentcies. Everyone must pay for services whether it is real or emotional. You make the choice.